real time paleoanthropology
evolution seems to prefer to revert back to basic traits unless there are environmental factors that necessitates need of certain traits
which means that unless there are environmental factors that requires that humans are intelligent
then humans will devolve to become less intelligent
and revert completely to instinctive behaviour
then mate selection would probably be based on physical attributes
to determine which physical attributes would be selected for
previous cultural expressions signifying high status could be observed
humans have throughout history favoured tall hats and tall headgear to signify status
high status usually leads to reproduction
those humans with high status physical attributes would reproduce
and their children would have more of those high status physical attributes
if humans devolve to loose intelligence
then the human population could grow to become larger than presently
which would be an evolutionary success
the star trek tv series have been visually alluding to these evolutionary developments for a long time
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