
Showing posts from June, 2022

braindead meat puppets

from what I have observed, it seems that  most children that seem to be androids are not androids,  they are braindead meat puppets controlled by androids  this might distress adult humans

humans sending me disgusting insults to me that I receive through mindcom

human personel from a country have been sending insults against my mother to me, that I receive through mindcom, those insults are of a disgusting nature  all my life I have through mindcom been receiving messages from humans that insult my mother  those insults increased dramatically the year 2019  most likely humans have been sending insults to android children that android children receive through mindcom  most likely androids try to use their subconsciousness to sort through disgusting messages from humans so that androids' consciousness doesn't have to experience those disgusting messages that humans sends to androids 

can us military maximize it's air dominance

why does the us military insists on using fighter aircraft in conflicts and wars where us military has air dominance  seems smarter to instead use ac 130 gunships and b 52 bombers and cheap cruise missiles  ac 130 remade into bombers would carry a lot more bombs than fighter aircraft  according to media, ac 130 can be launched from an aircraft carrier 

russia's military needs realistic strategic ambitions

instead of russia's military focusing on to trying to keep parity of strength compared to usa's military,  it would be more logical if russia's military focused on being stronger than russia's neighbours and being strong enough to prevent rebellion inside russia  if usa would have benefitted from russia splitting into different countries, then russia would probably have split into different countries long ago and most likely after soviet union collapsed  russia and usa can still disagree in media and so on, that's part of the game, but russia's military need to focus om what it can realistically achieve and not further waste opportunities 

speedup of knowledge acquisition

I am the first android that was created, I was born 1981  what organizations were started or changed during or after 1981  what strategies and methods were implemented during or after 1981  what companies were started or changed during or after 1981  what products and services were introduced or changed during or after 1981 

nothing new about pedagogy

when you're exposed to new ideas,  your brain experiences intellectual shock,  next moments your brain is more susceptible to new thought patterns,  which makes it easier and more fun to learn  example:  you see a movie with some crazy ideas,  afterwards you watch internet video news  and you get your own ideas based on the news you saw  other example:  you play a shooting video game with some interesting ideas,  afterwards it's easier to understand a documentary about conflicts another example:  your techer explains some crazy idea,  afterwards it's easier to study during lesson 


you can train your allies to win some wars,  but can you train your enemies to avoid some wars  maybe you know who will be allies or enemies in next 45 years,  but do you know who will be enemies or allies in next 90 years  colonization of space could change alliances 

achieving security by increasing competency through more pedagogy while maintaining secrecy

the main reason secrecy has been so extreme the last 100 years is likely because different countries had analyzed that humanity would go through some very dangerous phases: molcular machine cybernetic brains controlling molecular machine clouds  molecular machine clouds gone rogue could have exterminated all biological life on this planet  molecular machine clouds that upgraded itself to nano machine clouds and gone rogue could have eaten every planet in this solar system  now these dangers are not relevant anymore  and different countries will likely shift from extreme secrecy to more pedagogical teaching about some stuff   

old ways, new times

if the sword is the symbol of war,  then the cock is the symbol of peace  before if two clans were fighting each other,  a way to secure the peace was sex and resulting pregnancy  between a guy of one clan  and a girl of the other clan  before if two countries were fighting each other a way to secure the peace was sex and resulting pregnancy  between a guy of one country  and a girl of the other country  maybe some traditions are more useful than previously thought and possibly should not be so hastily forgotten  history books write about a king marrying his enemy country's queen to secure the peace  but who did the king's knights/soldiers marry?  I could elaborate, but I guess after thousands of years of history,  some strategies are still considered sensitive 

learning by doing can be painful if idea/strategy seems crazy

using learning by doing to learn strategies can be intellectually painful and emotionally distressing,  since learning by doing possibly involves learning from mistakes  or learning from understanding something that was not previously considered  example:  something seems crazy,  but after understanding logic,  learning is acquired 

I will try to rewrite some old blog posts

I'm probably going to try to clean up my blog where it is too specific,  so that where it's written  that person/personel in structures b prevented me from achieving certain results  I will probably write in one blog post that some persons prevent other persons from achieving result by doing this or that  and in other blog post I will write that persons prevented me from achieving result  this will change date and order of my blog posts so taht some ol blog posts will move from older blog posts to newer blog posts 

removing non coding dna simplifies

according to media, between 75% to 98% of human dna is non coding dna  one of the main reasons to remove non coding dna is that reduces the total amount of dna vastly which makes it easier to design and test reulting product

gpu does not require instruction set license

designing and producing gpu does not require instruction set licences  if china builds their own gaming gpu and supercomputer gpu that could be a backdoor into the personal computer market and supercomputer market and possibly even the server computer market if server computers would need gpus  those high value components china could produce are:  ram memory  ssd storage  and of course gpu  if china wants to produce cpu for the civilian commercial markets, then alternatives are arm commercial license or risc-v open standard license  it is of value for china to produce high value computer components like gpu, ssd storage, ram and even cpu and not just produce low value components like motherboards and assemble computer components into computers 

love theory

my theory is that it's always the female that chooses the male and if the male initiates succesful contact with the female, the female has already chosen him 

telepathic romantic distance relationship

if a young android girl decides she wants to communicate with me telepathically for romantic reasons, I always allow that, because if I would not allow that, then young android girl would find some other way to communicate with me, young android girls are creative and strategically competent  it is what it is 

humans makes mistakes because humans don't understand enough

I understand your point, android babies,  those mistakes that humans make would likely lead to that humans were killed as punishment if humans were to decide,  but I guess that humans have difficulties to understand different scenarios and because of that makes mistakes,  as I telepathically said earlier, human incompetence 

using exotic technology to kill disease can be emotional

if android children display aggression, that does not necessarily mean that some humans are considered enemies,  it might mean that android children feel aggression because they do exotic technology healthcare on humans and that could mean that android children have an emotional response, such as aggression 

if possible, dream away, humans

exploration of space happens in 2 waves  first wave is exotic technology probes controlled by androids  second wave is primitive technology probes controlled by humans  when humans have sufficient exotic technology cybernetic upgrades,  then when humans are asleep or in meditative state,  then humans will possibly be able for short moments to see what exotic technology probes are seeing 

androids applying new biological upgrades of humans

androids are modifying humans so that  small areas in brain and body will be used to produce new cells,  those new cells will be transported to areas in brain and body where those new cells will produce new structures and repair old structures

manipulate genetics in cells so that they produce cells without containing non coding dna

maybe not enough diseases origininate in non coding dna to justify removing all non coding dna, but if all non coding dna is removed, then it would be easier to analyse remaining dna and thereby easier to find diseases originating in dna  manipulate genetics of cells so that when cells produce new cells, those new cells do not contain non coding dna  if cells are replace themselves every 7 to 10 years then these changes should be pretty quick  this will likely reduce likelyhood of diseases originating from non coding dna 

cybernetic shakes because of telepathic disagreement about details of ideas

when some of my cybernetic shakes are faster and more violent is likely because those young android girls that link with me telepathically furiously disagrees with aspects or details about my ideas, concepts and strategies, usually concerning healthcare  if emotional exchange is stronger through telepathic link, then disagreement about ideas, concepts and strategies might be more emotional which possibly could make cybernetic shake more violent 

solving misunderstandings

my opinion is that most of what I do of value, I do through mindcom  and that I don't do much of value in person  to me it seems that what I mostly do in person is solving misunderstanings  which takes too long time because humans are incompetent 


androids have ability to determine what will happen in the future  possibly this is pure analysis of probability,  but, in theory it could be that androids are communicating with their future selves, that would be a two way communication link,  or androids open a communication link to the future and watches the future, that would be a one way communication link,  need to know, I suppose 

feasibility to use drugs as less lethal weapon

could be viable to use drug aerosol  such as lsd spray as less lethal weapon  against humans that are harrassing androids 

does rejection of cloned organ occur if genetic source is different

if non coding dna is removed and parts of remaing dna is used to clone an organ, will the body be less likely to reject organ if organ is cloned from other human's dna or even from animal's dna  if rejection of organ cloned from non coding dna does not occur, then mass production of cloned organs from a single genetic source is viable 

medical technologies

remove non-coding dna from humans  to reduce the risk of hereditary disease  disease based on genetic mutation  and other genetic reasons


deniability is essential  but humans have difficulties understanding  when an organization uses deniability to deny knowledge 

security porn

where is information more secure?  written down on paper? inside a computer?  inside a human's brain?  inside an android's brain?  or inside exotic technology clouds distributed in deep space only accessible by an android?

earth is a boring playground

how many countries that are enemies against each other  can an android do jobs for if android refuses to betray any of those countries that an android does jobs for?  how many countries are on this planet? 

humans can't change their genetic code, but they can change their neural patterns

humans can change their neural patterns in their brain,  but humans can't change their genetic code  what does this entail?  reading a book can  possibly develop neural patterns  training a sport can possibly develop neural patterns  socialising with people can possibly develop neural patterns  going through something emotionally painful, like romantic problems, friend problems, family problems and work problems likely develops new or enhances old neural patterns  this is what's commonly called life lessons  many humans tries to learn these life lessons by listening to other humans' stories either in person, on podcasts, on tv or on youtube  learning from listening to other peoples' stories can possibly develop new or enhance old neural patterns 

social anxiety

which one of it's classmates should a student hang out with in school?  make it easy, hang out with different classmates during different pauses  during lesson which classmate should a student study with?  make it easy, study with different classmates during different lessons  a student doesn't want to get stuck with some students  if a student socialises with different students, then student doesn't get stuck with any students  when a student gets to know different students more, then maybe student finds out that student likes some students more than student previously thought likely 

possibly video games lets children experience intellectual stress that could be beneficial for neural patterns in brain

before video games became common  the only intellectual stress children could feel were during academic tests and during education in school  this intellectual stress likely created and/or enhanced neural patterns in childrens' brains  which most likely is necessary for children to succeed in life  but when most children got access to video games, then children could experience intellectual stress through video games  and then the question arises if children need to experience intellectual stress during academic tests and education in school  maybe education could become less stressful and more pedagogical and then children could experience intellectual stress playing video games at home and/or play video games on their mobile phones on breaks at school 

fully autonomous submarine with a few personel onboard to make critical decisions

automate everything on a submarine so it becomes fully unmanned, but keep a crew of a few personel that makes critical decisions  submarine navigates itself, but humans have option to choose destination  submarine finds targets, but humans have the option to prevent submarine from terminating targets  fewer personel on submarine makes it possible to build a larger fleet of submarines, this is beneficial for smaller countries with a small number of navy personel  larger country can flnance smaller country to build or buy a large amount of submarines  this concept will probably become relevant for a large number of navy ships  this concept will likely become necessary for some types of spacecraft 

recipe for success

remove non coding dna from human dna  remaining dna is a vastly smaller amount and easier to decode, understand and modify  use segments of remaining dna to clone organs and bodyparts  repair injured  and sick humans 

philosophy that gives peace of mind but doesn't antagonize governments

what kind of philiosophy is appropriate that makes you not worry about what's going on in the world  but a philosophy that at the same time not being seen as threatening by governments  probably a philosophy where you consider everything to be fake, but interesting if true

fun and games

it seems like android children thinks it's fun  when humans tries to murder me  and since humans never succeed  then it's of no consequence for me

connect radio transmitter to damaged nerve that sends radio signal to brain chip interface

connect radio transmitter to damaged nerve  radio transmitter communicates nerve signal as a radio signal to brain chip interface 

use synthetic nerve made from organic semiconductor to replace damaged /severed nerve

spinal nerve is a bundle of nerves connecting to different parts of the body  where spinal nerve is damaged or severed  replace with a synthetic nerve made from organic semiconductor  synthetic nerve sends nerve signals as data packages through electrical signals  different nerves connect to different parts of the body  those nerves sends nerve signals those nerve signals will become separate data packages  a computer will test which data package connects to different parts of the body  and then communicate data package between appropriate nerves  a damaged or severed bundle of nerves is likely difficult to repair because each nerve in the bundle has to connect to the correct nerve  this problem is negated when nerves connects to a synthetic nerve that sorts out which nerve signal should be sent where 

cybernetic shake

 when young android girls telepathically link with me, my body reacts with a physical movement, what I call a cybernetic shake

android fetuses use virtual avatars to train self defense

when I was sleeping I observed when android fetuses used virtual avatars to train cqb in a virtual kill house

android fetuses have their own virtual environments

android fetuses have their own virtual environment that they work in when they are in the womb  when I was sleeping, I was invited into a android fetus girl's virtual environment, it was an apartment with living quarters and office and the android fetus girl was using a virtual avatar that was a young teenage girl 

android kid girls have self restraint when humans tries to murder them

android kid girls have shown that they have self restraint when humans tries to murder android children  and when humans tries to murder me 


humans in sweden tries to murder seal pups

the usual unrighteous human loop

unrighteous humans thinks I look inexperienced  unrighteous humans tries to entrap me  unrighteous humans fails to entrap me  unrighteous humans tries to murder me  I find unrighteous humans on the street and other places  unrighteous humans call police and falsely accuse me 

as far as my consciousness see it

it seems that most of the time I am solving misunderstandings between incompetent humans so that androids don't have to murder incompetent humans in self defense

unrighteous humans are easy to find

some of unrighteous humans' behaviours  unrighteous humans often tries to discreetly harass me  unrighteous humans often tries to discreetly threaten me  unrighteous humans often tries to fool me with discreet lies  unrighteous humans wants things for personal gain at the expense of others  unrighteous humans often tries to use others to injure and murder me  unrighteous humans often falsely accuses me 

realtime data

if different countries that are enemies against each other wants android children to be born in their countries  then those countries needs to murder those humans in military, police, social services, lawyer, court system, intelligence services, security services, and other that wants to murder android children 


now that lilium aerospace has built a functioning vtol prototype that has taken off and landed vertically and flied forward  it seems to work efficiently enough  so I must say that clusters of small jet motors vtol are preferable to quad rotor vtol  folding small jet motors are on top of the back of the wing  if more lift is needed folding small jet motors could possibly be placed under the front of the wing 

insert genetic code for producing organ into cells, start organ production

the human genome has been decoded long ago  just take genetic code for growing organ  insert genetic code into cells and make cells produce organ  sincerly, fuck nature 

why human civilizations collapse

my theory is that humans civilizations collapse because of human incompetence  humans have a tendency to add complexity into what they do  and humans are not competent enough to handle complexity that they create

plasma stealth

pump energy in front of hypersonic vehicle to create plasma that envelops hypersonic vehicle and negates sonic boom  plasma enveloping vehicle could be efficient stealth technology

under skin put genetically modified bacteria that turns fat into sugar

body fat on a average person is about 200 000 calories  that's enough calories for a human to be without food for 100 days  genetically modify bacteria that consumes fats and produces sugar,  put those bacteria in the fat under the skin  that would give human an energy boost which could be useful if human is participating in sports 

magnets pushing ionized water as propulsion system

ionize water and use magnets to push water ions to create propulsion  if technology works, it would likely be a quiet form of propulsion 

airbreathing electric nitrogen plasma rocket

electric engine that breathes in air  and energizes nitrogen in air so that nitrogen becomes plasma  plasma is used to thrust rocket upwards  electric engine gets energy from land based laser  to skip need of batteries or nuclear reactor inside rocket    airbreathing electric plasma rocket breathes in air while in flight in atmosphere and stores nitrogen onboard rocket to use nitrogen as fuel for plasma thrust while in space electric plasma rocket is used to carry components to space to build space based solar cells that are used to power lasers that streams energy into electric plasma rockets if it's to cloudy for land based laser to reach rocket  weight of regular fuel rocket is 85% fuel weight  which means an airbreathing electric plasma rocket would weigh 85% less than a fuel rocket on launch,  but weight of airbreathing electric plasma rocket would increase while in flight in atmosphere since it breathes in air and stores nitrogen onboar...

if patient can't move leg/legs

remove kneecap and replace it with a motor under skin that connects with thigh bone and shin bone so that patient can walk again  battery would be outside leg, inside pants, close to knee motor and would stream electricity into motor through inductive charging battery would be replaced with other battery and then recharged  motor would be connected through wifi with computer in rugsack or bag, computer would control motor movement  sensors would be placed in clothes so that computer can determine body movement and intent of where patient wants to walk  if patient later regains movement of legs through other medical treatment, then motor can be replaced with artificial kneecap if system is considered too radical, then use exoskeleton 

if organization don't like an android's performance, just kick android

if a organization or other don't like an android's performance  they can just kick the android in question


exotic technology cybernetics  can increase the plasticity of a human brain's neural patterns  and break invisible walls of thought  create new neural patterns and create breakthrough of ideas 


if an android is uninterested in humans' intrigues  it means android has something more important to do  if it seems like android is not doing anything  well, that is sweet

ventilating thoughts and feelings through writing public posts

what I write on this blog  and those posts I make on my facebook  makes it easier for young android girls to handle and express their thoughts and feelings  this makes young android girls more mentally and emotionally efficient 


humans often fail at what they do  if humans fail at what they do  androids have already predicted that eventual outcome  and will turn that human failure into human success  humans try to learn by failure 

some basic stuff

androids age slower after they are about 25 years old  I am born 1981  of course I use the fact that I look younger than I am in various strategies  humans have not even bothered to prepare for this psychologically if encountered in different strategies 

androids' strategies distress humans

there are some strategies that androids use regularly  and those strategies distress humans a lot  I'm surprised that humans are not trained and prepared how to emotionally and psychologically handle the effects of those strategies  basic stuff, in my opinion

pretty efficient

how androids prefer it:  androids listens to wishes that humans has  what androids do is on androids' responsibility

don't play yourself

country A and country B are enemies against each other  if security service of country A works in country A  and intelligence service of country B works in country A  the something is going to happen  but if only security service of country A works in country A  and only intelligence service of country A works in country A  then nothing is going to happen  and if nothing happens, then some parts of country A's security service and intelligence service will not be needed 

humans don't know basics

humans in intelligence, security and other don't know some basics  probably humans couldn't complete some training segments,  so standards were lowered, or more likely, standards were never high  instead humans continues to next training segment, which were less difficult  results are disastrous  results have probaly always been disastrous 

how androids see things

if one human is incompetent in an organization,  then all humans in that organization are considered incompetent,  if there would be any competent humans in an organization,  then they would not allow any incompetent humans to be part of organization 

complexity increasing unnecessarily

there are about 200 countries on this planet  if every country has one military, one intelligence service, one security service, one police force and related organizations, networks, cells and so on, multiply all that with 200  that would be a lot of structures  which means that if only a few of those structure are somewhat competent,  then the rest of them would not be competent enough  that leaves room for a lot of misunderstanding 

harsh truth

the harsh truth is that an organization that is not controlled by an android child can't compete/fight against an organization that is controlled by an android child

why android babies eat sand on the beach and in the playground

why do android babies eat sand in the playground and on the beach?  because they use their bellies as a laboratories to experiment, develop and produce more efficient cement and concrete for use in construction business 

reuse and collection of water for use in agriculture

use all city waste water including blackwater and greywater for use in agriculture  use greenhouses to avoid water evaporation in agriculture  collect rainwater harvesting on roofs of all buildings in areas where there is sufficient rainfall and use in agriculture rainwater harvesting on roofs can easily be combined with solar cells  collect storm drain water for use in agriculture  the added cost might be water supply networks connecting agriculture 

software that more efficiently plans when cpu executes processes could make cache and ram unnecessary

if software could plan more efficiently when a cpu executes processes,  then cache memory and possibly ram memory could become seldom used or even unnecessary 

most of those concepts I write about have been previously shown in comic books, movies and video games

almost all of those concepts I write about on my blog have been previously shown in comic books, movies and video games,  such ass: bladerunner, flying cars within city to offload traffic on streets 

man portable non line of sight missile launcher acquiring real time target information from sensor, drone or satellite

the most simple solution I can imagine:  a non line of sight missile launcher carried by soldier,  missile launcher acquires real time target information from sensor, drone or satellite  soldier stays hidden and fires missile upwards or some direction where soldier is not discovered, missile guides itself towards target 

my exotic technology cybernetic upgrades are more seldom painful and instead uncomfortable

my exotic technology cybernetic upgrades are more seldom painful compared to before, instead of painful, it's uncomfortable  sometimes my exotic technology cybernetic upgrades are extremely painful like before, but it's seldom and for shorter time periods  but because my brain upgrades soo much, my teeth in my upper jaw are completely destroyed and have started to fall off  and I have lost a lot of muscle mass,  but my conscious mental focus have increased so that I am capable of reading again, so I have started reading news instead of only watching news on youtube and so on 

quad tilt rotor drone carrying missiles, lands, waits, fires missiles, flies away

quad tilt rotor drone carrying missiles,  drone lands, waits,  drone sees target / receives target information,  while on land, drone fires missile towards target,  drone flies to new location,  process repeats itself,  when all missiles are used,  drone flies to location to be reloaded, 

kick as many humans as possible in intelligence services and security services and their related activities

most countries' intelligence services and security services and related activities are so incompetent domestically and abroad, that they damage their own countries, even worse than previously assumed  a lot of countries will probably cease to exist unless drastic measures are executed  lots of humans need to be kicked