
Showing posts from August, 2023

layers of discretion

women seem to prefer a discreet system to make their opinions known  before women talked to the priest in the village about issues  and then the priest talked to the village about problems  then the men in the village talked about how to fix problems  and the women didn't disagree with the men  because the men were finally talking about how to fix problems  that women wanted to be fixed  example:  if daughters want to go riding horses   but many families can't afford that because it's too expensive  then mothers don't complain in media or to politicians  about high cost of riding horses  instead daughters, mothers or women make the issue known  so that some man find out about the high cost of riding horses  and then that man talk to other men about how families could afford so that their daughters ride horses  and after a few layers of connections  the issue could end up on some politician's table ...

you gotta sell what you can't tell

if a person is at risk  because of misunderstandings  and that person can't be told about that  because of the sensitivity of different individuals and interests  then that person could be influenced to learn about self defense courses  what those self defense courses teach probably won't save that person  but if that person takes a self defense course  or atleast thinks about taking a self defense course  then that person could become more perceptive  so that person's survivability increases 


young android girl on instagram  you telepathically say that you love me  but you have not travelled to where I am to meet me  and you travelled to holiday resorts instead  you have not met me  but you are photographed together with braindead meat puppets 

open secret among females

unrighteous women often want to injure the face and genitals  of child girls  those are probably instincts to ruin their future competition  child girls with injured faces  will have trouble to date when they become older  and child girls with injured genitals  will have trouble to have sex when they become older  unrighteous women want to make child girls less attractive  so that child girls can't compete against women  and then when those child girls became older  then they would not be able to compete against women  unrighteous women tries to prevent child girls from succeeding  so that child girls fail  and then probability increases that unrighteous women succeed 

systems that enabled humanity to survive

all systems in a country are primarily in place  to lure out unrighteous humans:  kindergartens, schools, universities, hospitals, eldercare,  libraries, malls, city squares,  media, politics, judiciary, bureaucracy  and so on  their official functions are secondary  these systems have been developed for thousands of years 

burn after reading

those unrighteous humans that have cannibalistic tendencies  usually try to overfeed their own children to fatten them up  so that they could eat their own children  when need arises or during celebrations  but most countries have kindergartens and schools  as mainly a preemtive measure against cannibalism  and because of that  most children avoid getting eaten by their cannibalistic parents  but those children that are overfed often become overweight  and they could have trouble loosing that weight later in life  but it's the instincts of cannibalistic humans to overfeed their children  and those cannibalistic parents can't restrain their own instincts  use google search: overfeed baby 


for some time, I get loose stool or diarrhea from whatever I eat  and I want to avoid that  because I don't have access to toilet where I sleep because I'm homeless and sleep outside in a forest area  so I started eating once a day to get less diarrhea  and that helped a little, but my diarrhea problems continued  so I'm eating once a day, every second day  and then my diarrhea problems decreased  but I have less mental focus because I eat less  so I will probably blog less often  until I start eating twice a day, everyday again 

many were saved

for probably more than 123 years  all righteous humans were genetically modified  so that they only gave birth to righteous children  that were genetically designed to be righteous  and that have increased survivability  and the rest of all humans died in heart diseases, cancer diseases, hereditary diseases, pathogen diseases, conflicts and disasters  which led to collapse of countries  and if all righteous humans were upgraded to cyborgs in the 1980's  so that they only gave birth to cyborg children  that were cybernetically designed to be righteous  and that have increased survivability  and if the rest of all humans died in heart diseases, cancer diseases, hereditary diseases, pathogen diseases, conflicts and disasters  and were turned into braindead meat puppets  that avoided collapse of countries  then that would explain a lot 


I follow young android girls on instagram, tiktok and likee  unrighteous humans tried to prevent me from doing that  by threatening me through messages  by trying to influence young android girls to block my accounts  and by trying to ban my accounts  the reason is because if young android girls read what I write on my blog  then young android girls could learn to defend themselves against abuse  and then it could become more difficult for unrighteous humans to abuse young android girls in order to control them 

it's always the same

unrighteous humans tries to ruin the lives of others  so that others fail  which makes it easier for unrighteous humans to succeed  if a girl is in love with a guy then unrighteous humans tries to make that girl date another guy  so that the guy sees that and looses interest in the girl  and the girl fails at dating the guy she loves  then girl becomes depressed  so that it becomes more difficult for girl to find a new guy to date  and meet friends and succeed with career  if a guy is attracted to girls  then unrighteous humans prevents that guy from dating girls  and when guy becomes desperate for romance and sex  then unrighteous humans tries to make that guy have homosexual sex with guys  and afterwards unrighteous humans uses that guy's homosexual experiences against him by telling other people about it  so that it becomes more difficult for guy to date girls  and meet friends and succeed with career  if...

a history of violence

young android girls  don't worry about who is a braindead meat puppet  that's a waste of time  as long as your closest family members  and your closest friends  are not braindead meat puppets  and those you admire in sports, music, movies and business  are not braindeadeat puppets  then what is there to think about 

wasted youth

when women were younger  they could have dated and had sex with me  as long as they were younger than me and attractive  and I could have tried to put them on the path of righteousness  then those women would have had nice memories to think about  when they became older and times became tough or boring  instead humans are irritated at those women that had opportunities to date and have sex with me, but didn't  becuase it would have been easier for me to endure my misery  if attractive girls younger than me would have had sex with me before  I'm 42 years old so there have been lots opportunities for women to have had sex with me when they were 20 years old or younger  but now it's too late 

my foot was ripped apart between the toes

some time ago I went to a dock on the lake  where I put my rugsack  and washed myself in the lake  some old women were swimming there  and some oily substances from the old women fell on the dock  so that the dock became slippery  and I slipped and fell on the dock  and my foot hit the railing of the swimming ladder  so that my foot was ripped apart between the toes  there was a lot of blood on the dock  I washed away the blood on my foot in the lake  then I walked to the library and sat there to rest  after that I went to the toilet and taped together my toes  so that the deep wound in my foot between the toes  would be held closed  then I went to library to rest  I continued to sleep outside in the forest area  my deep wound in my foot between the toes healed in less than two weeks 

causes and results

genetic errors could be caused by:  male and female that are not a genetic match and reproducing  female inseminating herself with sperm that has genetic errors  in vitro fertilization with egg and sperm containing genetic errors  contaminants in habitat that causes genetic errors  evolutionary factors  what's never mentioned in media is that many genetic errors could in combination result that humans are devolving to a new species 

some of all the punishments I endured so others don't have too

it seems that throughout all my life  I have been going through different punishments  prevented from meeting friends I knew telepathically  prevented from dating girls I knew telepathically  prevented from succeeding in education  prevented from succeeding in work  prevented from getting education  prevented from getting work  marrying a girl two years older than me  prevented from enjoying sex when I was married  being home alone every weekend while wife was out dancing  loosing my son in a custody battle when he was a little child  knowing that another man raised my son  only seeing my son a few days per month  knowing my son had friends that were not good for him  loosing my academic talents  loosing my practical talents  loosing my sports talents  loosing my artistic talents  becoming stupider  becoming uglier  becoming fatter  not seeing my son at all for many years  ...

survivability of a population could have been inaccurately determined

it's possible that most humans in a population have severe genetic errors  but it's not noticeable because there are so many braindead meat puppets in that population  if too many humans in a population have severe genetic errors  then their children are not able to survive until reproductive age and then that population will not survive 

all the wishes of humans

for more than four decades  I have tried to give humans equal opportunities  but equal outcome has proven to be difficult 

braindead meat puppets should not be used to abuse others

it's possible that humans with physical and mental disabilities  are controlling braindead meat puppets  which probably makes humans with physical disabilities and mental disabilities feel more  and could bring excitement in their lives  but braindead meat puppets should not be used to abuse others 

common sense

I never had sex with a girl that at that time had a boyfriend  and I will never have sex with a girl that has a boyfriend  that's wrong against the boyfriend   and it makes life more difficult for the girl 

looks wrong

when a guy and a girl hug and kiss in public  that means that they don't hug and kiss when they are alone  when a guy and a girl behave erotic in public  that means that they don't have sex at all 


a lot of girls that have a boyfriend  probably claim that they had sex with other guys before  even if they didn't  so if all those girls instead did have sex with a guy they were in love with  then those girls would have had joyful memories  that would make them happy to think about  when life is tough 


humans remembered only some of their traditions  but forgot all about their own nature  that's why everything went to shit  in spite of all the technology 


if many interests wants to be in contact with one man then that becomes easier if that man has many girlfriends  at the same time  even if those interests are enemies to each other  if that man has only one girlfriend  then it becomes difficult for different interests to be in contact with him  especially if those interests are enemies  one girlfriend can only be at one place at a time  many girlfriends can be at many different places at the same time  girlfriends that enjoy sex with their man  are relaxed and happy  and are easier to deal with 

love logic

if many girls are in love with the same guy  and those girls wants to have sex with him  then those girls don't have to cooperate  but they have to avoid counteracting each other about love and sex  those girls can fight with each other  those girls can fight with they guy  but those girls can't prevent each other from succeeding in sex and love 


some of those girls that I have been telepathically  in romantic communication with  are soon 20 years old  and I have never met many of them in person  that I know of  if we meet  then I won't ignore you  if we have had romantical relationships telepathically  then you can meet me whenever you want  and I won't ignore you if we meet 


it's possible that I perceive there to be more braindead meat puppets  than there are  because so many braindead meat puppets around me  when I'm among people  but wherever you look  it's obvious that there are many braindead meat puppets  how many, percentually, that's the question  the answer lies in how many unrighteous humans there are  if humanity is to survive then all unrighteous humans have to be turned into braindead meat puppets  so it doesn't matter if 1% or 10% or 99% of humans are unrighteous  because if populations decline  then humans will reproduce when circumstances become better and populations will grow  but it's possible that braindead meat puppets could be created out of thin air when need arises  and are destroyed when there is no more need of them 


according to my blog's statistics  there are very few people that read my blog  but I notice that the problems of young android girls decrease  as I write more on my blog  which makes me relax 

unrighteous female hierarchy

unrighteous women have a weird hierarchy  unrighteous old women try to prevent middle aged women  from succeeding in dating and sex  unrighteous old women try to prevent young women  from succeeding in dating and sex  unrighteous old women try to prevent teenage girls  from succeeding in dating and sex  unrighteous old women try to prevent preteen girls  from succeeding in dating and sex  unrighteous old women try to prevent child girls   from succeeding in dating  unrighteous middle aged women try to prevent young women  from succeeding in dating and sex  unrighteous middle aged women try to prevent teenage girls  from succeeding in dating and sex  unrighteous middle aged women try to prevent preteen girls  from succeeding in dating and sex  unrighteous middle aged women try to prevent child girls  from succeeding in dating unrighteous young women try to prevent teenage girls  from succe...

nanny state

all countries have rules and laws to not do this and not do that  so that people don't do what's wrong  but sooner of later many people will do something wrong  better to lure out those people that will do something wrong  as soon as possible  example:  people are worried about young girls  so laws are created to prevent men from dating and having sex with young girls that are in love with them  but young girls are still abused, kidnapped, raped and murdered  if young girls are in love with a man  and that man looks at those young girls in public  then that will create so much drama  that those with hostile intent will be lured out 

history books don't add up

it's possible that some ethnicities, languages, cultures and traditions  are fake and were created by dividing bigger ethnic groups into smaller ethnic groups  and giving those new ethnic groups slightly different languages or new languages  which was done by other humans  in order to more easily control those ethnic groups  to create a new language is fairly easy  fiction authors do it all the time to fill their books with content 

old wisdoms about love

there could be some truths in old wisdoms  if a girl marries a guy she loves then she will become happy  the meaning is if a girl is in love with a guy  then probability increases that they are a genetic match  and will have healthy children if they reproduce  if a girl is sexually attracted to a guy  then probability increases that they are a genetic match  and will have healthy children if they reproduce  so a girl could easily and quickly test her sexual attraction to a guy  if a girl feels that she would be able to have sex with a guy  if they dated for a while  then girl has low sexual attraction to guy  if a girl wants a guy to fuck her ass and fuck her mouth until his cock ejaculates sperm in her mouth  then girl has high sexual attraction to guy  if a girls has low sexual attraction to a guy  then her consciousness is disagreeing with her subconsciousness and her consciousness and subconsciousness are fig...


I see a lot of exotic technology activity near me all the time  but it's difficult for me to know which of that is alien activity, literally  because I know that android children controls exotic technology  and I know that android children likes to play pranks on me 

speculation about capabilities

according to media a military uses satellite, drones and gunships to support a special operations unit in a hostile country  so if an alien species that controls parts of a galaxy or an entire galaxy recruited an individual on earth  and used that individual as a deniable operator  how much resources would that alien species be willing to use  to protect that deniable operator  and how much resources would that alien species be willing to use  to ensure that deniable operator succeeds 

what I saw in my sleep

when I slept in the night I saw what old human women wanted to do to one of the young android girls  old human women wanted to give diseases to a young android girl so that her face would rot away, but she would survive 


today in the late morning  a child boy walked to my tent and threw sticks on my tent  and screamed about old women and feces  I don't want humans to send children to harrass me on my sleeping place in the forest area 


braindead meat puppets behave weird   so that righteous humans don't become friends with braindead meat puppets  braindead meat puppets behave disgusting  so that righteous humans don't reproduce with braindead meat puppets 

all seeing eye

if humans tried to abuse your mother  then those humans are by now braindead meat puppets  if humans tried to abuse your father  then those humans are by now braindead meat puppets  if humans tried to abuse your lover    then those humans are by now braindead meat puppets  if humans tried to abuse your child   then those humans are by now braindead meat puppets 


it's possible that a lot of braindead meat puppets that meet me  do so because when they were alive they were promised  to see someone suffering or meet someone important 


I listen to the wishes of humans, androids, individuals  and different interests  if I'm able and willing  then I make those wishes happen 

delayed effect

humans that were turned into braindead meat puppets  because they tried to abuse a person  it's possible that those humans succeeded in abusing a person  a long time after those humans were turned into braindead meat puppets  because those abusive processes that were set in motion takes time to have effect  that's what's seems to be happening to me  extremely many humans that tried to abuse me and torture me  where turned into braindead meat puppets  but that abuse is still going on probably because those abusive processes develop slowly 

nice person

the reason that braindead meat puppets could be annoying at a distance  but nice to talk to in person  is because braindead meat puppets functions as telephones  person A talks to braindead meat puppet 1  braindead meat puppet 1 communicates with braindead meat puppet 2  braindead meat puppet 2 talks to person B  or it could be cybernetic humans or androids  that functions as telephones 

movie app with bug as a feature

it's annoying that the movie app sfanytime for android phones  is unable to play downloaded movies when there is no internet connection 

so many ruined lives

if country A and country B are enemies  and country B and country C are friends  it could become a situation when a guy from country A  meets a girl from country B  and they move to country A where they have a child  so they become a family  but networks from country C residing in country A  abuse that family  that is a situation that could be difficult to fix 


I don't want to become official in any way  if a person with high value becomes official  then it becomes too tempting for different interests  to fake that person's death and give that person a new identity  in order to protect that person or control that person  I don't have any time for that silliness  and because of my long life expectancy  it would become difficult to hide me for a long time 


I could be perceived as a parasite  because I'm a homeless person sleeping outside  and because I'm unemployed and get food and money from my mother  it's difficult to prove that I do anything of value  and I spend my time seemingly doing nothing 

a counter to the fermi paradox

nanotechnology need to be self replicating to scale well computer chips could use nanometer sized transistors  but those computer chips won't create more computer chips  machines create nanotechnology  nanotechnology creates femtotechnology  femtotechnology creates attotechnology  attotechnology creates plancktech technology  self replicating nano machines  could disassemble asteroids and planets  and could probably create everything humanity needs to colonize the galaxy self replicating femto machines  could disassemble stars  and could probably create everything humanity needs to colonize the universe self replicating attotech machines  could probably disassemble black holes  and could probably create portals to other parts of the universe  self replicating plancktech machines  could probably disassemble space itself and time itself  and could probably create portals to other dimensions  the technological ...

content smiles

murder watch  is when android children meet  and use their subconsciousness to monitor those humans  that are likely to be murdered soon 

too slow

if a young android girl lured out unrighteous humans  that she was planning to murder  but an android man murders those unrighteous humans  then it's understandable that young android girl becomes furious  because she considered those unrighteous humans to be her prey 

easily bored

I'm willing to do as many jobs, projects and processes as possible  at the same time 24/7 365  but not officially  because I want to do it and because I like to do it  and because it's easy for me I'm willing to have as many roles, posts and positions as possible  at the same time 24/7 365  but not officially  because I want to do it and because I like to do it  and because it's easy for me it's my cybernetic upgrades that are mentally and physically exhausting 

fake relatives

if a person becomes rich  then a bureaucracy might try to change paperwork to create fake relatives of that person  so that if that person dies  then those fake relatives could inherit that person's money  so that fake relatives could be used to control that money  if a person becomes popular  then a bureaucracy might try to change paperwork to create fake relatives of that person  so that if that person dies  then those fake relatives could be used to control situation that ensues  if a person becomes valuable  then a bureaucracy might try to change paperwork to create fake relatives of that person  so that those fake relatives could be used to control person  these practices are probably more common than most people realize  and is not necessarily because of bureaucratic corruption  but could be standard procedure in some scenarios  so don't care too much about some newfound relatives that weren't known before...


I want to write as pedagogically as possible with as few words as possible  without saying too much  but if there are inappropriate things that could happen or are happening  then I will possibly blog about that  so that people will be able to protect themselves  some sensitive things are unnecessary and holds humanity back 

unrighteous humans think diffently than righteous humans

unrighteous humans reasons so differently from righteous humans  that righteous humans don't even notice that some humans are unrighteous it's a type of behavioural camouflage that parasites use to hide what they are doing  so that the host animals don't make it more difficult for parasites to survive  example:  if an unrighteous human tells righteous humans what it wants  then righteous humans will think that unrighteous human is joking  and if righteous humans laugh at what they thought was a joke  then unrighteous human will feel popular  and unrighteous human will probably feel it's survivability has increased  if it's popular among righteous humans  example:  if an unrighteous human has a suggestion how to make something better  at a company  then righteous humans will think that suggestion is so obviously wrong  and righteous humans will assume that unrighteous human was speaking ironically  and then righte...

3d print building blocks and assemble building blocks to structures on logistically awkward sites

on building sites on earth, such as suburbs and cities  it usually makes more logistic sense to bring building blocks  such as concrete walls to building site  and assemble those concrete walls to buildings on building site  but on the moon and on mars, it's cheaper and more logistically practical to use building material on or near the building site  because of high cost of space transport of material  media usually suggests using mars dust as material to 3d print entire buildings on mars  but building blocks could be 3d printed on building site on mars  and then building blocks could be assembled to buildings  there are probably circumstances when it makes more sense to  3d print entire buildings  and there are probably circimstances when it makes more sense to  3d print building blocks and assemble those building blocks to buildings  there is probably mars dust everywhere on mars  and there is probably moon dust ev...

my whereabouts

I will be sleeping outside again  in stockholm, sweden  every day I'm at the library in sickla, stockholm, sweden  from late morning until closing  after that I'm at the cultural house in sickla, stockholm, sweden  for a couple of hours  if library is closed, then I'm at the cultural house  after that I walk to my sleeping place in a forest area and set up my tent  then I sleep for the night  then in the morning I walk to the library 


it has been telepathically insinuated to me  that unrighteous humans have changed my cybernetic upgrades  to make me uglier, fatter, less muscular and less sexually attractive   and that has been going on since I was an android baby boy  until I became an adult android man  for all my life  if that is true  then that would explain why it's impossible for me to loose fat  no matter how much I train and how little I eat  when my consciousness ask my subconsciousness if those telepathic insinuations are true  then my subconsciousness uses my instinctive actions  to confirm that those telepathic insinuations are true 



healthy population recipe

if there are unrighteous humans in a population  and technology, resources and financial resources flow into the habitat  then unrighteous humans will reproduce quicker  and there will become too many unrighteous humans in the population  so that the population will go extinct  if flow of technology, resources and financial resources  is delayed into habitat  then the population will endure harsh circumstances  but unrighteous humans will die off in the population  when there are only righteous humans in population  then technology, resources and financial resources can flow into habitat  and population will flourish 

social isolation is a form of torture

unrighteous humans have tried to prevent me from socializing with righteous humans all my life  so that I have mostly socialized with unrighteous humans  in studies, work and private life all my life if I have mostly socialized with braindead meat puppets  in studies, work and private life all my life  then I have been kept in social isolation 

read between the lines and look for what's not written

I explain a lot of concepts on my blog  but I don't explain sensitive concepts  the point is that the readers are supposed to figure out the rest by themselves 

slaves and fake kings in ancient history

in ancient history  unrighteous humans were kept as slaves, fake nobles and fake royalty  because slavery is a cheap source of labour  and fake nobles can be replaced without consequences  and fake royalty can be murdered without consequences  problems arised because some righteous humans reproduced with unrighteous humans  instead of just having sex for pleasure  media often describe slavery as one ethnic group beging enslaved by another ethnic group  but according to history books, ethnic groups kidnapped individuals in their own and other ethnic groups to sell as slaves 

don't worry about who will be the target

if you put cheese in a rat trap  then you don't worry about which of the rats that will get caught  you check the rat trap when you hear the sound of it closing  if you fish  then you don't worry about which of the fish that will bite the bait  you pull the fishing rod when the bait is bitten  if you hunt deer  then you don't worry about which of the deer that you will shoot  you shoot the deer that is in the killzone 

probability of love

if many girls are in love with one guy  and the guy says that he only wants to date and have sex with one girl  then many girls have their dreams crushed  because they know he only wants one of them  and all the girls tries to be perfect for him to choose one of them  that increases stress for every girl  if guy says he wants to date and have sex with many girls  but only have one girlfriend   then many girls can dream about the future  because many of them will be able to have sex with the guy they love  and none of the girls tries to be perfect for him to have fun with all of them  that decreases stress for every girl  if guy says he wants to date and have sex with many girls  and have many girlfriends in a harem  then many girls feel lucky  because many of them will be able to have sex with the guy they love  and some of them will become his girlfriends  and none of the girls tries to be perfect...


android children are righteous by design  and because of that  if I don't control situations  so that unrighteous humans tries to abuse and torture me instead of that others are abused and tortured  so that unrighteous are lured out  then android children  would probably control situations  so that unrighteous humans tries to abuse and torture android children  instead of that others are abused and tortured  so that unrighteous are lured out 

shared burden of suffering and misery

unrighteous individuals tries to abuse other individuals  in order to decrease survivability of other individuals  so that survivability increases of unrighteous individuals  if a righteous individual is abused  so that less other individuals are abused  then unrighteous individuals are lured out  if many righteous individuals are abused  so that even less other individuals are abused  then more unrighteous individuals are lured out 

everyday life

magician made life better for forest people  forest people likes magician  magician made life better for desert people  desert people likes magician  magician made life better for mountain people  mountain people likes magician  magician made life better for island people  island people likes magician  some young forest girls are in love with magician  some young desert girls are in love with magician  some young mountain girls are in love with magician  some young island girls are in love with magician  forest people think that young girls should be allowed to date magician  desert people think that young girls should be allowed to date magician  mountain people think that young girls should be allowed to date magician  island people think that young girls should be allowed to date magician  forest people and island people are friends  desert people and mountain people are friends  forest people a...

ordinary life

magician made life better for many people  many people likes magician  some young girls are in love with magician  but a man is not allowed to date young girls according to the law  but many people think it's allowed that young girls date magician  because he has proven himself by making life better for many people  problem is that magician lives as an ordinary man  and because of that he is not allowed to date young girls  that are in love with him 

black and white

it could be assumed that the expressions:  white usually means overt  and black usually means covert  if a person does a lot that benefit black systems  then individuals in white systems probably think that person does little  or nothing  if individuals in black systems considers a person to be a friend or ally  then individuals in white systems probably think that person is a hostile or an enemy  these circumstances are probably because white systems  and black systems communicate and interact differently 

who do you reflect

if a human is annoying  then that could be  because of that human's incompetence and misunderstandings  or if a human is annoying  then that could be that human reflect other humans  that are incompetent and misunderstand  like a mirror  humans reflect the behaviour of those that they socialize with  without thinking about it  like a mirror humans reflect the behaviour of those that they meet on the streets without thinking about it  like a mirror  humans reflect the behaviour of those that they see on tv  without thinking about it  like a mirror 

don't worry about suspicious persons

individuals in a population functions like a immune system in an organism  individuals are like the immune system and the population is like the organism  those individuals don't have to worry about a person that is suspicious  those individuals could instead assume that the immune system works  and from reading the news about how many humans that die everyday  that indicates that the immune system works  in different populations all over the world 

thousands of broken hearts

those righteous human young women that were in love with me  since they were child girls or teenage girls  when we talked telepathically  then I thought I was thinking to myself  so my consciousness didn't know about those girls  but now I know  I know you loved me  and I guess I liked you  we never even went on a date  because unrighteous humans prevented us from dating and having sex  and that makes me furious  unrighteous humans ruined our lives  and that makes me vengeful  I wish those righteous young women that loved me to have nice lives  and I advice them to find some righteous human men to reproduce with  I advice them to avoid having fake boyfriends  because that never brings happiness  even if those fake boyfriends are braindead meat puppets 

ghost diver and ghost astronaut

when I sleep my consciousness sometimes experience  that I control some exotic technology avatar  when I slept,  I experienced that I controlled an exotic technology avatar  that was a diver  that was moving in sea and inside structures  when I slept,  I experienced that I controlled an exotic technology avatar  that was an astronaut that was moving in space and on structures 

a man with perceived high value

if humans think that a man has high value  and child girls fall in love with that man  then humans might prevent those child girls from meeting that man  because humans don't want that man to get into trouble  that could ruin that man's career  because that man's career could benefit many humans  the conscious opinions of a human  are not necessarily the same  as the subconscious opinions of that human  the conscious opinions of a group of humans  are not necessarily the same  as the subconscious opinions of that group of humans  the conscious opinions of a population of humans  are not necessarily the same  as the subconscious opinions of that population of humans  it's probable that a man with perceived high value  activates a lot of instincts among  individual humans,  groups of humans  and populations of humans  instincts to help and instincts to protect that man 

cycle of incompetence and misunderstandings

helpful individuals and organizations makes mistakes  because of incompetence and misunderstandings  because of the consequences of those mistakes  other individuals and organizations become angry at  helpful individuals and organizations that made mistakes  angry individuals and organizations tries to fix situations  that emerged from the mistakes of helpful individuals and organizations  angry individuals and organizations makes mistakes  because of incompetence and misunderstandings  because of the consequences of those mistakes  more individuals and organizations become furious at  angry individuals and organizations that made mistakes  cycle repeats itself 

power of the written word

perception of knowledge changes when it's written down  most people probably think that it's safer to use a bicycle helmet when riding a bicycle  and because of that many people often use bicycle helmets when riding bicycles  but if media writes that it's safer to use bicycle helmet when riding a bicycle  then more people will probably use bicycle helmets when riding bicycles  and if blogs writes that it's safer to use bicycle helmets when riding bicycles then even more people will probably use bicycle helmets when riding bicycles 

legal course of action

if a child girl is in love with a man  then that child girl could together with her parents or relatives  meet that man and socialize as a group at home or café or similar  sometimes, now and again for many years until she becomes older  and later when that child girl got older until she became a teenage girl  so that she is of legal age to have sex  then that teenage girl could go on dates with the man she loves and have sex  then that could probably make that child girl happier  and less heartbroken 

opinions about scenarios

many people probably have opinions about laws  but instead of blogging about a certain situation that media reports about  it's possible to blog opinions about a hypothetical situation  and blog opinions about the laws concerning that hypothetical situation  because how media reports about situations  could be about more than what it seems 

well meaning laws with little connection to reality

most people have abstract opinion about laws  until they experience the effects of those laws  people might think it's reasonable that laws that make the child lives with the mother most of the time  until people experience the effects of a child that is only allowed to meet it's father a few times per month  people might think it's reasonable that laws prevent the child from meeting it's father most of the time  because the mother says that the father is a bad father  so that the child lives with the mother most of the time  until people experience the effects of a child that is only allowed to meet it's father a few times per month  people might think it's reasonable that laws make the child live with the mother half of the time and father half of the time  until people experience the effects of a mother that moves far away from the father so that child lives with mother most of the time  and child only meets father a few times per mon...

partners in crime

if a child girl is in love with a man  and they meet at a celebration  and that man gives that child girl rosé wine to drink  then if that child girl tells anyone that he gave her wine to drink  then that man could get into trouble with the law  because it's illegal to give child girls wine to drink  and if that child girl becomes drunk from rosé wine  so that others see that she is drunk  then that man could get into trouble with the law  because it's illegal to give child girls wine to drink 

mate selection and dating

a girl finds a guy that she likes  girl tries to get the guy's attention  guy asks girl for a date  guy thinks that he selected girl  but it's usually girl that selected guy without him knowing  girls usually fail in their strategies  because a guy often doesn't notice that a girl is trying to get his attention  and girls usually fails in their strategies  because if a girl succeeds in getting a guy's attention  then guy doesn't understand that girl likes him  so guy doesn't take the risk to ask girl for a date 

galactic strategies

when a civilization develops to a certain technological level  so that faster than light communication  faster than light travel  and travel through portals becomes available  then a lot of options opens up  if a civilization has space station habitats and/or spaceships  then the entire civilization could move to a new location if necessary  while cities on planets are abandoned or disassembled  static borders might not be necessary or strategically wise  for a civilization in space  because of the speed that spaceships and space stations habitats could be moved  which indicates that borders could become more temporary and fluid  various technologies could be used to hide an entire civilization  and there is a lot of space in a galaxy and between galaxies  where it's possible to hide  a lot of individuals could live on space stations and spaceships  in dark space between star systems or between galaxies...

the constant gardener

because righteous humans have only reproduced with righteous humans  for more than the last four decades  that means that  unrighteous humans have only reproduced with unrighteous humans  for more than the last four decades  and that could mean that the descendants of unrighteous humans have reduced cognitive abilities 

knowledge unnoticed

I have tried to write as pedagogically and short as possible  without saying too much on my blog  but it's possible that unrighteous humans don't have the cognitive abilities to understand what I write on my blog  and I have tried to do social media posts as pedagogical as possible  without saying too much on my facebook, instagram, tiktok and youtube  but it's possible that unrighteous humans don't have the cognitive abilities to understand my social media posts on my facebook, instagram, tiktok and youtube  which makes me wonder why wise people in ancient times  didn't write books and papers to explain things  as pedagogically and short as possible without saying too much  since that knowledge only could be understood by righteous humans  and couldn't be understood by unrighteous humans  if a lot of the knowledge that I write about on my blog  would have been spread to the public in ancient times  then a lot of problems ...

as simple as it gets

androids use some very simple strategies  humans makes a situation that is a trap  android walks into situation that is a trap  android defends itself 

the no attraction trap

a girl that is in love with a guy  becomes shy when she is near him  so she avoids getting close to him  instead she gets close to a guy that she is not attracted of  because she is not shy when she is near a guy she is not attracted of 


young android girl  if your family is not able to fix so that you meet me  then your family is not able to make you happy  but your family is able to take you on a holiday  young android girl  if your country is not able to fix so that you meet me  then your country is not able to protect you  but your country is able to take you on a school trip 

it is what it is

to me, it seems  that many righteous humans like me and that many unrighteous humans like me,  but many humans don't like other humans  that could be because I have given many humans better lives 

killing with kindness

from what I understand  when humans tries to abuse and/or torture  righteous humans, righteous human children,  androids and android children  then I am abused and/or tortured instead  and it could be that when humans tries to abuse and/or torture  unrighteous humans and/or unrighteous human children  then I am abused and/or tortured instead  these are probably some of the reasons that I have lured out so many unrighteous humans this is probably how it has been all my life  and I was born 1981 

how to learn a little from hollywood movies

how to view hollywood movies  view every film scene as a scenario   guys are rational in one film scene and succeed  same guys are irrational in other film scene and fails  two film scenes with same guys  show two different scenarios  example: film scene shows: two guys that professionally prepare to fight monster  scenario show how to succeed  film scene shows two guys incompetently fight monster and dies  scenario show what mistakes to avoid  some hollywood movies could possibly be inspired from reality  same actors in two film scenes in same hollywood movie  but different guys in two different situations in real life  one film scene could show some guys in one situation that happened in a similar way in real life  and another film scene could show other guys in another situation that happened in a similar way in real life  example: film scene shows: five guys that professinally cooperate to win  film...

results from my pain

some of the reasons that I am able to lure out so many unrighteous humans is because unrighteous humans always are trying to torture me  examples of torture, possibly through use of technology  physical torture: physical pain in body  psychological torture: deceived to believe in lies to doubt one's reality  emotional torture: isolation from people that one likes  sexual torture: experience disgusting sexual situations  stress torture: prevented from earning money to pay for food and shelter  and more  unrighteous humans have tried to torture me every day and every night  all my life  which is why so many unrighteous humans have been lured out