
Showing posts from March, 2023

trying to be creative with modern themes

I'm trying to develop my artistic side  mostly by writing poems in blog posts  and posting images and videos in social media  there are so many images and videos on the internet that can be used  to express oneself artistically 

nowhere to hide




who do you reflect

a son might be unable to get a job but son is not concerned  son is calm and content about to playing video games  son's father might be angry that his son is unable to get a job  father is furious  when son is alone, he is calm  when son is nearby his father, then son becomes furious  because son reflects his father's emotions  about son's situation  a son might be unable to get a date with girls  but son is not concerned  son is calm and content about to playing video games  son's mother might be angry that his son is unable to get a date with girls  mother is furious  when son is alone, he is calm  when son is nearby his mother, then son becomes furious  because son reflects his mother's emotions  about son's situation 

be wise about those around you

a person is affected by  family  friends  collegues  neighbours  people on the streets  people on the radio, tv and newspapers  people in social media  and other people that you don't think about  so if you have concerns about a person  those concerns are probably about people around person  that are affecting the person  it might seem like a person is alone  but it's often people around that are trying to affect person  if you want to help a person  then influence people around person  no matter how insignificant they may seem  if people is affecting person  who is affecting people  how many layers are there  are those layers relevant 

what's on tv

if people on tv behave weird  probably means that situation is weird   if people on tv behave irritating  probably means that situation is irritating  if people on tv behave loudly  probably means that situation is loud  if people on tv behave violently  probably means that situation is violent  if people on tv behave peacefully  probably means that situation is peaceful  if it's exaggerated  it could also mean the opposite 

perspectives on nano machine cybernetics

nano machine cybernetics viewed from a left wing political perspective  it's a technology that benefits the population  nano machine cybernetics viewed from a right wing political perspective  it's a technology that benefits the individual  nano machine cybernetics viewed from a communist perspective  it's a technology that enables communist visions to be built  nano machine cybernetics viewed from a capitalist perspective  it's a technology that enables capitalist principles to be realized  nano machine cybernetics viewed from a nationalist perspective  it's a technology that benefits their ethnic group  nano machine cybernetics viewed from a internationalist's perspective  it's a technology that benefits all ethnic groups  nano machine cybernetics viewed from an environmentalist's perspective  it's a technology that could spread to become part of nature  nano machine cybernetics viewed from a religious perspective...


nobody needs to take my blog seriously  but ideas, concepts are probably viable  atleast according to comic books, movies and books since the 1950s 

doing something creative keeps your mind fresh


guy and girl communication

maybe girls communicate more visually than verbally with guys  and maybe guys communicate mostly verbally with girls  a girl's cosmetics and clothes are a visual communication  how a girl behaves is a visual communication  so when a girl and a guy talks  then guy could listen to what girl says  but also see what clothes girl is wearing  and see how girl modifies her clothes during communication  and see what cosmetics girl is wearing  and see girl's body gestures and facial gestures  trivia:  look at how guys and girls communicate in movies 

female android fetus opinions

female android fetuses have telepathically been sending me pictures of themselves directly into my mind  they seem to develop a lot faster in the first few weeks  I guess android fetuses are using self replicating femto machines to manipulate hospital equipment so that they appear to develop slowly like human fetuses  probably it results in what seems to be a regular 9 month pregnancy  but possibly pregnancy is longer because pregnancy started some time before humans realize  which would mean that mother is pregnant for some time without knowing it  my guess is that mother needs more high calorie food before she realises that she is pregnant  I have been telepathically hearing some complaining about that some women don't realize that they are pregnant 

learns quickly and has humour

when human girls select human guys to reproduce with  then they will more likely desire cognitive attributes instead of physical attributes since that probably increases survivability of their offspring  and that's how it's been since humans discovered fire  examples of cognitive abilities:  to quickly attain ability in new tasks indicates competence  to solve misunderstandings indicates problem solving ability 

nice intro


evolution is a two step process

evolution is not only survival of the fittest  evolution is a two step process  step one is mate selection and reproduction  step two is if resulting offspring is able to survive long enough to reproduce  if human girls think it looks cute that guys have small arms  and if human girls think it looks powerful that human guys have fat legs  and if human girls think it is high status that human guys have tall heads  then humans girls will reproduce with human guys that fulfill those criteria as much as possible  and their children will have more of those physical attributes  step two is if their children would survive long enough to reproduce  currently too few survive long enough to reproduce  but when humans devolve to loose intelligence  then it will become easier for those above mentioned evolutions of humans to survive  keep in mind that a lot of famous humans are criticized without any real substance  it could be b...

cybernetic developments

my exotic technology cybernetic upgrades are not painful anymore  but I feel mentally and physically exhausted because of my  exotic technology cybernetic upgrades  and I eat a lot of high calorie food  I often feel mentally and physically exhausted because of processes that my brain does  young android girls telepathically communicate with me all the time  time that I would rather spend watching youtube videos without distractions  I suspect the reason I don't have mental focus to read books or play video games is because young android girls telepathically communicate with me all the time 

real time paleoanthropology

evolution seems to prefer to revert back to basic traits unless there are environmental factors that necessitates need of certain traits  which means that unless there are environmental factors that requires that humans are intelligent  then humans will devolve to become less intelligent  if humans devolve to loose intelligence  and revert completely to instinctive behaviour  then mate selection would probably be based on physical attributes  to determine which physical attributes would be selected for  previous cultural expressions signifying high status could be observed   humans have throughout history favoured tall hats and tall headgear to signify status  high status usually leads to reproduction  those humans with high status physical attributes would reproduce  and their children would have more of those high status physical attributes   if humans devolve to loose intelligence  then the human population co...

righteousness in a evolutionary perspective

animals compete about sexual partners to reproduce with  female animals compete with female animals about sexual partners to reproduce with  male animals compete with male animals about sexual partners to reproduce with  human girls compete with human girls about sexual partners to reproduce with  human guys compete with human guys about sexual partners to reproduce with  if a human girl can't compete with other human girl  then human girl try to kill other human girl  if a human guy can't compete with other human guy  then human guy try to kill other human guy  in a population this could become a problem because  if a girl has a high value  then she is valuable to population  so if girl has a high value  and other girls can't compete with her  then other girls try to kill high value girl  if a guy has a high value  then he is valuable to population  so if guy has a high value  and other guys can't...

seven 1995 philosophical movie review

the film is about a man that allegedly is murdering those that he considers committed the seven deadly sins  which I as a movie viewer interpreted as:  lust - preventing someone else from succeeding in romance and sex  gluttony - making someone else starve  greed - making someone else poor  sloth - preventing someone else from obtaining work  wrath - preventing justified revenge  envy - preventing someone else from succeeding  pride - preventing someone else from being popular  it's not what you feel or think  it's what you do  it's a movie that makes the audience wonder what those that were murdered had done to be punished so severly  the murderor probably thinks he is doing the people a favour  by punishing those guilty of sin  so that the flood would not be needed  the flood is symbolism for catastrophies that would kill many  and only spare the righteous 


I don't want to help humans anymore  because humans have prevented me from realizing what's going on  and because humans have prevented me from realizing what I am  and because humans have prevented me from realizing who I am  and because humans have prevented me from dating and having sex with attractive girls younger than me  and because humans have prevented me from transferring my money to my personal account  and because humans have prevented me from succeeding in education  and because humans have prevented me from getting jobs  and because humans have given me instructions to worsen my life  and because humans have forced me to worsen my life  and because humans have abused me  and because humans have prevented me from meeting my own son  I have delegated to younger androids to help humans  if younger androids want help humans to is up to them  also this will decrease probability that humans will abuse younger ...

how to sleep better

if person seems to be unrighteous  but another person is unrighteous  then rage felt against person  was rage intended towards another person  so rage was justified  but rage was directed at wrong person  instead of wondering about which person is unrighteous  and wondering which person to direct rage towards  better imagine unrighteous person to direct rage towards  if it's unknown who is unrighteous person 


if individuals behave weird or irritating or loud  what are they trying to communicate?  what is the message? 


rationale for many intrigues all the time  humans are trying to help  or humans are trying to improve situations  and because of that humans get into trouble  or make situations worse  intrigues distract humans  and enable humans to choose another path  like a dog hunting a wolf  and dog starts to get a feeling that it's a dumb idea  but if someone throws a ball to dog  then dog can play with ball instead  and dog doesn't have to feel inadequate for not chasing wolf anymore  so to avoid that humans get injured  or die too early or at the wrong moment  androids start intrigues that enable those humans to survive  to  die another day  or night 

what men don't realize

unrighteous humans probably prefer to abuse righteous humans  but unrighteous humans will abuse unrighteous humans if they get the opportunity  because of that unrighteous humans might dislike unrighteous humans  if too many humans abuse other humans in a society  then that society collapses  and few humans would survive that  all humans instinctively feel this  that's a reason that unrighteous humans want other unrighteous humans to die 

ancient history

if smart humans are recruited to work in office  and those smart humans reproduce with other smart humans  their children evolve to become smarter  if strong humans are recruited to work in factory  and those strong humans reproduce with other strong humans  their children evolve to become stronger  if smart humans work in office abuse collegues to succeed themselves  then they are unrighteous humans  if those unrighteous humans reproduce with other unrighteous humans  then their children will probably devolve  if that continues for many generations  then those devolving effects will become noticeable  if strong humans work in factory abuse collegues to succeed themselves  then they are unrighteous humans  if those unrighteous humans reproduce with other unrighteous humans  then their children will probably devolve  if that continues for many generations  then those devolvi...

if job is easy, then who is worrying

in the winter  if a man goes outside of his home  and starts shoveling snow outside  then maybe animals thinks that man is homeless  because animals think man is digging in the snow to find a new home  animals dig in snow either to find home or find food  if animals were cybernetic then their telepathic communication to cybernetic man would maybe be:  upset, distressed, shameful, agitated, humiliated, distressed, embarrassed, worried and angry thoughts and feelings  man lying in bed  looking out the window at the weather when it's snowing outside  excellent 

wake up

if cybernetic animals could telepathically communicate with androids  and cybernetic humans  then if cybernetic dog is hungry  and feeling is telepathically communicated  then maybe cybernetic human would feel hunger  or cybernetic dog would feel hungry and think hungry  and thought is telepathically communicated  then maybe cybernetic human would think the word hungry  or cybernetic dog would feel hungry  and cybernetic translation would translate feeling or thought to word  and word is telepathically communicated  and cybernetic human think the word hungry  if cybernetic crow don't like feathers of other crow  then cybernetic crow would think ridiculous  but if crow could think a word then crow would think the word ridiculous  whether cybernetic crow telepathically communicate thought or word to cybernetic human  then cybernetic human would think the word ridiculous  all cybernetic animals know who th...


why women care about romantic stuff  because women instinctively know  that if there is no love  then society collapses 

no choice

middle ages were closed societies in some ways  if a man did something of value  then king made him a knight  knight married a daughter from another man that did something of value  expectation was that atleast some of their children would have higher value than their high value parents  that system probably worked for a few generations  but grandson of knight could not choose a girl of value because the only girl of high value was a slave daughter and that marriage was not allowed  maybe brothers of grandson had low value and married low value girls that were daughters of other knights and merchants  maybe grandson could disgrace himself by doing something that would make him loose his position in the social hierarchy  so that he could buy the freedom of slave daughter and marry her  maybe that made the king and the knights understand the weaknesses of their closed society 


when a word is used,  it soon gets two different meanings  and after a while it gets many meanings  this is one of the reasons that sometimes,  I'm careful about choosing which words to use  I use the word righteous because I think the meaning is easy to understand,  no matter the circumstances  good and bad could have many meanings  what is evil could depend on perspective  but righteous is a known constant 

same weather

what I write on my blog will not change countries,  but it will make it easier for people to understand why it is the way it is  and why the future is not what people expected  but if people understand more,  then they could become more competent so that a better future could sooner be achieved 

suffocating love

because girls have very strong emotions  they spend too much of their energy controlling their emotions  so that they become romantically numb  and sexually unsatisfied 

joy in the moment

a girl could think with her pussy  but if her pussy makes wrong decision about guys  then her ass could take the punishment 

overthinking until it's too late

it's said that guys too often think with their cock  but if girls more often thought with their pussy  then maybe more healthy children would be born 

reasons for optimism

my guess is that in the near future,  humans could me made smarter, faster, stronger and more talented with cybernetic upgrades  so the logical focus could be if humans tried to get healthy children,  if possible by genetically matching parents so that their children don't inherit genetic disorders from their parents  later those children could upgrade themselves with cybernetics to become better at what they want to become better at 

angry dog

how to make angry dog happy  wear gloves  if dog bark aggressively  take off one glove  and hold glove in gloveless hand  let dog bite glove  don't let go of glove  dog will still be angry  but dog will feel better  glove might break  but dog will feel better 

weakness of breeding

if you breed sheep to grow more wool  then those sheep will not survive in nature  because none of those sheep will lead the rest of those sheep towards succesful survival  sheep try to survive by hoping that some other sheep get eaten  if you breed humans to be smarter and stronger  then those humans will not survive in nature  because none of those humans will lead the rest of those humans towards succesful survival  humans try to survive by hoping that some other human will starve to death  maybe righteousness is one of those traits that enable humans to survive  whether it's in a hunter gatherer tribe or city people  if girl and guy are attracted to each other  and they get children  maybe some of those children are smart or dumb, strong or weak  but those children are probably more likely to have qualities needed to survive  because their parents were attracted to each other when they reproduced  there is a ...

vicious love

those android girls that love me  don't have to worry  that I'm not attracted to them  if android girls love me  then I am attracted to them  if too many android girls love me  then I will find time to be with all of them  each one of them  atleast one night or one day  those android girls that love me  don't have to feel intense fear  that they will never be with me  we have all the time in this galaxy 

what humans don't realize

if I'm not the bait that humans try to abuse and worse,  then younger androids will try to become the baits  I endure my troubling living conditions,  but I want young androids to have comfortable lives  if there are problems,  then young androids will probably try to fix those problems,  that's their nature,  that's one of the reasons I try to fix problems as soon as possible 

what women don't realize

man and woman have children  humans try to influence woman to not sexually satisfy her man  man become sexually frustrated   man and woman end their relationship  it becomes easier for humans to abuse children of man and woman  because man and woman are not together  what is more painful for a woman?  if she has pain in her ass because her man is fucking her ass all the time  or  that her children are abused by humans because her man is not around 

eyes on hunter

deer telepathically show me persons  deer want forest areas in cities  deer want walk over rail 

work and reward

fishes telepathically show me submarines  fishes want an island to be built in deep sea  so that shallow water fishes can live in the shallow water close to that island 

thin line

it's easy to tolerate someone that's smart  it's easy to tolerate someone that's stupid  it's easy to tolerate someone that's strong  it's easy to tolerate someone that's weak  it's easy to tolerate someone that's fast  it's easy to tolerate someone that's slow it's easy to tolerate someone that's sick  it's easy to tolerate someone that's injured  but it's difficult to tolerate someone that's trying to abuse you  and it' difficult to tolerate someone that's trying to abuse someone else