it infrastructure hardware, stable growth business
information technology infrastrusture hardware will likely always be a stable growth business,
no matter how the business change and evolve
companies' it infrastructure software could always be replaced by open source,
but it infrastructure hardware would still be needed
companies could outsorce their software to the it cloud,
but it infrastructure hardware would still be needed in the cloud
users could buy weaker phones and computers,
but then more powerful hardware would be moved to the it cloud,
which consist of it infrastructure hardware
consumers could stop downloading games and apps,
but then that software would be moved to the it cloud,
which consist of it infrastructure hardware
consumer technology companies could die completely if their business fail,
but if companies that produce it infrastructure fail in business,
their it infrastructure hardware part of the company sometimes survive by being bought up by other companies
it infrastructure hardware is server computers and communications equipment and all those components that they consist of: cpu, gpu, ram, ssd, fiber optic network wires, satellites and much more
many times when big it companies went bancrupt or were bought and sold or split up,
what usually survived from the butchery was the it infrastructure hardware part of those companies
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