poetry sounds like influencing biological programming

if a,  
then do x, 
else do y 

if she like him, 
then date, 
else eat comfort food  

almost sounds like programming, 
almost like instructions, 
short sentences that are easy to read, 

programming a computer program,  
if mail inbox full, 
then display: full inbox, 
else do nothing 

programming an insect, 
if smell food, 
go there, 
else go random direction 

humans programming humans, 
if study, 
then free food, 
else eat in other place 

humans programming themselves, 
if strength training = bigger muscles, 
then sex with girls, 
else learn dancing 

is he reading poetry, 
or is he understanding your innate biological programming 

is he writing poetry, 
or is he writing new instructions, 
bending biological programming to his will 


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