cardplayer emotions

cardplayer hides his intentions to win game, 
cardplayer hides intentions by controlling his emotions, 
cardplayer controls emotions while playing cards, 
and maybe cardplayer controls emotions while not playing cards, 
if cardplayer controls his emotions so often that he forgets that he has emotions, 
then cardplayer loses touch with his emotions so that he risk loosing control of his emotions, 
but if cardplayer lets his emotions flow when he thinks it's appropriate, 
then cardplayer will be able to control flow of his emotions 
and he will be more likely to control his emotions 

in the same way, 
if girl likes guy, 
girl hides her intentions to trap guy in relationship, 
girl hides her intentions by controlling her emotions 
girl controls emotions while flirting, 
and maybe girl controls emotions while not flirting, 
if girl controls her emotions so often that she forgets that she has emotions, 
then girl loses touch with her emotions so that she risk loosing control of her emotions, 
but if girl lets her emotions flow when she thinks it's appropriate, 
then girl will be able to control flow of her emotions 
and she will be more likely to control her emotions 


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