mostly no visual, just knowing
a computer doesn't see the realtime video it's processing,
the computer doesn't even see the information consisting of ones and zeroes that the realtime video is processed into,
the computer is just processing information
in the same way,
an android usually doesn't see what drones or cybernetic insects see,
but an android's brain processes information of what drones or cybernetic insects see
and an android's body react to what android's brain processes,
maybe eye movement
maybe a body twitch,
maybe a body movement
drones are usually not controlled by android's body movement,
drones are controlled by android's brain
and androids body react to to android's brain controlling drones
and an android that controls drones or cybernetic insects reacts to the effects of what those drones or cybernetic insects do
aggression, happiness, contentment
and an android could become mentally and physically exhausted from when it's brain is executing processes
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