training to make choices

many humans are often capable to do what they want, 
but they don't do what they want 
and they regret it afterwards 

inability to choose what you really want could be a factor 

humans have no education or training about how to make choices, 

humans make choices about what food to buy, 
what food to cook, 
but most humans can't choose which education they get, 
since that is decided by aptitude 
and most humans can't choose what job they get, 
since that is decided by ability 

so when humans are to decide which friends they socialise with 
and which romantic partner they date, 
they have little experience about making choices 
and what choices result in 

learning how to make choices could be trained in school 
there could be math lessons where students choose if they want to do addition excercises or subtraction excercises, 
groups of tables and chairs where subtraction is done 
and groups of tables and chairs where addition is done, 
when students become tired of one excercise, 
they change to another group of tables and do other excercise, 
the point of that training is not excelling at the excercise, 
but learning to make a choice 
if student don't want to make a choice, 
then that is a choice, 
if a student want to change excercise every 2 minutes, 
then that is a choice 

similar training could be done at physical education, 
different stations of: soccer, gymnastics, dancing and martial arts 
maybe some students only want to kick soccer ball at goal, 
maybe some students want to play a soccer match, 
let them self organize into smaller groups, 
but it's not organizing that's what to be learned, 
it's learning to make a choice, 
maybe many guys want to train martial arts, 
but when they become physically exhausted, 
then maybe they choose to dance with the girls, 
maybe many girls want to do gymnastics, 
but when they become bored, 
then they choose to play soccer with the guys 


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