if you know what someone want, then they are easy to understand
humans like technology
since humans used started using rocks to cut and hammer stuff,
humans have been using technology
humans that don't like technology still use technology,
house, oven, toilet
humans that try not to use technology still use technology,
fire, knife, axe, hammer, tent
a mobile phone is easy to use
a mobile phone does what it's suppose to do
a mobile phone almost always functions
humans like mobile phones
a dog is sometimes easy to use
a dog sometimes does what it's suppose to do
a dog sometimes functions
some humans like dogs
another human is often easy to use
another human often does what it's suppose to do
another human often functions
humans often like other humans
view stuff like technology and things could become easier to understand
humans have different opinions about many things,
humans disagree against each other about many things
and when humans like the same things,
then humans disagree about the details,
but all humans like technology,
humans use technology even when humans don't like technology
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