unrighteous humans think diffently than righteous humans

unrighteous humans reasons so differently from righteous humans 
that righteous humans don't even notice that some humans are unrighteous

it's a type of behavioural camouflage that parasites use to hide what they are doing 
so that the host animals don't make it more difficult for parasites to survive 

if an unrighteous human tells righteous humans what it wants 
then righteous humans will think that unrighteous human is joking 
and if righteous humans laugh at what they thought was a joke 
then unrighteous human will feel popular 
and unrighteous human will probably feel it's survivability has increased 
if it's popular among righteous humans 

if an unrighteous human has a suggestion how to make something better 
at a company 
then righteous humans will think that suggestion is so obviously wrong 
and righteous humans will assume that unrighteous human was speaking ironically 
and then righteous humans will do opposite of what unrighteous human was suggesting 
and righteous humans will then assume that unrighteous human was pedagogically helping them by suggesting what was obviously wrong

unrighteous humans speak literally when they say what they want 
but righteous humans think that unrighteous humans speak figuratively
because righteous humans thinks it's so strange what unrighteous humans want 

unrighteous humans think so differently from righteous humans 
that righteous humans would think it's alien how unrighteous humans think 
if they knew, that is 

my conclusion is that unrighteous humans have survived and thrived because righteous humans did not even notice them 
and that almost made humanity go extinct 
and that has probably happened many times throughout human history 


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