
Showing posts from November, 2022

fuel has too low energy density to enable a step forward in spaceflight

problem with spaceflight is that fuel has too low energy density,  if an electric ramjet could be built,  then lasers based on earth or lasers based on space based solar platforms could use lasers to beam energy to spacecraft that uses that energy in an electric ramjet,  then that spacecraft would not have to use fuel while inside atmosphere,  but when spacecraft leaves atmosphere,  then spacecraft would have to use onboard fuel for it's rocket engines 


wouldn't the most simple ssto (single stage to orbit) be a aircraft with jet engines under wings and rocket engine in the back of aircraft,  all engines using methane from the same fuel tanks inside aircraft or aircraft with combined ramjet and jet engine under wings and rocket engine in the back of aircraft,  all engines using fuel from the same fuel tanks inside aircraft or aircraft with combined jet engine and rocket engine under wings  and ramjet engine in back of aircraft with air inlets for ramjet in front of aircraft,  all engines using fuel from the same fuel tanks inside aircraft when jet engine, ramjet engine and rocket engine are combined  and functions,  then fewer engines would be needed on aircraft,  all engines using fuel from the same fuel tanks inside aircraft

cause and effect

it might seem like humans start problems because an android is in an area,  but it's unrighteous humans that are lured out when an android is in an area  and those unrighteous humans start problems 


abuse,  is it done intentionally,  is it done unintentionally,  is it done well meant,  is it done ill meant,  it's still abuse  organized systematical long term abuse,  is it done intentionally,  is it done unintentionally,  is it done well meant,  is it done ill meant,  it's still organized systematical long term abuse 

white systems compromise deniability of black systems

black systems: deniable, no trace  white systems: traceable  if black systems are functioning,  then those black systems could be so efficient that white systems don't understand  and then white systems start to interfer against black systems  and that compromises deniability of black systems  individuals in white systems usually try to help and try to be part of what's going on  and thereby individuals in white systems compromise black systems  this has always been an issue 

it infrastructure hardware, stable growth business

information technology infrastrusture hardware will likely always be a stable growth business,  no matter how the business change and evolve  companies' it infrastructure software could always be replaced by open source,  but it infrastructure hardware would still be needed  companies could outsorce their software to the it cloud,  but it infrastructure hardware would still be needed in the cloud  users could buy weaker phones and computers,  but then more powerful hardware would be moved to the it cloud,  which consist of it infrastructure hardware consumers could stop downloading games and apps,  but then that software would be moved to the it cloud,  which consist of it infrastructure hardware  consumer technology companies could die completely if their business fail,  but if companies that produce it infrastructure fail in business,  their it infrastructure hardware part of the company sometimes survive by being bought...

telepathic extremism among android children

that humams use products built from technology that I created,  while humans abused me and my son,  could be considered wrong,  which possibly sometimes enrages android children  that humans use products built from technology that I created,  made humans less of a problem for me to deal with,  more humans survive and have better lives because of technology,  which decreases the amount of problems that I have to solve,  which makes me less irritated 

a history of violence

most countries that are enemies have previously been friends,  most countries that are friends have previously been enemies,  and if countries are neighbours,  then that likelihood increases 

perception of what you don't know

basically I'm blogging that some threats/dangers/problems are something else than what people think 

symbolism in hollywood movies

how to understand hollywood movies,  try to understan the symbolism in different scenes in a hollywood movie,  but some scenes might be literal  and some scenes might be symbolism  if an action movie is about a guy that sometimes drives cars,  is based on a guy that literally doesn't drive cars,   what is then the symbolism in the movie?  and so on 

basic systems need to function

if android children are to be able to take over after me and take control of those countries they are born in,  then some systems need to be in place,  one of those systems is that special operations personel need to learn to communicate and learn to understand atleast the basics of intrigues and how intrigues can be played and altered and the effects of that,  or else special operations personel might misunderstand situations and thereby through incompetence become a threat against android children 

use brine from desalination to build sodium ion batteries for grid energy storage

sea water desalination plant produces brine as a waste product,  brine is water with high concentration of salt,  use salt from brine to produce sodium ion batteries  build solar farms to power cities and industries,  build sodium ion batteries to enable battery capacity in power grid  according to media sodium ion battery has lower energy density than lithium ion batteries,  which makes sodium ion batteries ideal for stationary batteries,  such as grid energy storage 

not necessarily orchestrated

symphony of voices  if there is a fire in a building,  then people raise their voices, sound distressed, scream and so on  if there is a celebration,  then people sound happy, relaxed and maybe loud  those symphonies of voices could carry some tunes  cybernetic telepathy could increase probability that those different symphonies of voices could carry some tunes 

droning behaviour

biological human droning behaviour  drivers moving their cars to the side when ambulance needs to pass through,  drivers mostly do that automatically  if they're tired or exhausted,  they do it without thinking  if they're rested and alert,  they mostly do it without thinking,  while thinking about doing it  similar to how a human brushes his teeth mostly on autopilot,  or how a human cooks food mostly on autopilot,  or personel in a restaurant kitchen cooks food mostly on autopilot,  thereby droning individually or in a group in a kitchen  learning to do things  and doing things,  makes a human do things automatically after a while cybernetic human droning behaviour is faster and better  and thereby could give a beehive behaviour appearance 


most countries that are enemies have previously been friends,  most countries that are friends have previously been enemies,  and if countries are neighbours,  then that likelihood increases 

people around you giving advice that worsen your life

be careful about listening to advice from your friends, classmates, collegues, family or lover,  those people might be part of intrigues willingly or against their will,  or more likely without even knowing it  if people are part of intrigue,  then they might not be able to give you the advice they think is appropriate,  instead they give other advice that are in line with intrigue  those people might give you advice that better your career,  but worsens your private life,  or make both worse or better  maybe those intrigues are to find unrighteous individuals,  or maybe to protect unrighteous individuals   maybe purpose of intrigues are righteous,  maybe not  maybe intrigues are unnecessary,  don't underestimate human incompetence  and humans' ability to misunderstand each other if you are in a situation where everyone you know give you advice that worsen your situation  and if you have no ot...

make an economic union


if no new technology, then older technology

if a country is denied access to computer chips and computer chips technology because of trade war or other restrictions,  then that country could still use older computer chips technology to produce industrial products,  but that country would not be able to produce high end consumer products such as: mobile phones and gaming computers that are able to compete on the international markets  computer chips for industrial use don't need the smallest transistors or the fastest speed 

screen on side of assualt rifle connected to camera on front of rifle to peek around corners

screen on top or side of assault rifle connected to camera on front of rifle,  screen could be turned from top to either side of rifle,  operator holds rifle sideways in front of him  and points rifle around corner and watches screen,  if target is visible on screen,  then operator pulls trigger with thumb  screen could be a regular mobile phone,  rifle cameras are comercially available,  similar systems are likely commercially available  helmet mounted display or augmented reality glasses could be less practical in some situations 

imagine to increase understanding

some things you can't study, train, see in a movie or play in a video game,  instead you need to imagine:  visualise in your mind how you will walk to the shop,  visualise in your mind how you walk somewhere else  imagine how you would design a realistic tactical shooter game with an area similar to where you live,  how would you play that game with a weapon,  how would you play that game without a weapon,  where would you make traps,  where and how would you make ambushes,  how would you improvise, what would you change in that game  tell a story in your mind about characters that are farm animals and wild animals,  tell a story in your mind about characters that are fantasy creature and fantasy figures,  tell a story in your mind about characters that are science fiction monsters and science fiction figures,  tell a story in your mind about ordinary everyday characters  those scenarios above could be written down,...

humans wanting to help usually only complicate things

sometimes humans want to help,  but if competing interests try to help,  then that would most likely complicate things,  when humans want to help,  then they don't have the self control to keep a distance  and thereby only complicate things 

relationships are just another system

people are used to that systems work,  trains mostly come on time,  internet connection is mostly online,  delivery of packages mostly works,  if systems don't work, then systems are fixed,  if systems are not efficient, then systems are fixed,  that's what people are used to  that's why it's shocking to some people,  when relationship between a guy and a girl doesn't function  and problem isn't fixed  and then problem repeat itself with other guy and girl,  until many pairs of guy and girl have the same problem  and problem isn't fixed  if relationships doesn't function and aren't fixed,  then those problems likely repeat themselves in other relationships  relationships are just another system that needs to be fixed 

submarine internal propulsion system

nuclear submarine that pulls in sea water in the front  and inside submarine heats or otherwise energizes that sea water with energy from the nuclear reactor to accelerate sea water  and in the back expels that sea water to create propulsion of submarine  submarine that pulls in sea water in the front  and inside submarine uses a turbine inside submarine to accelerate sea water  and in the back expels that sea water to create propulsion of submarine  or more likely a combination of those two above concepts  because turbine / energy propulsion system is inside submarine,  that would make submarine more quiet 

communicate instead

I don't want android kid girls to use psychic powers to physically hurt each other for personal reasons 

board where standard size chips connect with standard amount of pins

a board where standard size square chips connect with a standard amount of pins  if some chips have less pins, then that works,  but chips could not have more than standard amount of pins,  cpu chip connects to board,  gpu chip connects to board,  ram chips connects to board,  ssd chips connects to board,  network chip connects to board,  other chips connects to board,  as much functionality as possible is removed from board  and inserted in chip which is connected to pins on board,  system would be smaller, more energy efficient  and communication between chips would be faster,  smaller faster cheaper system 

using hydrogen on asteroid as fuel for rocket to push asteroid

if there are mineral rich asteroids containing hydrogen,  then a rocket could be sent to connect with one of those asteroids  and use that asteroid's hydrogen as fuel to push that asteroid closer to earth,  but not on a path that points towards earth,  but a path that points beside earth  and then push that asteroid into an orbit around earth  an asteroid orbiting earth could become a supply of raw material which could kick start near earth space industry such as space based solar  and space manufacturing of rockets, space stations and industrial robots 

people guiding individual

if people guide individual,  then guiding should be done through communication,  not through irritating, luring, threatening, abusing or forcing individual,  that's never effective even if it seems to be  if individual is not interested of being guided by people,  then people's attempt at guiding is abusive  different competing groups of people might try to guide individual,  which might make situations too complex  if people's attempts at guiding individual is abusive,  then that might distress individual  if people try to guide individual all the time,  then that might distress individual   people guiding individual could be mutually beneficial if communication works 

navigating realtime terrain

every android baby has the brain power to do a constantly updated realtime simulation of all humans and processes on earth,  which makes it possible for every android baby to blindly navigate the world and still know where, when and how people and objects will be with precision 

uav with controllable minigun to counter drones

a uav with a controllable minigun that can be pointed in different directions independently of where uav is pointing,  to attack usv, uav and missiles,  ideally uav would be small enough to be able to launch from aircraft carrier,  but larger versions could be launched from airstrips 

wolf pups

wolf pups wanted to show their strength  wolf pups planned a raid within wolf's territory  sheep heard a pack of wolves would do a raid  sheep became nervous  and sent rats to warn wolf  but sheep didn't realise it was only a pack of wolf pups  rats irritated wolf unnecessarily 


the job of a poet is to express the feelings of people  so that people don't have to carry their feelings like a burden  weighing them down  and eating them up from the inside  when a poet starts lying in his poems  to save his own skin  then his poetry is worthless 

tent instead of tarp

I bought a tent  and that's much more comfortable than sleeping in a tarp,  sleeping bag becomes less wet from condensated water  and tent takes less space in my rucksack compared to the tarp I used,  I feel more rested from sleeping in a dry sleeping bag  and I don't have to worry so much about rain 

dead love

a young girl was in love with a man  her parents told her that she had to wait until she became older  when girl was older she went to the man she was in love with  but other girls younger than her was also in love with that man  girl realised she was to old to compete with younger girls  and girl realised that her parents had embarrassed her again 

training to make choices

many humans are often capable to do what they want,  but they don't do what they want  and they regret it afterwards  inability to choose what you really want could be a factor  humans have no education or training about how to make choices,  humans make choices about what food to buy,  what food to cook,  but most humans can't choose which education they get,  since that is decided by aptitude  and most humans can't choose what job they get,  since that is decided by ability  so when humans are to decide which friends they socialise with  and which romantic partner they date,  they have little experience about making choices  and what choices result in  learning how to make choices could be trained in school  there could be math lessons where students choose if they want to do addition excercises or subtraction excercises,  groups of tables and chairs where subtraction is done  and groups of tabl...

usually incompetence is the problem, not lack of intelligence

smart people make mistakes and misunderstand,  dumb people make mistakes and misunderstand,  incompetence is usually the problem  intelligence is important for certain tasks:  a person needs to be smart to do math,  but there are lots of critical situations in life when math is not needed,  but competence is needed  usually incompetence is decreased by:  learning by doing,  training  and education 


humans are tired of each other because there is too much complexity,  so that noone understands what anyone else really wants,  zoom out and watch everything from that new perspective  and instead of complexity,  patterns will be visible 

cold welding could decrease energy use in 3d printing

according to media,  if two metals of the same type touch in vacuum,  they fuse together,  because no energy is required,  this could decrease energy consumtion of small scale 3d printing on earth  and large scale 3d printing in space,  inside small vacuum chambers metal powders could be poured while fusing together to form small objects  and in space metal powders could be poured while fusing together to form large objects,  if possible transistors or even entire computer chips could be produced by inside a vacuum chamber placing metal atoms near each other so that they fuse into a desired structure 

automation will lead to an oversupply of money

if economy grows significantly because of different types of automation,  then there could become so much economic surplus,  that there would be such an oversupply of money that financing every welfare project would be a financial drop in the monetary sea,  which would decrease poverty,  and thereby increase consumer demand,  which in turn would increase industrial growth,  which in turn would increase economic growth,  combined with cheaper food, housing, energy, products and services because of automation,  that quality of life could increase significantly for every person  basically there will be so much money that even if a majority of it is gambled away on the stock market,  there will still be enough money to feed everyone and their kids,  not even street dogs will be hungry