the two phases of female courtship behaviour

female courtship behaviour have two phases: 
girls going around looking for guys 
girls showing themselves to guys 

first phase:
girls going to shops, malls, city streets, sports, cafés, bars and so on, 
where girls look for guys 
and when girls found guys, 
then girls start observing guys 

second phase: 
girls show themselves to guys in those places where girls know that guys are 

this is why it becomes easier for guys to meet girls if guys are easy to find, 
usually if guys are in a few of the same places 
and if guys are not too hidden or difficult to reach 

these are just the courtship phases, 
dating phases and sex phases are other steps 

if girls understand their own behaviours, 
then girls will become be able to improve and control their behaviours to their own advantage 

if guys understand their own behaviours, 
then guys will become be able to improve and control their behaviours to their own advantage 

in sports, 
people usually try to understand and improve themselves 


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