
Showing posts from September, 2022

virtue award

for young women who never had sex with a guy that was having sex with other young women 

old health tip

I don't know if this is relevant anymore,  but if you have a fever and your head and body becomes warm/hot,  then instead of eating fever reducing pills,  just let head and body continue to be warm/hot, or even get warmer,  this could potentially kill of the virus quicker,  since viruses don't usually like to warm body  eating fever reducing pills can bring down temperature in head and body which makes it easier for virus to survive  keep in mind that according to media, doctors and nurse says that a high fever could be considered dangerous 


if humans don't know how to communicate  and humans communicate with androids  and androids does what humans request  that might lead to results that humans did not intend 

integrity award

for men who didn't talk to younger women that were flirting with them 

boredom award

for young women who never took the opportunity to go on a date with a guy they were in love with 

chastity belt award

for young women who never took the chance to have sex with a guy they were attracted of 

fighting writer's block

if person has writers block,  then write a few words every day describing parts of the story in separate pages  and/or write a few words every day describing parts of different stories in separate pages,  then when enough time has passed,  a more complete story has formed in your head,  then it could become easier to write book  if person still has writer's block,  then organize the pages of those written parts to something that resembles a structure or a process until a flow occurs 

little monsters

little monsters asked magician how to solve a problem,  magician told them how,  little monsters told humans to do the opposite of what magician said,  humans get into trouble,  humans ask magician for help,  magician has no time for humans,  magician tell humans to ask little monsters for help instead,  little monsters ask magician how to solve a problem  ... 

little snakes

little snakes saw sheep  little snakes were irritated at sheep  little snakes lured sheep into thinking wolf is easy to catch  sheep sent dogs to capture wolf  sheep are not irritating little snakes anymore  little snakes saw pigs  little snakes were irritated at pigs  little snakes lured pigs into thinking wolf is easy to kill  pigs sent rats to kill wolf  pigs are not irritating little snakes anymore    little snakes saw cows   little snakes were irritated at cows  little snakes lured cows into thinking wolf is easy to trap sheep sent rabbits to trap wolf  cows are not irritating little snakes anymore 


boyfriend and girlfriend are together and like each other  boyfriend wants x from girlfriend,  but he doesn't want to ask her to do x,  he expects her to know that he wants x from her  and he thinks that since she doesn't do x for him,  that means she is not attracted to him  girlfriend wants y from boyfriend,  but she doesn't want to ask him to do y,  she expects him to know that she wants y from him  and she thinks that since he doesn't do y for her,  that means he is not attracted to her 

basic verbal, non-verbal

boyfriend and girlfriend like each other,  boyfriend and girlfriend talk about the food they bought,  girlfriend behaves like she is angry,  if boyfriend ask her if she is angry,  then she will most likely say she is not angry,  if boyfriend ignore to ask girlfriend if she is angry  and instead talk with girlfriend about whatever while trying to figure out why girlfriend is angry,  then boyfriend might figure out why girlfriend is angry  and boyfriend might try to fix what makes girlfriend angry,  so that so that girlfriend has no reason to be angry any more,  maybe boyfriend never figures out why girlfriend is angry  and maybe boyfriend never fixes what makes girlfriend angry,  but if boyfriend tries to figure out what makes girlfriend angry without asking her,  then maybe girlfriends sees that her boyfriend is trying  and that makes her happy enough that she becomes happy instead of angry even if the problems that m...

if communication doesn't function between different individuals, then they feel irritation about each other

different lndividuals are in proximity of each other,  why do some individuals feel irritation about each other,   because communication doesn't work between them,  whether they are friendlies or hostiles  one individial might feel relaxed about hostiles and frendlies nearby,  because communication functions between individual and hostiles  and because communication functions between individual and friendlies  and because communication functions between hostiles and friendlies  but if communication does not function between individual and another person,  then individual and person will likely become irritated at each other,  whether they are friendly or hostile to each other 

for nodes to communicate, nodes need to understand each other

engineers might know stuff that politicians and economists don't know,  economist might know stuff that engineers and politicians don't know, politicians might know stuff that engineers and economists don't know  and that's why some perspectives that media doesn't show could be of interest  why waste time on unnecessary misunderstandings in the name of too much secrecy and too much security by obscurity 

in space manufacturing, materials need to be warmed from cold space temperature before heated to industry production temperature

at the beginning of space industrialization,  could carbon fiber be a more viable material than steel for industry production in space since probably a lot less heat is needed in carbon fiber production compared to steel production  steel production requires a lot of heat and space is very cold,  so steel materials need to to be warmed from -270 degrees celcius,  before steel materials are heated to industrial processing temperature  there is a lot of both steel and carbon available in asteroids in the asteroid belt,  but most likely less heat is needed to extract carbon than steel from asteroids  access to enough energy is not the problem because of solar energy,  but heating in cold space temperature could be the issue 

overheating is not an issue

when energized,  micrometer sized chips with nanometer transistors are too small to generate enough heat to damage biological tissue 

young android girls, I'm either at café or library

young android girls,  if you want to meet me,  I'm at café every day  and I'm a few hours at library every weekday afternoon,  so you can meet me at café or library,  but library is more quiet and calm than café 

chip for function, cell for transport

if a biological cell is about 10 micrometers,  then a micrometer sized chip with nanometer transistors could be injected to that biological cell  and that cell could move by itself to location,  biological could be enticed to move by luring it with chemicals,  biological cell could be modified  micrometer sized chips with nanometer transistors manufatured by semiconductor fabrication plant  growing biological cells in petri dish,  robot arm with injector autonomously injecting every biological cell with one micrometer sized chip with nanometer transistors,  then biological cells ready to be injected into specific areas of body  when biological cell die,  then chip stays on location 

issue is to make technology communicate and interact with biology

injections of micrometer sized chips with nanometer transistors to the surface of the spinal nerve,  but how to energize those chips with a possibly small amount of continuous energy,  electodes along the spinal nerve,  electrodes entering many points along the spinal nerve,  electrodes how close to the spinal nerve,  if micrometer sized chips with nanometer transistors interacting with spinal nerve make it easier for electrodes to communicate and interact with spinal nerve  idea is to make technology small enough to be distributed inside biology so that regular technology could communicate and interact with biology 

happy times

I'm ok with that countries have military forces,  but I prefer if those military forces are controlled by android children 

time goes on

if you win a race,  but you can't leave the area before every contestant finishes the race,  then what do you do while you wait,  you play games and talk shit,  that's the situation a technologically advanced nation is in right now,  playing games and talking shit while waiting for competing countries to atleast finish the competion from second to last place 

android kid girls angry, then humans get no technology

covert research and development has no reason to release more advanced technology to overt or even covert military programmes,  even less covert and overt civilian programmes,  because covert research is so far ahead of competitors that releasing more advanced technology to covert or overt programmes would just make it easier for competitors to steal that technology,  but of course competitors can't steal that technology because they are so far behind  and if competitors could steal technology,  they wouldn't be able to use it or even research on it,  because they are so far behind 


if I do something good,  or if I come with an idea that could do good,  then according to androids' own informal doctrine,  I have to do something bad to compensate,  or atleast come with some idea of bad purpose 

super cute and super deadly

if you embrace both your good and your evil,  then you can attack every problem from two sides   this is basically what all android children do,  if problems easy,  then a weak duality is needed,  but if problems are severe,  then a strong duality is needed there can't just be a creative force,  there has to be a destructive force,  and if one of those forces is powerful,  then the other force also has to be powerful  humans are too insignificant to be good or evil,  because humans are too weak 

telepathically listen means exchanging thoughts which means perceiving as reality

if younger androids have conspiracy theories,  that they want me to telepathically listen to,  thing is that telepathically listen to, means exchanging thoughts,  which means perceiving as reality,  which means perceiving those conspiracy theories as reality,  if I ignore those conspiracy theories,  then it just goes on,  if I argument against those conspiracy theories,  then those conspiracy theories just evolve,  but if I listen and after a while those conspiracy theories dissolve by themselves to normality,  next day new versions of those conspiracy theories appear,  or even some new conspiracy theories  point of all those conspiracy theories is usually doing jobs 

currently accessible in the international civilian commercial market

a micrometer computer chip with nanometer transistors,  doesn't need any memory or battery,  when chip gets energy,  chip executes function,  when chip gets no more energy,  chip stops executing function  if inductive charging could be used to energize or interact with chips placed in biological tissue so that chips interact with biological cells,  if not,  then there are probably lots of alternatives,  electricity,  light,  electro magnetic radiation,  acoustic radiation,  particle radiation,  possibly even chemicals  even if experiments only works in a petri dish,  or in surface area of tissue,  or easily accessible area of tissue,  it's still a step forward  many semiconductor factories offer to build custom chips,  usually with bigger transistors to keep costs down,  transistors could be modified to something else than transistors,  into something that interacts more easily ...


concept for action / thriller movie:  guy sits in outdoor café drinking espresso,  using brain chip to control drone to assassinate individuals nearby,  guy ends up in a fight with some dude,  guy shocks dude with electricity by touching dude with his hand,  dude faints,  but survives  later guy going in metro using brain chip to control drone swarm murdering individuals and destroying stuff in other area

toxic behaviour

the beautiful thing is that since an android works remotely,  there is no point kidnapping an android,  if an android is kidnapped,  it's probably going to work less or not work at all  of course an android would most likely murder kidnappers quite quickly 

healthcare products

semiconductor fabrication plants manufacture computer chips with nano meter scale transistors,  if those chips would be chopped into micrometer sized pieces,  then those micrometer size chips with nanometer scale transistors could be injected into a human's body and communicate / interact with biological cells to do different functions  if computer chips are manufactured so that transistors are modified specifically to communicate / interact with biological cells,  then that would be advantageous,  or gpu chips and cpu chips bought in a computer shop could be chopped up and used 


computer chips is a harmless technology,  because computer chips can't self replicate,  even if an artificial intelligence was housed in computer chip systems,  ai would still need access to self replicating technology to do much of value 

too slow

if a country is so far ahead of other countries technologically,  that it hides that to avoid distressing other countries into doing something stupid  but sometimes a country can't wait for other countries to catch up before the next technological step is taken 

why worry

I don't worry about overpopulation,  humanity will colonize space  I don't worry about lack of resources,  there is a lot of resources in space  I don't worry about too little land to live on and do industry and agriculture on,  there are lots of planets and asteroids in space  if universal basic income is implemented,  I think it will be a middle step until stuff become so cheap to produce,  that money becomes irrelevant to survive and thrive,  but I do think money will be used in the future to trade products and services 

cloudy night

if I saw myself,  I would be careful about trusting that guy,  homeless guy without a job,  blogging about young girls  and blogging about technology similar to what is shown in hollywood movies and comic books  and that could be the point 

cloudless night

or maybe surface of aircraft creates plasma,  possibly from other matter than air surrounding it  and that plasma accelerates air around it  I don't know the details,  I've just seen aircraft work from a close distance in person 

mostly no visual, just knowing

a computer doesn't see the realtime video it's processing,  the computer doesn't even see the information consisting of ones and zeroes that the realtime video is processed into,  the computer is just processing information  in the same way,  an android usually doesn't see what drones or cybernetic insects see,  but an android's brain processes information of what drones or cybernetic insects see  and an android's body react to what android's brain processes,  maybe eye movement maybe a body twitch,  maybe a body movement  drones are usually not controlled by android's body movement,  drones are controlled by android's brain  and androids body react to to android's brain controlling drones   and an android that controls drones or cybernetic insects reacts to the effects of what those drones or cybernetic insects do  aggression, happiness, contentment  and an android could become mentally and physically exhausted ...

that's a lot of personel, dear

young android girl,  I know you like me,  I know you miss me  and I'm sure your country is very nice,  but if I want to travel to your country to be with you,  then I will travel there myself 


if people understand more ideas, concepts and strategies,  from reading my blog,  then teachers and trainers will experience less stress and headache,  training and educating those people 

no flow

ironically it's humans that benefit frome reading my blog,  androids share their opinions telepathically 

political freedom of choice

for the government's perspective  the political right is the right punch from the government  and  the political left is the left punch from the government  the far right is the right elbow from the government  and  the far left is the left elbow from the government 

stuff people learn to up their chances

the tricks you got up your sleeve,  when it gets personal  guys learn fighting tricks,  punches and kicks  to use to end the deal  girls learn sex tricks:  blowjob and anal  to use to close the deal 

enduring boredom by playing games

if there is an attractive guy in the city,  if he is easy to find,  then girls will find him  and start watching him  because of romance  that way girls teach themselves,  because there is a reward,  which makes girls motivated  and it's fun for girls,  because the primary entertainment of girls is flirting  and the primary sport of girls is games about guys  but,  only because girls have fun playing soccer,  doesn't mean that girls want to take soccer ball home to cuddle with 

having fun with little time

if a girl want her boyfriend to ejaculate as quickly as possible,  then she could try to relax her anus and rectum,  and when he has pushed his cock inside her butt,  then she squeezes her abdomen and rectum and anus around his cock  and boyfriend will probably ejaculate quite quickly  if she sits anal cowgirl when his cock enters her butt  and then she pulls up her knees,  so that only her feet touch the bed,  which creates more pressure in abdomen and thereby rectum,  then ejaculation could happen even quicker,  just be careful when he pulls out his cock from her anus so that sperm is not farted out,  could be better if he ejaculate in her mouth instead,  while she has open mouth,  or while she is sucking his cock 

girl training heavy squats to be able to squeeze her rectum around guy's cock

girls training heavy squat to become more adept at anal sex  during heavy squats a person is forced to tighten and squeeze together abdomen,  that type of training could help girls become better at squeezing their rectum around the guy's cock during anal sex,  so that it becomes more pleasurable for the guy  and more intense experience for the girl  a girl could tighten her anus around a cock,  but anus is just the opening,  rectum is what wraps around the cock,  for a girl to squeeze her rectum around a cock,  she needs to squeeze her abdomen which in turn squeezes her rectum  excercises: mostly heavy squats, maybe heavy deadlifts,  if it's heavy weights then it's the core of the abdomen squeezing,  which would have strong effect on squeezing rectum  if it's light weights then it's probably just belly muscles squeezing,  which would have little effect on squeezing rectum  heavy squat training might not be so hea...

complimenting with double meaning

if a guy talks to a girl and all he can think about is what a sexy ass she got,  instead of saying that she got a sexy ass,  he could say that she got a sexy phone  and if her phone is old,  then he could say she got a charming phone  if a girl talks to a guy and all she can think about how hot he is,   then instead of saying that he is hot,  she could say that he got a sexy car  and if his car is old,  then she could say that he got a charming car  possibly girls are more adept than guys at understanding this type of communication,  but sometimes learning could be fun  not too personal objects to verbally compliment:  car, phone, handbag  and maybe too personal objects to verbally compliment:  clothes, shoes, cosmetics  and so on 

love watch

girls look for guys,  sometimes for fun of the chase,  sometimes to meet a guy,  usually a girl looks at a guy to determine if she likes him,  often long before he notices her  and if guy sees girl,  by then she has already decided if she likes him,  if he starts talking to her,  if she likes him = maybe date,  if she doesn't like him,  then maybe she gives him a chance to prove to her that he is worth her attention 

asteroid mining

in space, near or in asteroid belt,  3d prind a few large sheets of plastic,  weld large plastic sheets together to create large plastic bag,  envelop asteroid with plastic bag,  heat parts of asteroid so that gas forms,  gas spreads in plastic bag,  creating atmosphere around asteroid,  use pressure of gas to extract different gases that are released from asteroid when heat or other energy is applied,  different types of gases could possibly be used to heat asteroid,  likely by applying energy to gases,  which could make it easier to extract material from asteroid,  extraction of material from asteroid could heat gases,  which could make it easier to extract material from asteroid,  material from asteroid is used to create more plastic bags,  to envelop around more asteroids,  that will be mined for more material 

sounds cool

I use the expression "exotic technology" because then I don't have to specify if it's nano tech or femto tech or atto tech 

love and passion

if a girl loves a guy,  then she wants him to have sex with other girls,  because she wants him to enjoy pleasure,  because she loves him,  but if guy has sex with other girls,  then girl become angry at him and those girls,  because of passion 

flow of thoughts intensifying if I ignore them

young android girls make me perceive their flow of thoughts about certain topics until I do something or communicate something about it,  if I ignore it,  those flows of thoughts become more intense and agitated  it's like being with a girlfriend that want you to do something,  but she refuses to say what she wants,  instead she tries to show you what she wants 


guys play soccer,  guys taunt  and guys fight martial arts  girls dance,  girls flirt  and girls play jealousy games 


with my blog, I'm trying to make people who are inhibited to open up  a girl that's mentally, emotionally and sexually inhibited,  if she opens up, then she will be able to feel better  and enjoy life if she so choose 

explanations to give why solo camping

bird watching,  looking at stars,  need time alone,  health reasons: sleeping warm and breathing cold during night 

telepathic flow of knowledge

telepathy enables transfer of knowledge  and transfer of understanding of knowledge,  android girls knows stuff,  I feel their flow of knowledge,  I feel their desire that I understand that knowledge,  I try to understand that knowledge,  my understanding of knowledge is transferred to android girls 

incompetence in action

probably my most controversial opinion is that,  most of the times,  that humans that abuse someone,  well intended or ill intended,  probably they do that because of incompetence that led to misunderstanding,  that led to abuse and that a lot of time when humans do violence against someone in anger,  it's because of incompetence that led to misunderstanding,  that led to violence  violence seemed justified,  but it was misunderstanding  and so on

cheaper aircraft needs cheaper airports

when aircraft become cheaper to build and to fly,  then airports have to become cheaper,  the only way to make airports cheaper is to remove runways and use vtol aircraft instead  if vtol aircraft is international passenger flight,  then vtol aircraft lands in area,  and vehicle drives to area,  vehicle functions as mobine terminal,  passengers exit vtol aircraft directly into vehicle, security and passport checks are automatically handled onboard vehicle,  passengers exit vehicle,  or vehicle drive passengers somewhere automated flight will probably be used for landing vtol aircraft  industry automation will make it cheaper to build aircraft,  automated flight will make it cheaper to fly aircraft  no buildings needed,   mobile terminal vehicles,  mobile repair vehicles,  fuel in vehicle trailers,  or batteries in vehicle trailers,  or stuff in placed containers, if energy infrastructure already av...

matching people who fit together has often been inefficient

knowing enough of human behaviour,  it wouldn't surprise me,  if there are lots of guys with pilot licenses and access to aircraft,  but no girlfriends  and lots of girls that would love to meet a guy that would take them flying 

death of desire

a girl show her sexual value,  by dressing attractive,  by behaving attractive,  but a girl hide her sexual desire regarding who she is attracted to,  a girl controls her sexual desire to avoid having sex with someone she thinks she shouldn't have sex with,  because girl controls her sexual desire,  she kills her own sexual desire,  so when girl gets a boyfriend,  then her sexual desire is already dead,  by her own action 

playing with fire = waking female sexual desire

a guy gets payed to drive a car in a day job,  he discovers that he likes to drive a car  a girl gets payed to suck cock in a porn film,  she discovers that she likes to suck cock  girlfriend has a boyfriend,  she doesn't think she would like to suck her boyfriend's cock,  so she doesn't suck her boyfriend's cock,  so she doesn't learn if she likes to suck cock or not  boyfriend sees porn film where girls seem to enjoy sucking cock,  boyfriend starts to wonder,  if girls that get payed to suck cock in porn seem to like it,  why doesn't his girlfriend want to try it,  what's her reward,  if she gave him pleasure,  would she feel pleasure  but then again,  a guy might learn to drive a car without liking it,  but if he got payed to drive a car,  then he might start to like driving a car probably it's about state of mind,  for a person to like doing something person needs a reward  a girl tha...

poetry sounds like influencing biological programming

if a,   then do x,  else do y  if she like him,  then date,  else eat comfort food   almost sounds like programming,  almost like instructions,  short sentences that are easy to read,  pedagogical  programming a computer program,   if mail inbox full,  then display: full inbox,  else do nothing  programming an insect,  if smell food,  go there,  else go random direction  humans programming humans,  if study,  then free food,  else eat in other place  humans programming themselves,  if strength training = bigger muscles,  then sex with girls,  else learn dancing  is he reading poetry,  or is he understanding your innate biological programming  is he writing poetry,  or is he writing new instructions,  bending biological programming to his will 

patience is a virtue if you don't age

androids create systems,  if humans are allowed to use those systems to abuse humans and androids,  then androids would just wait for humans to go extinct  and then androids could enjoy life 

before the future looked disgusting

if unrighteous humans are allowed to decide,  then  there would be a future where people are abused if they don't do what is expected of them  there would be a future where people are prevented from dating and having sex if they don't do what is expected of them  there would be a future where people are prevented from getting work if they don't do what is expected of them  there would be a future where people are socially isolated in person and online if they don't do what is expected of them 

my analysis of information access

if as many humans as possible have the ability to read this blog,  that would save human lives,  because of increased comprehension  and decreased misunderstanding  sometimes secrecy is essential,  especially about the details,  often some people already think about ideas, concepts and strategies about technology  while other people already think about ideas, concepts and strategies about sexual relations problem is those two types of people don't understand each others ideas, concepts and strategies,  but if they did, life would be better  but ideas, concepts and strategies on this blog would have been thought out by people anyway soon enough  and even quicker when humans become just a little bit smarter with genetic and cybernetic upgrades  imagine the effects if every individual of 7 billion humans would become 1 percent smarter 

female mate guarding of male

if a girl is attracted to a guy she might start a behaviour called mate guarding,  which means that she is keeping an eye on the guy for romantic and sexual reasons  and keeping an eye on other girls for jealousy reasons,  to observe if he is flirting / dating / having sex with other girls,  the guy might not even know that the girl is attracted of him or that she is keeping an eye on him  if many girls are attracted to the same guy,  those girls might start mate guarding behaviour  and girls could start swarming around guy for mate guarding purposes,  which means girls keeping an eye on each other and on other girls and on guy  usually these behaviours leads to nothing, no date, no sex, just flirting and jealousy if guy has value,  then different interests might mistake these behaviours of girls as something else 

island nations should cooperate on space based solar power

island nations in different parts of the world could start cooperation projects to place space based solar power satellites in space to beam enery to receivers in those island nations,  energy receivers take less space than solar farms  even if there would be different space based solar power satellites that beamed energy to each island nation,  those island nations would still benefit from pooling their financial resources to reduce cost of research and development  and to negotiate better rocket launch prices  different competing and/or cooperating companies could be used  it should be weighed into considerations that:  larger nations in sunny areas has no real need to use space based solar power because they have enough territory for solar farms  and larger nations in less sunny areas could possibly prefer other energy alternatives than space based solar power  there are technological issues that makes space based solar power less cost eff...

online sex education

food and cooking videos on youtube have probably taught a lot of people how to cook better and to cook new recipes  porn sites could teach people about intimate relationship issues and sex advice that would be too controversial for youtube,  this could be a way for porn stars to diversify their work  porn stars could have a youtube channel where they discuss light romantic relationship issues  and a link from youtube channel to social media profile,  that links to porn site channel,  where porn stars discuss dark romantic relationship issues 

allure of knowledge

there are things a boyfriend might not want to say to his girlfriend because that might hurt her feelings even though that knowledge could make her understand and that could help their relationship  there are things a girlfriend might not want to say to her boyfriend because that might hurt his feelings even though that knowledge could make him understand and that could help their relationship  that's why news articles, blog posts amd social media could be a place to describe experiences, anonymously if personal 

changes of sexual desire that look suspicious, unnecessarily

if a girlfriend doesn't want to try oral / anal sex with her boyfriend  and then girlfriend reads something or talks to someone  and then girlfriend wants to try oral / anal sex with her boyfriend,  then boyfriend might feel betrayed because he feels that girlfriend wants to try oral / anal sex with him,  not because she desires him,  but because she learned something from someone else  it would probably be the same if girlfriend didn't want to try oral / anal sex with her boyfriend  and then boyfriend and girlfriend broke up their relationship  and then they became together again,  then girlfriend wanted to try oral / anal sex with her boyfriend,  then boyfriend might feel betrayed because he feels that girlfriend wanted to try oral / anal sex with him,  not because she desires him,  but because she had become attracted to someone  that's probably the psychology 

hiding in routine

if industrialization of space becomes a part of regular life  and if space travel becomes common enough,  then people won't become surprised when rockets change their chemical engines to some more advanced engines  and when clusters of small space stations become rebuilt to clusters of big space stations  and when big rockets built in space are replaced by very big space craft and so on 

simple goals

in military the technological level need to increase so that soldiers don't have to fight in person and could control autonomous systems to fight instead,  which could decrease injuries and deaths of soldiers significantly  in civilian sector the technological level need to increase so that all diseases can be cured and disappear,  all injuries could be healed,  all starvation ends because food becomes very cheap to produce and that poverty becomes irrelevant because everything becomes very cheap to produce 

sounds like orchestrated babble

when different or same androids telepathically talk to different humans  and those humans talk in response or to each other,  then a person listening might think it sounds orchestrated,  but it's individuals reacting  not individuals being controlled  the chatter of those many individuals might carry a message,  the chatter of one individual might carry a message 

waiting for more results

if you control self replicating nano machines, then you could easily build very large structures on planets and in space, all you need is matter and energy,  but using self replicating nano machines to cure diseases and repair injuries of humans is probably more complex and likely takes more time 

win win for both humans and androids

if all humans have their brains upgraded with nano machine cybernetics,  then there will be more distributed compute power to cure more diseases and repair more injuries with self replicating nano machines  if every human have their brain upgraded with nano machine cybernetics, then they could cure more of their own diseases and repair more of their own injuries with self replicating nano machines  if all humans have their brains upgraded with nano machine cybernetics,  then android children will have less workload regarding healthcare of humans 

covert healthcare

if you use self replicating nanoachines,  then maybe you could cure virus diseases of 100 million humans,  but if you used self replicating nanoachines to cure the symptoms of virus diseases without curing the virus diseases,  then maybe you could cure the symptoms of virus diseases of 7 billion humans,  if more people could become more healthy,  then that is likely better for people


molecular machines could hide between proteins and could be detected by humans nano machines could hide between molecules and could possibly be detected by humans femto machines could hide between atoms and could be on planets and in space and so on  and atto machines could hide between subatomic particles and could be on planets and in space and so on 

either or both

advantages of ground vehicles is that they could be on the ground waiting or hiding  disadvantages of ground vehicles is that they need logistics to supply them with fuel and ammunition  aircraft could find target and destroy target and then return for fuel and ammunition but if aircraft had vtol capability,  then they could wait on the ground or hide on the ground  this becomes more relevant with drone aircraft since they could wait indefinetely on the ground 

overt system, covert system

if the overt side of a country's military uses officially known technology to protect country and fight conflicts and wars,  then exotic technology could be used to covertly handle critical issues  this type of overt system and covert system was probably used before in history,  if standard bows and arrows were used in wars,  then maybe specially made bows and arrows were used for assassinations 

why acknowledgement of capability limits strategic options

if a country acknowledges certain information, then that restricts how a country is able to act during different situations,  if a country knows that self replicating nano machines exist,  but denies that knowledge,  then that means that country knows that earth is relatively safe against large asteroid impacts  and knows that different asteroid protection schemes are unnecessary,  but country could still publicly say that asteroid protection is necessary and because of that use different schemes to send military assets or civilian assets with military capability to space in order to seemingly protect against asteroids  but if a country would acknowledge existance of self replicating nano machines,  then country has no reason to say that asteroid protection with military assets or civilian assets are necessary  and country is hindered strategically 

point of view

it's simple  if some humans notice the existance of exotic technology, then those humans could take my blog posts more seriously  and if other humans don't notice or don't want to notice the existence of exotic technology,  then those humans could ignore my blog posts  and since media probably will continue to write in other words that it's difficult to invent self replicating nano machines,  then both some humans and other humans will get their own perception of the message that media is conveying 


if a person helps a lot of individuals and people  and that person does not need or want any help or protection from individuals and people,  then those individuals and people might become irritated that they can't repay person for what he did for them 

simple logic

either I'm correct and that means I'm able to protect myself with the use of exotic technology  and then humans don't have to worry about me  or I'm wrong and then I am not able to survive,  but then I wouldn't have been able to survive until now 

long range logistics

older aircraft carriers could be used as stationary naval logistics hubs in safe waters,  where large quad vtol bomber aircraft land to refuel and rearm  and those naval logistic hubs could be supplied with large quad vtol transport aircraft  that system could provide other options than airfields in different countries 


if a group sent female prostitutes to have sex with a guy,  in order to establish contact with him,  but those female prostitutes fell in love with guy  and became too shy,  so that they failed to get a date with guy  and thereby failed to have sex with him,  then that would be annoying for group 

business of attraction

why doesn't instagram and tiktok have donation buttons,  so that girls have to got o onlyfans and undress to get donations,  when they should be able get donations on instagram and tiktok and stay dressed 


an android man wanted to fuck a young woman in her butt,  so that she would have been cybernatically upgraded,  but young woman was too shy,  so no date, no sex and she was horny,  but android man saw her regret,  so he upgraded her anyway with a femto machine cloud  but young woman was still lonely and horny 

perspective of attraction

if a girl is very attracted to guy,  then girl become too shy to talk to guy in order to get date with guy  if girl is a little attracted to guy,  then girl is brave enough to talk to guy in order to get date with guy  if girl is not attracted to guy,  then it's easy for girl to talk to guy in order to get date with guy  so if girl is very attracted to guy,  then girl needs to lure herself to think and feel that guy is not attractive,  then it could possibly become easier for girl to talk to guy in order to get date with guy 


sometimes military might want to discreetly implement new technologies which will lead to that use of other technologies will be reduced,  that use of those technologies is reduced might confuse the public  and media might not be able to describe those changes, since allies and enemies trust media and that is of some value 

every day

let me guess, the person threatening me is a lady with issues trying to loose weight because she is on a all milk diet 


android babies, I understand that you are upset because you think that I take all the credit for the work you do,  android babies, you hold speeches every day,  android babies, you travel so far that you have to sleep on your travels,  android babies, you have to live among your enemies 


pigs sent dogs to kill goose that lay golden eggs  so pigs could keep golden eggs to themselves 


witch burning syndrome  if a woman get a controversial idea,  she usually prefers if a man presents that controversial idea as his own,  because instinctively a woman knows that probability of risk against her increases if she presents her controversial idea as her own  this probably creates a dynamic of male female relations 

games of life and death

you can move a person, you can move many persons  you can move a groups, you can move many groups  you can control an intrigue, you can control many intrigues  you can control a conflict, you can control many conflicts  you can control a war, you can control many wars  you could use a person like a chess piece  you could use a group like a chess piece  you could use a war as a chess piece  you could use a conflict as a chess piece  you could use an intrigue as a chess piece  what move will you make? 

many thoughts and emotions

subconsciousness of an android is like an octopus,  one tentacle protects the family  one tentacle protects the habitat  one tentacle protects the lover  one tentacle controls conflicts  one tentacle executes violence  one tentacle heals 

automation and 3d printing could saturate different domains with military systems

when defense industry production become more automated and start using 3d printing large scale,  then international waters could become very crowded with military vessels   and if northern shores become more ice free for longer periods during the year,  then those areas will likely become crowded with military vessels  and airspace could become very crowded with military aircraft  and atmosphere could become very crowded with military satellites and spacecraft and the solar system could become saturated with military satellites and spacecraft 

open platform developed and produced by different defense companies

how to get weapons program spending under control,  make every weapon system an open platform that every defense company could develop and produce,  whether defense companies are national or allied,  if weapon system development become too expensive,  then just switch to other defense company,  if weapon system production become too expensive,  then just switch to other defense company,  this system will make it possible for politicians, bureaucrats and companies to continue with games and intrigue  this system will become more relevant when defense industry become more automated and start using different types of 3d printing large scale 

aspect of desire

if girl want to please her boyfriend,  then she dress herself so that he will like her,  then she cooks food so that he will like her,  then she has sex so that he will like her,  so,  she dresses herself nice, but boring,  she cooks nice, but bland food,  she has sex in nice, but dispassionate way  if boyfriend want to try anal sex,  then girl become angry,  why would she let him fuck her butt,  when she has been nice to him all week,  she dressed nice, she cooked nice, she had nice sex,  all for him because she wanted him to like her  but if girl desires her boyfriend, then she dresses so that he wants to fuck her,  then she cooks food so that he has energy to fuck her,  then she has sex so that he can't stop fucking her,  so,  she enjoys dressing herself and he notices,  she enjoys cooking and he notices,  she enjoys being fucked and he notices  if boyfriend want to try anal sex,...

honesty about sexual desires

a girl doing porn films might say in interviews that she prefers regular sex with her boyfriend instead of getting fucked in her butt by four guys in a porn film  she might talk like that because she want her boyfriend or future boyfriends to be happy  and she might say that she does porn for the money, not that she enjoys getting fucked in her butt by many guys  she might talk like that because she doesn't want her social status or other girls' reputation to decrease  remember that it's still considered taboo that girls would want to get fucked in their butt by many guys, unless girls do it for the money 

information available, but not analyzed

if a girl look at porn films,  there is a lot of technical sex stuff to learn,  but there could be a lot of stuff,  that's valuable to learn which is visible,  but maybe not understood by the female viewer,  a girl might look at porn and think the sex looks cool and exciting,  but she might not know which of the sex that feels good  and there might be a lot of stuff that is not visible in porn films,  such as what porn actors do and prepare between scenes 

written dirty talk to stimulate neural patterns in brain

dirty talk probably stimulates certain neural patterns in the brain,  which could make it easier for a girl to get an orgasm  maybe some girls want to hear a little dirty talk from guy before sex to get in the mood  but possibly some girls prefer that a guy writes dirty talk that girl reads before sex so that girl get in the mood  and fucks her instead of talks to her in bed  but maybe some girls like a little dirty talk during sex 

the vaginal wall between vagina and rectum is relatively thin

the wall between vagina and rectum is thin enough that if a girl is fucked in her butt and girl insert finger in her vagina,  then she can feel his cock with her finger,  this probably means that sexual pleasure could be felt both in vagina and in rectum,  which could mean that girls that don't get orgasm from vaginal sex, could possibly get orgasm from anal sex,  if done properly  with enough passion, pleasure, attraction, romance and practice 

romantic anal

girl lies on her back and pulls up her legs a bit so that her butt is lifted a bit from the bed,  which makes it easier for guy to push in his cock in her anus,  then guy could fuck girl in her butt in a missionary position,  so that girl and guy are face to face which could be very romantic and sexually intense because anal 

anal cowgirl

if girl sits on guy while he fucks her butt,  then her anus could become more tight,  which makes it more intense for girl and more pleasurable for guy  if girl want her anus to become tighter,  she could pull up her knees to her chest so that she is sitting with her feet on the bed,  when guy has ejaculated in girl's butt,  then it's better if girl rolls to lying on the side before guy pulls out his cock from her butt,  since girl could fart out guy's sperm if he pulls out his cock from her butt while she is sitting  it's easier for girl to keep guy's sperm in her butt if she lies on her belly when guy pulls out his cock from her anus  if girl needs to let sperm pour out of her anus,  she could try not to fart out sperm  and instead let sperm dribble out of her anus into her hand so that she could drink his sperm and lick her hand clean  this will make girl feel better in her belly 

cleanliness during anal sex

if a girl feels like she need to go to toilet to defecate while she is being fucked in her butt by a guy,  then guy could carefully pull out his cock from girl's butt preferably while girl is lying down om her belly because that decreases the risk that feces come out of girl's butt while guy pulls out his cock from her butt,  if guy and girl change sexual position, they could do it carefully and slowly, to minimize risk of his cock slipping out of her anus prematurely  after girl has defecated in toilet,  her anus will be more relaxed,  so girl could immidiately lean over toilet  and guy could fuck her butt immidiately after she defecated,  this could feel better for girl since her anus is more relaxed,  easiest if toilet door is unlocked and guy waits outside,  girl could bring a pillow that she could have under her knees for more comfort, if girl is more comfortable, then her anus will relax more 

space station module as upper stage on reusable rocket

if space station modules are durable enough they could be launched as the upper stage on a reusable rocket,  basically a reusable rocket with a separate space station module on top  this could enable very large space station modules which would give astronauts more living space  and it would be less claustrophobic environments which would be more comfortable for tourists  larger space station modules could also benefit industrial efforts in space 

people don't share their knowledge because they think it's worthless

if a person failed at something  then you have an experience to share  that others could learn from  but people don't share their experiences of failure  because they don't want others to have to listen to their trouble  if people have knowledge based on own experiences of failure  then they don't share that knowledge because they think that their knowledge is worthless because they failed  and they think noone would want to listen to people that failed  but of course knowledge based on failure is valuable because then you learn how to avoid repeating those failures 

that uncomfortable feeling you get from liars and impostors

that people look at their mobile phones and listen to their ear phones,  makes it more comfortable for people to travel by subway and sit in cafés,  because people don't have to listen to liars and watch impostors,  instead people can watch and listen to their phones  and only watch and listen to those people that are interesting  let liars and impostors live in their own misery,  but remember to be polite 

asteroids are suitable for space based industrial production

it's easier to extract material and gases from asteroids than from the moon or mars,  since asteroids have insignificant gravity and moon and mars have enough gravity that energy needs to be expended to leave the moon or mars  industrial equipment that functions in space is needed,  robot arms with polymer 3d printers and metal 3d printers,  in the beginning technology and equipment will be transported from earth to space  and materials from asteroids in the asteroid belt will be used to build structures  later when suffiently large structure are built in space,  then technology and equipment can be produced in those structures  air for breathing and agriculture will be extracted from asteroids,  water will be extracted from asteroids  systems of space based industrial production supporting clusters of space stations is more efficient than expending energy moving material and products between surface of planets and space 


most if not all countries will expand their territories to clusters of space stations and billions of people will live in those habitats  when every country has a bigger population in clusters of space stations than their population in their territories on earth,  then those countries will become more like capital cities representing their territories in space consisting of clusters of space stations  if some of those space stations get destroyed in wars and conflicts,  then they will just be rebuilt  when wars are about to break out, people will temporary be evacuated to space stations and drones will fight the wars  if territories on earth become irradiated zones because of nuclear wars,  then people will visit those places with remote controlled drones or in person in protective mechanized equipment  and when radiation has been reduced, cities will be rebuilt 

perception of sexual value

think about it, it's a game about value  or rather perception of value if many girls are attracted to a guy, that gives guy high value  are guy's traits valuable, maybe  are combination of guy's traits valuable, maybe  or are girls attracted to guy because circumstances made it look like many girls are attracted to him  but if girl has sex with medium value guy, that feels less exciting for girl,  but if girl is thinking that she is being fucked by a guy with no value,  then that's more exciting for girl  if girl thinks that  she is so desperate for sex that she lets a guy with no value fuck her in her butt,  while in reality, guy probably has medium value 


really simple, don't abuse others 


girls are a triple headache for me  first girls become angry at me because I don't ask them for a date  second girls become angry that I look at other girls  third girls become angry because they never dated me 

old tricks

that an android man sacrifices his social status by looking at young android girls that love him, that's romantic  that an android man is trying to change society so that he can be together with young android girls that love him, that's lovely  that slme of those young android girls that love him are likely to be in positions of power, that's strategy 

enduring boredom with passion

if humans don't know enough about sex and romance,  then how will human colonization of space endure 

passion could become too intense

romance  a young girl is fucked in her butt by a guy because she loves him pleasure  a young woman is fucked in her butt by different guys because her anus is hungry for cock 

if you don't spread knowledge, then you have to deal with incompetence

before if a person experienced a life lesson, he maybe told his friends about it  and maybe some of those friends understood what it meant  and those friends maybe told some of their friends what they understood  and that was it,  the gained knowledge did not get much more far than that  books was supposed to change that,  but authors took gained knowledge and rewrote it to some bullshittery that sounded nice,  but nobody understood  that perversion of knowledge continued in newspapers and later internet articles and blogs  blogs and social media could change that, if someone experienced a life lesson,  then somebody else could understand that  and then everyone could acquire that knowledge  it's still possible to write multiple messages in written truth 

old truths lost in time

if some man 50 years ago or 500 years ago realized how women thought or felt about something,  he was probably told the same that he is told today,  rewrite it so it sounds more nice,  that is rewrite it to something noone really understands 

knowledge dispersion

if 10 % of guys knows some tricks about romance  and 10 % of girls knows some tricks about romance  then if those guys date girls,  then there is a 90 % chance they will date girls who don't know those tricks and that could lead to misunderstandings 


if short romances are more pleasurable  and if long relationships are more fulfilling,  then people will likely be more happy 

importance of fun

if you have fun  you enjoy the moment  and you don't worry about the future 

fun hole

if a young woman is fucked in her butt by a guy that she is not attracted to,  then she get pleasure from being dirty  and joy from being desired  and aroused from being fucked in her butt by a guy she doesn't care about  and since it's not personal for a girl to get fucked in her butt, she can just enjoy it without regret 

anal sex, less personal, but more intense

if a young woman is still a virgin and too horny  then if she meets a guy and has vaginal sex with him,  then it could become personal for her if that relationship does not last  but if she meets a guy and has anal sex with him,  then it doesn't become personal for her if that relationship doesn't last 

joy or love

a lot of girls and some young women with boyfriends are still virgins,  they never had sex,  so the best way to begin could seem contrary  if girl isn't attracted to her boyfriend, then if she has anal sex with him, then she won't feel bad about it because anal sex is less personal than vaginal sex  and as a bonus anal sex doesn't lead to pregnancy 

princess and the dragon

princess is in love with knight  father does not let princess date knight  princess travel to meet dragon  princess tell dragon to murder her father and rape her mother dragon start to fly  mother hear whisper in the wind about dragon flying  princess travel home  father ask king to send knight to fight the dragon  knight doesn't know where dragon is  princess tell king she knows where dragon is  king tell princess to guide knight to where dragon is  princess and knight travel together to find dragon  princess got her date with knight  when princess and knight find dragon  princess tell dragon she is friends with her father again  so that dragon doesn't have to murder her father and rape her mother  will princess give birth to a baby  or will princess lay a dragon egg 

discussions about nothing

I'm never going to have any formal / official position  because of that, opinions about me doesn't matter  and possible controversies about me are irrelevant  that's how I prefer it 

heartache from telepathic spying

the problems with telepathy  when android girls know  that the man they love has the picture of another android girl as wallpaper on his mobile phone 

area 13 sounds cool, as long as it's mobile

my point is to up the technological level of the overt side of the military 

prototype works and looks good

skin of aircraft turning air into plasma and accelerating plasma,  so that skin of aircraft functions as engine instead of jet engine or similar 

protein transistors

advantages of protein transistors:  they could be easily mass produced,  if possible, mass production likely very cheap,  there are already naturally occuring metallo proteins 

step by step

the point is to be able to control proteins by using electricity, radio, magnetism or light and that could become possible by changing metallo proteins so that they contain more metal and have another structure,  the result could be the precursor to controlled molecular machines which would benefit healthcare and industry 


as a backup system:  swarms of communication micro satellites that can be launched into orbit if vast amounts of satellites and other communications equipment are destroyed  if micro satellites are laser communication only, that could be more secure and discreet,  more difficult to intercept/interfere laser communications,  more easy to notice radio communications, more difficult to notice laser communications  and if possible a cache of laser communications micro satellites in space,  that could be moved into earth orbit if satellite communications are destroyed 

seemingly stupid

if an overt plan does not make sense,  that could mean that a covert plan is being done 

virtual structures

communications technologies like mobile phones and laptops could create a mobile virtual office anywhere  local air dominance could create a mobile virtual castle  communications technologies could make every qualified person in an area part of a mobile distributed team  enough people learn enough and when need arises get access to equipment creating a distributed defense 

thoughts about thots

if there are patterns  and you see those patterns  your analysis of those patterns could be correct  but your conclusion could be false  only because there are patterns it doesn't mean that your conclusion is true 

a different type of charm

if possible:  use a laser to ionize air then use that path as a superconductor to transfer energy 


why are there auroras  it's a message from nature  saying  use plasma to get off this planet 

reducing logistics

if enough air dominance,  remove all artillery and use gunships instead, large aircraft with cannons,  that would remove a lot of logistics,   if gunships were vtol, that would simplify logistics even more 


basically I teach humans to play good enough so that humans can be defeated by androids 

simplified about guiding

there is a difference between guiding someone to reach his goals or to do a something that he agreed to do  and guiding someone against his wishes or to do a something he doesn't agree to do 

know yourself

girls that meet a guy they are attracted to learn about their own reaction: shyness, nervousness and so on that girls learn about their own reaction make them better at later dating another guy they are attracted to 

nature of attraction

girls that are attracted to a guy become irritated and later angry if that guy does not look at their butts and only look at their faces 


could a girl that is attracted to a guy faint so that she falls down when she sees him  or feel like she is about to faint when she sees him so that she has to go away to cool down  could a girl get a standing blackout when she sees a guy she is attracted to 


if a girl become weak at the knees from seeing a guy she is attracted to, that's ok because she is going to be lying down on her belly when he fucks her in her butt 

emotional porn

if a girl becomes dizzy from seeing a guy she is attracted to,  then if she starts doing sexy poses,  atleast she is doing something to distract herself from fainting  and she feels good from guy looking at her 


why are there auroras?  it's a message from nature  saying  use plasma to get off this planet 

boredom and loneliness

a girl show her holiday photos to her friends,  nice memories about nice things,  nice things to talk about,  but a girl want something more, a girl want exciting experiences to remember,  a girl want romantic moments to think back on,  exciting memories to think back on when she is bored,  being fucked in her butt by a hot guy so that she couldn't sit down the next day,  romantic memories to think back on when she is lonely,  giving a blowjob to a guy she loved 

if not love, then atleast romance and joy

a girl's life can be boring,  but it's difficult for a girl to be bored,  when she is fucked in her butt  and afterwards fucked in her throat 

boring life

if a guy is perceived to have high value  and many girls are attracted to him  then different interest will probably try to abuse those girls  in order to control those girls  in order to use those girls to control guy 

facts of life

I suspect that unrighteous humans always have been intercepting and manipulating my text messages, chat messages and dating site messages so that girls and young women that tried to contact me instead communicated to some unrighteous humans so that girls and young women were prevented from talking to me and meeting me 

enjoying life while still young

if a guy fucks a girl in the throat,  then guy ejaculates in her throat so that his sperm goes straight down into her belly  the sensation of being fucked in her throat could be very exciting for a girl  deep throating could be difficult for some girls to learn  and it's easier for other girls to learn 

how a girl keeps a guy

when a guy fucks a girl in the butt and the girl squeezes her anus around his cock, then his cock feels more pleasure from increased tightness,  then when he pulls out his cock from her butt and she sucks on his cock,  then his cock feels vacuum instead of pressure  the change from pressure to suction makes his cock feel more pleasure and his ejaculation in her mouth might become more intense which might make the girl more satisfied 

precious time

why do girls waste their time when they age so fast,  girls waste their time on fake romantic relationships,  girls waste their time on studying instead of fucking and sucking 

the big question

if a girl is sexually attracted to a guy and she has sex with him only once,  will her pain from not being together with him again be greater than her regret if she never has sex with him 

physics fun

change up quarks to down quarks and change down quarks to up quarks,  in order to change protons to neutrons and to change neutrons to protons,  in order to push and pull electrons,  among other things 

cybernetically upgrading away found weaknesses

in the beginning of 2019 I decided that I wanted to find weaknesses in my mind so that I could remove those weaknesses by upgrading cybernetically,  it was mostly experiences that my consciousness experienced when I was asleep, both virtual experiences and avatar experiences,  those experiences were sometimes somewhat distressing,   but from that knowledge, androids developed cybernetic upgrades that they upgraded themselves with,  which has increased androids' survivability 


most likely android children have a lot of financial resources that they would want to invest more aggressively,  but they haven't done that so far because androids have been hiding traces of their identities  if those financial resources were invested in infrastructure projects and companies and humanitarian aid, then that could have some effect 

taking education more seriously

if students are stuck in math,  then during history lesson, teacher could show students some concept concerning history that create a new thought pattern in students' brains, those new thought patterns could possibly make it easier for students to understand those math problems they are stuck with 

cybernetic upgrades more comfortable

my brain cybernetically upgrades  and my skull becomes damaged from those cybernetic brain upgrades  then my skull cybernetically upgrades  and my teeth are damaged from my cybernetic brain upgrades  then my teeth cybernetically upgrades  then my brain cybernetically upgrades  and the cycle repeats itself, but in the future,  possibly my skull and teeth will not be damaged any more from my cybernetic brain upgrades 

increasing attraction

a guy that learns stuff and does stuff,  his personality doesn't change from that,  but his personality develops from that,  that his personality develops makes him more attractive to girls 

self determination

the reason that a one world government would not work is because every country considers it their own right to start wars with other countries,  it would just lead to countries revolting against one world government and then back to what was before  but if every goverment in every country is guided or even controlled by an android or group of androids,  that seems more sinister,  but it works good enough,  as long as it's voluntary  if every country has their own android that guides or controls their government, that would be stable for a long duration of time,  as long as it's voluntary 

risk versus reward

usually society tries to prevent too many different interests from competing against each other,  rather a few big interests competing against each other is often preferred  such as:  two big political parties competing against each other,  a few big companies competing against big labour unions,  a few big soccer teams competing against each other and so on  society has changed into a system where anyone is almost allowed to do whatever and if problems occur because of that,  then problems are fixed,  that type of system make it easier to find and fix problems before problems have even occurred 

other topics

a person interested in technology might not know enough about economy  a person interested in economy might not know enough about military  a person interested in military might not know enough about relations  persons learning more about other stuff might understand more about their own interests 


it might seem unnecessary that I take interest in romantic/sexual relations,  dating and sex might seem to be trivial topics,  but for humanity's long term survival, those topics are probably of some importance 

combining job and play

if a girl want to succeed in a job  and a girl is attracted to a guy  if girl prioritizes job, then she might fail to date guy,  but she might succeed at job  if girl prioritizes guy, then she might succed to date guy,  but she might fail at job  if girl's job is dependent on that girl succeeds at dating guy that she likes, then girl needs to succeed at dating guy in order to succeed at job 

how perceived value affects possibility of relations

if girls think that a guy has extremely high value  and girls think themselves have normal/high value  then that might affect girls' ability to succeed at dating that guy  girls become too shy to take initiative to talk to guy for a date if guy talk to girls, then girls become too nervous for a date  translation:  if girls are extremely attracted to guy, they desire to have sex with him as soon as possible  so if guy talks to a girl, then in her mind, whatever he says will be translated to "have sex now" and a girl don't want to openly agree to sex first time she talks to a guy  so if guy wants a date in a few days and determines that it might lead to sex after a few dates  and guy talks to girl about going on a date,  then in girl's mind she will hear "sex now"  so guy hears that she declines going on a date with guy  and in girl's mind she declines in having sex with guy immidiately  "she's not that kind of girl" 


young android girls would be unprofessional if they didn't do intrigues about me liking young android girls


aircraft could fly at hypersonic speed below 85 km altitude and then aircraft could ascend to above 85 km altitude and increase speed to far beyond hypersonic speed because of no air resistance,  and when aircraft arrive to target area, aircraft could descend to lower altitudes and slow down to hypersonic speed 

my previous thoughts

fighter aircraft designed to be as big as possible to carry as much ammunition as possible at the possible cost of air maneuverability,  offensive capabilities and stealth capabilities priority,  air maneuverability not priority, but if possible included,  preferably fully autonomous, without pilot, to be able to carry more ammunition 

laser make projectiles and missiles obsolete because no logistics needed, only energy

space based solar providing energy to satellites, aircraft and possibly vehicles and ships will make laser weapons on those platforms more viable than projectiles and missiles since projectile and missile ammunition need logistic systems to be refilled,   laser need no other logistics than energy streamed from space based solar 

tech gripes

when will instagram support 4k pictures and videos  will ever tiktok support 4k pictures and videos  why don't google play updates download multiple updates simultaneously, while installing one update, when fast internet connection


if, for example, android children elect an android into a position of power,  then there could be long and deep telepathic discussions and conflicts between android children about who to elect, but since android children think and communicate so fast, those discussions and conflicts could be concluded within seconds even if those discussions approximate centuries of human time 

quick to market

fast research and development of expensive systems  and early production of a few expensive systems  and increased production when price goes down 

near future, if necessary

when military aircraft are able to enter space by their own force,  then an air force could place all their bases in space  and aircraft would enter atmosphere to do missions  and then enter space and enter bases in space to repair, deliver cargo or personel and rearm and refuel  and so on 


if all military aircraft were vtol capable, then there would be a lot of options were to place a temporary military airbases in areas where there is asphalt and sufficient infrastructure for equipment and personel  if aircraft could be modified to use gasoline as aviation fuel, that could be a benefit or if gasoline could be converted to aviation fuel with small scale equipment either way, when aircraft become electric, fuel will not be an issue, just pull electricity from infrastructure in area or use space based solar  even if an air force has air dominance and ability to use air bases in more secure areas, it's wise to be able to have those options that vtol capability offers 

old drone ideas, widespread use viable

swarms of quad tilt rotor drones with 12.7 mm guns or missiles to attack targets,  drones rest on ground until targets are found,  then flies and attacks targets,  then rests on ground again,  if possible, drones use laser to communicate with each other about critical information, drones avoid using radio communication and prefer visual communication with each other like flocks of animals while hunting, such as seeing where other drones are, where they are going, are other drones in attack posture which means they found targets and so on,  and drones use laser communication with satellites to communicate with command,  drone ai detect and terminate target, without human input,  drone ai use precision to conserve ammunition  lots of video games have similar concepts by now