ancient history
if smart humans are recruited to work in office
and those smart humans reproduce with other smart humans
their children evolve to become smarter
if strong humans are recruited to work in factory
and those strong humans reproduce with other strong humans
their children evolve to become stronger
if smart humans work in office abuse collegues to succeed themselves
then they are unrighteous humans
if those unrighteous humans reproduce with other unrighteous humans
then their children will probably devolve
if that continues for many generations
then those devolving effects will become noticeable
if strong humans work in factory abuse collegues to succeed themselves
then they are unrighteous humans
if those unrighteous humans reproduce with other unrighteous humans
then their children will probably devolve
if that continues for many generations
then those devolving effects will become noticeable
if humans don't need to be strong, but need to be smart to survive
in environment they live in
then maybe humans evolve to become weaker but smarter
if humans don't need to be smart, but need to be strong to survive
in environment they live in
then maybe humans evolve to become dumber but stronger
if unrighteous humans reproduce with each other
then it doesn't matter if they are smart or strong
their children will devolve until they can't survive
if some humans have behaviour that make it difficult for them to function in a country
then country probably prevent them from reproducing
which is eugenics
which many countries did before
example of genetic traits that no country tolerates is cannibalism
if cannibalism is a genetic trait
then that would probably not be acknowledged
eugenics is not evolution
eugenics is like fighting a forest fire with a bucket of water
better to allow evolution to have it's way
by allowing girls to reproduce with guys they are attracted to
if many girls reproduce with pop singer guys
then their children will evolve to sing better
but after a few generations their descendant daughters will probably be attracted to male engineers
then their children will probably evolve to become smarter
and so on
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