
Showing posts from October, 2022

conniving wolf

many decades ago  a male wolf pup was flirting with a female dog pup  a pig got angry and threw the male wolf pup around  while other dog pups watched  then pig dragged wolf pup away by his neck  and pig made female dog pup watch  while pig screamed at male wolf pup until he cried  while female dog pup was watching 

fish & chips

cybernetic viruses could be used to manipulate dna of all wild fish so that they could split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen and thereby breathe more air,  which would make it possible for more fish to live per cubic kilometer of water,  and it would make it possible for fish to survive in deeper and darker waters,  which would significantly increase amount of fish in all oceans and waters,  which would give fishing industry an oversupply of fish  and it would make it possible for locals to get all their food from catching fish,  which would decrease starvation in all coastal areas 

water ice moon

water ice moon europa circling jupiter has 7 times less gravity than earth,  which would make it relatively cheap to move water from the moon's surface into space  and could become the water supply of the space industry and later space station colonies

personal shock

there could be a personal shock to realise that there is a black system parallel to the white system most people are used to,  most people expect that their government has a few individuals that does the dirty work,  but most people don't realise that once you know of the black system,  that changes your perception of reality,  knowing of the black system doesn't mean that a person has to do anything or has any priviliges  influencing or even controlling the black system and white system,  is what I call the dark arts 


those who know enough to teach about dark arts,  are too discreet to be understood 

what you don't know

if humans are cybernetically upgraded,  then they might not be informed about that,  because cybernetic telepathy could possibly distress humans  and knowledge of cybernetic upload after death might increase risk behaviours 

furious about seemingly trivial things

irritated about a situation,  but angry about the reasons that created situation 

calm mind

young android,  don't think back and forth,  about what you don't know  and what you can't verify  that will decrease your mental and emotional anxiety  if you know what you want  and you do what you can to implement what you want,  then that is enough 

dark water

a seal swims to a ship and kills some rats to eat them,  then the seal swims to another ship and kills some birds to eat them,  afterwards the seal sleeps on some dead branches floating in the sea,   but the seal is not allowed to sleep in one ship or the other ship  because the crews on both ships are sick 

drone swarm forming wall to intercept missiles

many cheap drones simultaneously launched,  drones form a drone swarm,  drone swarm form a wall in the air to intercept incoming missiles  civilian commercially available drones could be used,  system would be cheap,  high availability of civilian commercial drones,  little space would be needed for system,  drones could be easily replaced when destroyed  since system could be considered harmless,  system could be used in a variety of environments 

rotating mass accelerator in space

rotating mass accelerator in space could be placed near earth and launch spacecraft to mars where it would decelerate by using rocket propulsion or if possible entering orbit to slow down  another rotating mass accelerator could be placed near mars and launch spacecraft to earth where it would decelerate by using rocket propulsion or if possible entering orbit to slow down  since there is vacuum in space there would be no friction slowing down rotating acceleration of spacecraft  rotating mass accelerator would use electricity as energy and would get energy from solar panels  rotating mass accelerator could be very big since gravity won't be an issue  probably not a new idea,  but worth mentioning,  similar concepts have been alluded to in video games  some company has built a small vacuum sealed rotating mass accelerator on earth trying to launch small rockets into orbit,  which seems nice 

evolutionary logic

if I would say that all humans would be uploaded when they die,  that could lead to more violence  humans don't want all humans to be uploaded when they die,  because humans are angry at each other  if all humans are uploaded when they die,  then there is no punishment,  so then humans will try to punish each other more severely when they still are alive  evolutionary logic has bred into humans that if you make mistake,  then you are hurt  and if you survive that mistake,  that's how you learn,  learning by punishment  and if your mistake is too severe,  then you die 

accelerating execution of intrigues

intrigues could be used as instruments to handle issues  many intrigues concerning androids are possible,  many intrigues concerning humans are possible,  many intrigues concerning androids and humans are possible,  androids are accelerating the starting, execution and completion of all those intrigues,  so that those intrigues are done sooner instead of later,  but sometimes previous intrigues are used again as instruments to solve different problems effects might be many seemingly crazy intrigues,  which might seem unnecessary,  but there are usually beneficial effects thereof 

so far automation creates more jobs and that trend could probably continue

some media have mentioned that more humans have jobs today than ever before,  more jobs have been created because of automation not despite of automation since before the industrial revolution until now,  which indicates that even more jobs will be created when humanoid robots and automated vehicles are mass produced and used to do jobs  even though unemployment could be percentually higher or lower,  there totally exists more jobs presently than ever before  a hammer is a tool,  a washing machine is a tool,  a car is a tool,  a computer is a tool,  an industrial robot is a tool,  a humanoid robot is a tool,  a fully automated factory is a tool,  a fully automated factory in space is a tool,  a fool is a tool  tools are used to do tasks,  tasks are done to perform jobs,  jobs are performed in exchange of money / resources / services 

seeing others' perspectice, understanding others' logic

if someone put gravel on marble floor  and different individuals stand around looking at the gravel,  then those individuals could possibly see different patterns in the gravel,  because of their perspective where they stand  and because of how light from the lamps above cast shadows on the gravel  each individual understands the logic of the pattern they see,  but they could probably not understand the logic of other individuals'patterns,  because they don't see from their perspective 

threat as an anchor in social systems

when situations are difficult to understand,  then a threat could be an anchor in different individuals' perception of situations,  like an island that is used as a reference point to navigate in the sea,  it's not the danger of a threat that creates common understanding,  it's that different individuals could get a common understanding based on a threat  example:  different countries that are enemies against each other know that nuclear war could be bad for every country  a common threat is an anchor for those countries  countries might have different needs,  but they have the same reference point to base their needs around factory worlers know that if they misbehave too much,  then factory could be closed down  and workers could risk becoming unemployed  a common threat is an anchor for those workers,  workers might have different opinions,  but they have the same reference point to base their opinions around 

biologically abusive behaviours that prevent humans from developing

many humans have abusive behaviour programmed in their biology,  those abusive behaviours are:  preventing individuals from dating and having sex,  preventing individuals from getting resources to survive by preventing individuals from getting jobs,  taking away children from individuals to prevent survival of individuals' descendants  and so on  these biologically programmed abusive behaviours could be seen as competition for resources, sexual partners, territory,  if competitor has no job,  then competitor starve to death,  if competitor has no sexual partner,  then competitor will have no children,  if competitor's children are taken away,  then competitor's territory can be taken when competitor dies  because of these biologically programmed abusive behaviours,  many networks consisting of humans looses long term,  human society stagnates,  countries rot and collapse,  civil wars occur  and lik...

cardplayer emotions

cardplayer hides his intentions to win game,  cardplayer hides intentions by controlling his emotions,  cardplayer controls emotions while playing cards,  and maybe cardplayer controls emotions while not playing cards,  if cardplayer controls his emotions so often that he forgets that he has emotions,  then cardplayer loses touch with his emotions so that he risk loosing control of his emotions,  but if cardplayer lets his emotions flow when he thinks it's appropriate,  then cardplayer will be able to control flow of his emotions  and he will be more likely to control his emotions  in the same way,  if girl likes guy,  girl hides her intentions to trap guy in relationship,  girl hides her intentions by controlling her emotions  girl controls emotions while flirting,  and maybe girl controls emotions while not flirting,  if girl controls her emotions so often that she forgets that she has emotions,  then girl...

open platforms within the defense industry

if new companies or smaller companies want to design and produce their own version of defense products,  such as: electric version of current vehicles,  or autonomous version of current vehicles,  then those new companies or smaller companies should be able to license the designs of those vehicles from defense companies  and if license sharing is refused by defense companies,  then those defense companies' contracts with the military should be terminated  and those defense companies should be refused new contracts with the military,  to entice more open platforms within the defense industry  and to avoid reinventing the wheel too often  those new companies and smaller companies should be able to outsource their production to civilian factories,  such as car companies and so on  production should of course occur within countries friendly to the military customer 

let emotions flow to get control of emotions

girls that are attracted to a guy,  so that they become emotional,  should not feel silly,  because when guys think that a dude is cool,  then those guys behave like little puppies looking for a new home 

different interest with some commonality

a father that is interested in hunting might feel he got nothing to talk about with his daughter who only seem to be interested in girly stuff,  but if father view his daughter's pursuit of a future boyfriend as hunting guys in a city environment,  then it is realised that father and daughter have two separate interest with some commonality, which is hunting,  then father and daughter could have something to talk about,  daughter's cosmetics could be seen as a camouflage for hunter to get closer to prey,  daughter's perfume could be seen as scent lure to lure prey closer to hunter,  daughter's clothes could be seen as camouflage in a social jungle,  and so on,  perhaps father will find a renewed interest in discussing cosmetics, perfume and clothes with his daughter 

girls strategize about social fabric to affect outcome of events

if men strategize how to organize cities, build houses and control companies,  then it could be assumed that women strategize too,  probably women strategize what they have control over,  the social fabric,  most likely women strategize about the social fabric in cities, in houses and in companies  if a guy like trains,  then probably guy strategize about how to organize trains in city  if guy like solar panels,  then probably guy strategize about how to build solar panels on roof of house  if guy like computers,  then probably guy strategizes about how to control computer network in company  if a girl like a guy in a city,  then probably girl strategize about the social fabric in the area where guy is moving  if a woman has a family,  then probably woman strategizes about the social fabric in and around the house  if a woman works in a company,  then probably woman strategizes about the social fabric in and...

needs vs goals

girl like guy,  girl feels a need that guy becomes jealous,  likely because girl want to know if guy has feelings for girl,  if girl flirt with dude,  then if guy becomes jealous,  then girl think that guy like girl  girl want to date guy,  but if girl make guy too much jealous,  then guy will not date girl  if many girls like guy,  then girl feel stronger need to make guy jealous,  likely because girl want proof that guy has feelings for her  girl feel need to make guy jealous,  but if girl make guy jealous,  then girl risk preventing herself from dating guy,  which means,  girl's needs risk preventing girl from reaching her goals 

the two phases of female courtship behaviour

female courtship behaviour have two phases:  girls going around looking for guys  girls showing themselves to guys  first phase: girls going to shops, malls, city streets, sports, cafés, bars and so on,  where girls look for guys  and when girls found guys,  then girls start observing guys  second phase:  girls show themselves to guys in those places where girls know that guys are  this is why it becomes easier for guys to meet girls if guys are easy to find,  usually if guys are in a few of the same places  and if guys are not too hidden or difficult to reach  these are just the courtship phases,  dating phases and sex phases are other steps  if girls understand their own behaviours,  then girls will become be able to improve and control their behaviours to their own advantage  if guys understand their own behaviours,  then guys will become be able to improve and control their behaviours to their own a...

if you know what someone want, then they are easy to understand

humans like technology  since humans used started using rocks to cut and hammer stuff,  humans have been using technology  humans that don't like technology still use technology,  house, oven, toilet  humans that try not to use technology still use technology,  fire, knife, axe, hammer, tent  a mobile phone is easy to use  a mobile phone does what it's suppose to do  a mobile phone almost always functions  humans like mobile phones a dog is sometimes easy to use  a dog sometimes does what it's suppose to do  a dog sometimes functions  some humans like dogs  another human is often easy to use  another human often does what it's suppose to do  another human often functions  humans often like other humans  view stuff like technology and things could become easier to understand  humans have different opinions about many things,  humans disagree against each other about many things  and w...

female hunting behaviours during romance courtship

guy move around in different areas,  around studies,  around home,  around work,  around shops,  around training,  girl see guy in one of those areas,  girl like guy,  girl discreetly watches guy when she get opportunity,  guy doesn' know he is being watched by girl that like him,  guy feel like dating some girl,  guy go to bar in the evening,  girl doesn't know that guy is in bar guy is in the evening,  guy doesn't meet girl in bar,  guy wonders where girls are,  girl wonders where guy is,  guy move around in different areas,  girl watches guy in one of those areas,  if guy go to sit in some park bench, cafe, library, restaurant or bar in one of those areas,  then it will become easier for girl to show herself to guy  but if guy go to sit in some park bench, cafe, library, restaurant or bar in other areas,  then girl will not find him  and then girl will not be able to show her...

annoying / not annoying

communicate to build relations,  build relations,  then communicate about business  if communicating without relations,  then intended individuals will not listen,  probably 


predator feels happy when others think predator is weak  prey feels distressed when others think prey is weak 

tick tock

official social revolutions  quiet social revolutions 

feels wrong

social systems that protect women,  but prevent women from developing 

caring award

 for young girls who didn't talk to a man they were in love with,  because they were afraid he would end up in trouble 

nothing new

american technology making lives better for everyone 

time to wise up

nobody doesn't need to be a genius to relize that,  when android children become older,  if they are mistreated by humans like humans mistreated me and my son,  then there will probably be war between androids and humans  no matter whether mistreatment is because of incompetence and misunderstandings 


if a person draws his own conclusions,  then he is not stupid,  but if he often draws the wrong conclusions,  then he is incompetent  if a person can't communicate,  then there will likely be misunderstandings 

free as honey

everyone can use my ideas, concepts and strategies that I blog about on my blog: 

computer game idea

concept for computer game  country a and country b are enemies,  country b and country c are friends,  country a and country c are frenemies  guy uses name1 when he does jobs for country a  guy uses name2 when he does jobs for country b  guy uses name3 when he does jobs for country c 

informal formal

politics  if men want change,  they debate and demand that formally  and informally they usually don't debate and demand,  if men informally debate and demand what they want,  those men could be treated with suspicion  if women want change,  they debate and demand that informally  and formally they debate and demand something else,  if women formally debate and demand what they want,  those women could be treated with suspicion  these circumstances could lead to misunderstandings between men and women  could be that these informal and formal systems increases survivability of civilization  or it could be that these informal and formal systems are biologically hardwired behaviours that increases survivability of humans 

the sport that requires most bravery to succeed

if guys play a sport  and succeed at sport,  then their self confidence increases  and their status increases  if girls flirt with guys  and succeed at flirting,  then their self confidence increases  and their status increases 

the two realms

realm west and realm east were enemies,  to avoid that hostilities would become a war between the two realms,  princesses in realm west sent knights to murder unrighteous people in realm east  and princesses in realm east sent knights to murder unrighteous people in realm west,  but knights were slow and too obvious and had problem with timing,  so knights missed many opportunities to strike against targets,  princesses became furious and unleashed the dragon  dragon was swift and sufficiently discreet,  unrighteous people disappeared,  princesses calmed down  and the kings gave medals and girlfriends to knights 

ordinarity with sprinkled intensity for extra flavour

how to make romantic movies that guys like,  make a movie about something guys like  and then have many intense and short romance scenes distributed throughout the movie  how to make a porn film that girls like,  make a filmabout something girls like  and then have many intense and short porn scenss distributed throughout the film  simplified and in context:  guys usually like action and thriller movies  girls usually like romance and thriller films 

how to solve poverty

basic economics:  boyfriend and girlfriend are attracted of each other,  but financially poor,  they are not earning enough money  and cost of food and housing is too high,  if boyfriend fuck girlfriend in vagina,  then girlfriend might become pregnant  and they have too little money for that,  but if boyfriend fuck girlfriend in butt and in mouth,  then girlfriend won't become pregnant  and boyfriend and girlfriend could save money until they have enough money to get pregnant  if boyfriend want to fuck girlfriend in vagina,  then girlfriend should ask herself if they got enough money to get pregnant  if girlfriend want boyfriend to fuck her in vagina,  then boyfriend should ask himself if they got enough money to get pregnant 

issues old as history itself

guy see girl,  he wants to fuck her mouth,  girl see guy,   she wants to suck his cock,  guy knows that if he fucks girl's mouth,  then he might be accused of fraternizing with the wrong people  and might be considered unloyal  girl knows that if she sucks his cock,  then she might be accused of dating in the wrong crowd,  and might be considered unloyal  but both guy and girl knows that sooner or later his people and her people will not be suspicious or hostile against each other any more 

using your emotions and instincts to your advantage

guy using his politeness instinct a guy notices that a girl is attracted of him,  guy is attracted to girl,  guy is too shy to talk to girl,  if guy thinks about it that:  it's unpolite of guy not to talk to girl that is attracted to him  and that's it's polite of guy to talk to girl that is attracted to him,  then if guy talks to girl,  it's because he is being polite to her,  that could make it mentally and emotionally easier for guy to talk to girl that is attracted of him  girl using her caring instinct  a girl notices that a guy is attracted of her,  girl is attracted to guy,  girl is too shy to talk to guy,  if girl thinks about it that:  it's uncaring of girl not to talk to guy that she cares about,   and that's it's caring of her to talk to guy that is attracted to her,  then if girl talks to guy,  it's because she is being caring about him  that could make it mentally and emotionally ...

hearing but not seeing

a farmer was looking for some men that could work with their hands,  so the farmer asked around  and different men heard the rumors,  but then those men went training instead  and the farmer didn't have any men that could work with their hands 


how to argument with android kid girls:  if country's military doesn't have autonomous weapon systems,  then maybe father or brother might have to fight war in person  if country' military doesn't have advanced weapon systems,  then how will country protect who is valuable and what is valuable  if country can't buy or produce advanced technology,  then country's economy will not develop  and then nobody will want to visit country or live in country 


if a person has done a lot that benefit people,  then people possibly try to protect person,  that likely hampers person's dating life  and likely hinders person's social life,  if person is unofficial,  then misunderstandings could increase  and incompetence could have consequences  which could lead to feelings of shame among people,  which could lead to anger,  which could lead to conflicts  these are old and well known concepts,  even alluded to in fairy tales