using your emotions and instincts to your advantage

guy using his politeness instinct
a guy notices that a girl is attracted of him, 
guy is attracted to girl, 
guy is too shy to talk to girl, 
if guy thinks about it that: 
it's unpolite of guy not to talk to girl that is attracted to him 
and that's it's polite of guy to talk to girl that is attracted to him, 
then if guy talks to girl, 
it's because he is being polite to her, 
that could make it mentally and emotionally easier for guy to talk to girl that is attracted of him 

girl using her caring instinct 
a girl notices that a guy is attracted of her, 
girl is attracted to guy, 
girl is too shy to talk to guy, 
if girl thinks about it that: 
it's uncaring of girl not to talk to guy that she cares about,  
and that's it's caring of her to talk to guy that is attracted to her, 
then if girl talks to guy, 
it's because she is being caring about him 
that could make it mentally and emotionally easier for girl to talk to guy that is attracted of her 


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