righteousness in a evolutionary perspective

animals compete about sexual partners to reproduce with 
female animals compete with female animals about sexual partners to reproduce with 
male animals compete with male animals about sexual partners to reproduce with 

human girls compete with human girls about sexual partners to reproduce with 
human guys compete with human guys about sexual partners to reproduce with 

if a human girl can't compete with other human girl 
then human girl try to kill other human girl 

if a human guy can't compete with other human guy 
then human guy try to kill other human guy 

in a population this could become a problem because 
if a girl has a high value 
then she is valuable to population 
so if girl has a high value 
and other girls can't compete with her 
then other girls try to kill high value girl 

if a guy has a high value 
then he is valuable to population 
so if guy has a high value 
and other guys can't compete with him 
then other guys try to kill high value guy 

these are probably scenarios that human populations have tried to handle since before humans discovered fire 

in a hunter gatherer tribe if there is a fight to the death about love 
then the best fighter wins 
whether it's an honest knife fight 
or a stab in the dark 
and the fighter that wins is probably good enough to be valuable to the tribe 

but in a civilization it's sligthly different because a scientist might not be a good knife fighter 
and a scientist could be of high value to a civilization 
so if a scientist girl is very attractive 
and other girls try to kill her 
because of love conflict about a guy 
then civilization is probably concerned 

so if a scientist guy is very attractive 
and other guys try to kill him 
because of love conflict about a girl 
then civilization is probably concerned 

some of these reasons could explain 
why righteousness is evolutionary important in a civilization 
and why righteousness is less evolutionary important in a hunter gatherer tribe 
and why righteousness is not evolutionary important at all among animals 


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