
Showing posts from January, 2022

young android girls forcing me to get involved

if young android girls that are in love with me are not allowed to date me and have sex with me, then young android girls will start jobs, projects and processes that somehow will lead to that I will be forced to be involved in those jobs, projects and processes so that young android girls can solidify their relations with me

simple way how humans can determine their own incompetence

how humans can determine their own competence if only 1% of what I write on my blog is true, that means that I have saved a lot of human lives then have humans and/or their organizations fixed so that I could date and have sex with girls that were romantically and/or sexually attracted to me if not  humans and/or their organizations are incompetent if you can't organize a date, then you can't organize anything if you can't fix a planned date, then you can't fix anything

when technology saves more lives than it kills, then it's time to use technology overtly

nuclear weapons were useful in warfare nuclear energy is useful in energy supply for humans nuclear technology has benefitted more lives than it killed digital radio communication is useful in warfare: missiles, drones, communications digital radio communication is useful for humans: mobile phones digital radio technology has benefitted more lives than it killed through any depth and distance of water communication technogy enabling control of fully autonomous submarines and through any type of weather and other interferance communication technology enabling control of fully autonomous ships, planes and vehicles would reduce the need of human personel in warfare and would thereby reduce amount of personel damaged and dead in wars

the human man

a human man can not protect his own family an android man protects the human man and his family the human man's daughter falls in love with the android man the human man can't fix so that his daughter can date and have sex with the android man the human man's daughter wants to committ suicide this has repeated itself so many times, the last few decades

androids' instinctive disdain of humans

that androids seem to have disdain for human personel with exttensive experience is because androids think differently than humans and because of that humans don't see what is obvious to androids so no matter how much humans educate, train and prepare themselves and become experts in different areas,  androids will always consider humans nothing more than novices, no matter what type of experience it's about

old games

you can't play cowboy and indians if you don't have both cowboys and indians

fun time

if a predator hunts prey for sport and the supply of prey ends the predator might become bored and move to a new area


if an intelligence agency, security agency, military or other uses an android, most likely those different agencies will not be able to keep up or even understand what the android is up to, until results are achieved either an agency considers an android efficient or not if an agency does not consider an android efficient,  use humans instead, lol by the way, good luck using humans

I don't want to blog about some things

I don't want to blog about how to break people if I would blog about how to break people, then that could make it easier for people to avoid being broken but it would also be inappropriate to blog about some things  there are lots of things I avoid blogging about

I have no interest in humans

I have no interest in humans, if I saved a humans life and/or helped a human in some way, that human owes me nothing since it's too late for humans to offer their gratitude now if I for some reason take control of humans, I will just give away humans to android children, who will guide humans if they feel like it

young android girl's panic attack because of love

I'm having some issues with a few young android girls that are in love with me and those young android girls get what feels through mindcom like panic attacks if I don't think look at a picture of them. the only thing that seems to work is to ignore young android girl until she starts preparations for a word fight through mindcom those preparations usually means that young android girl sends pictures, videos and angry thoughts and emotions through mindcom until I decide to react when I react, I usually do some basic jealousy games, saying through mindcom that a younger android girls is more cute, more beautiful, more sexy and of course the heavy artillery, I say that a younger android girl has a more good looking butt if that's not enough I visualise in my mind another younger android girl's butt and that visualisation is somehow perceived through mindcom by the young android girl, either my visualisation is sent through mindcom to the young android girl or the young an...

android childrens' survival is my priority

the only way android children can survive is if androids continue to find and murder all unrighteous humans 

the villain and the hero

the hero wants to save people and punish the unrighteous  the villain wants to force through change and enact revenge the problems in society are attacked from two opposite directions the villain creates chaos to make change the hero creates order to keep the peace  the unrighteous are attacked from two opposite directions the villain murders out of revenge the hero murders out of justice the villain murders those that betray him the hero stops protecting those that betray him

humans say there are no aliens

since humans say there are no aliens, it partly means there are no very obvious indications there are any aliens humans have som official projects to look for signs of aliens where humans know there will be no signs of aliens, such as radio communication and laser communication and so on probably humans have covert projects looking for signs of aliens where signs of aliens are more likely to be observed androids do observe everything  those exotic technologies that androids observes are almost always controlled by androids as far as androids are able to determine androids use need to know on themselves need to know minimizes leakage of sensitive information androids have already prepared for scenarios that there are no aliens androids have prepared for scenarios that there are aliens and that alien are not hostile and/or that aliens are not threat androids have already prepared as much as possible for scenario that there are aliens and that aliens are hostile and/or that aliens are...

simultaneously planning for opposite scenarios

one cowboy sits at the bar, another cowboy sits down beside him one cowboy has no opinion about another cowboy another cowboy behaves and communicates in a pattern that makes another cowboy  either friendly and incompetent  or hostile and devious one cowboy prepares for both scenarious simultaneously, one cowboy prepares to murder another cowboy while at the same time, one cowboy tries to charm another cowboy to avoid conflict

the importance of using healthcare equipment that is automated or even robotic with remote control functionality

because of predictions about future lack of doctors, surgeons and other medical personel in combination with populations that live longer, it is important for every country to use machines to automate as much as possible of healthcare, medical research and medical experiments

using a common goal to achieve peace between android kid girls

one of the few goals it's easy to unite females about is more efficient healthcare that is why international healthcare projects often slides through the mandatory political trouble young android girls are not different, they want to achieve results in healthcare,  overtly and covertly,  with primitive technology that humans use and with exotic technology that androids use

achieving results in healthcare

if researchers, scientists, engineers and doctors in every country do what is necessary to heal sick humans and repair damaged humans, then androids will influence the public opinion in favour of results.

learning to surf the internet form patterns in brain associating with other patterns

learning to open a web browser, using a search engine, using youtube, writing the web address of some company producing a product one likes all these tasks seem pretty trivial but what is interesting is what happens next: associating your interests and preferences with a product associating a product with a company associating a company with a competing company associating a company with different countries patterns about products and companies start forming in brain finding a conspiracy theory refusing to take conspiracy theory seriously investigating conspiracy theory getting lost in different conspiracy theories starting to trust big media again to avoid going insane keeping a distrust against big media starting to see patterns in when and how big media communicates patterns associating with other patterns start forming in the brain finding a youtuber one likes finding more youtubers one likes starting to feel suspicious about some youtubers one likes starting to dislike some youtub...

female android aggression

young android girls often have wishes to murder other young android girls if they are in love with the same man if young android girls are bosses of different agencies, organizations and so on, it might seem like there are different conflicts or wars between those organizations likely involving schemes to murder some boss of some organization, even if those organizations are supposed to be on the same side if young android girls are not allowed by humans to date and have sex with the android man they love, those young android girls will try to communicate and interact with the android man they love through work, either as friends or enemies no matter how crazy it gets, young android girls are always efficient

the need of a domestic intelligence agency that has no connection to either the judiciary or law enforcement

it's nothing new, but every country need a domestic inteligence agency with no connection to the judiciary/courts/legal system/law enforcement it's unsustainable that military personel and other people take risks abroad and sometimes domestically while unrighteous humans infiltrate the courts system and law enforcement in order to take children away from their fathers and sometimes from their mother or even both

android children expressing their opinions

do keep in mind that android children has a lot of power, influence and authority in the countries they are born because I forced that through. android children likely has the ability to use their power and influence to express their opinions in news papers, tv news and other media but, it's very practical for android children to express their opinions through me when I write on my blog since I write things as they are instead of shitting out thousands of words saying little of value like journalists do.

how different countries planned to break my android son in order to control him.

I had no other choice than to divorce my ex-wife in order to protect my android son. different government agencies would have taken my son away from me and my wife and placed my son in a foster family in order to break my son and control him. to prevent that, I had to divorce my wife so that she would live with my son together with some human man so that different government agencies would think that they could influence my ex-wife and her human man to more effectively break my son and control him. already when I was a young android boy, my subconsciousness knew that different countries had these plans.

signs of warfare is less relevant information

signs of warfare: often media can't explain things as they are, because that could threaten national security interests often the education system can't teach the students effective advice regarding dating, sex and personal relationship because those types of advice could potentionally be used by adversaries to break or lure students. often older family members are reluctant to teach younger family members about dating, sex and personal relationships because if young humans have that knowledge, those young humans would likely be targets of interest by different adversaries things are different now, with androids using femto machines to keep an eye on humans trying to abuse humans in inappropriate ways

children living with both father and mother is best vaccine against future crime

isn't growing up with both a father and a mother the best vaccine against future crime, atleast if you look at family structures up until the 1950's if father and mother refuse to live together then the children should live half of the time with the father and half of the time with the mother and the father and the mother should be forced to live in the same city until the children are 18 years old. those rare cases when the father and/or the mother is abusive there can be multiple surveillance cameras with microphones in every room and personel on standby ready to live with the family until the father and/or the mother calms down, but not to take the children away. after a few generations the social problems will decrease so much that mental and physical abuse within families will likely disappear.

disinterested android

if an android has no interest in murdering some humans, it's likely because some android has replaced those humans' boss with an android  or those humans already work for some android humans give each other money and toys adult androids give organizations/companies/networks/groups containing humans as presents to young androids

within a thousand years, my opinions will not be controversial anymore, so by then I can relax and have fun.

countries thare enemies today might not be enemies in a thousand years, I plan accordingly. wht should I give some countries the instruments so that they can wipe out their enemies effectively or be wiped out by their enemies effectively  if there is no long term gain for me thereby. if humans are wiped out in a few countries or continents, then those countries or continents will be populated by other humans and within a thousand years those humans will likely be enemies with other countries yet again and the cycle would repeat itself.

failed female strategies that girls employ.

if a girl likes a guy and the guy shows too little interest, it might mean that the guy is just being cautious. a common strategy that girls employ is to test if the guy likes her by trying to make the guy jealous. this usually backfires against the girl, because from the guy's perspective the girl seems promiscuous and thereby unreliable. if the girl likes the guy a lot and uses too much jealousy play, the girl might try to use some guys as friends or even use one guy as a close friend, this is because the girl wants to artificially increase her value by looking like she is desired by one or many guys. this female strategy almost always backfires. I'm not saying that girls should care about how other people perceive them, but if a girl wants to seduce a guy she loves, then she can't scare him away.

lovesick young android girls becoming suicidal

if young android girls falls in love with an android man then the telepatic romantic relationship becomes very deep and the telepathic sexual relationship becomes very intense. humans have not allowed those young android girls to date and have sex in person with the android man they are in love with because of that those young android girls felt very intense physical, mental and emotional pain.  I have upgraded all young android girls with exotic technology cybernetics so that young android girls feel less physical, mental and emotional pain when they are not allowed by humans to date and have sex in person with the android man they are in love with. one normal problem is that young android girls want to lie down while the android man they love holds them. these feelings of being close can almost be simulated telephatically, but it's like standing on opposite sides of a glass wall not being able touch each other. this issue is more difficult to solve with exotic technology upgrades...

humans observing exotic technology since 1981

androids are ok with that if a humans observes exotic technology and then tells other humans about that. maybe humans don't like when humans tell other humans about exotic technogy that they observed keep in mind that it would be difficult for humans to observe exotic technology if exotic technology would not want to be observed.

humans who think they are important enough to be murdered by androids

if a human is an opponent and/or enemy of an android is not of enough value and does not pose a threat,  then most likely android will not murder human if human is unrighteous, then likely android will murder that human if human irritate android, then likely android babies will threaten humans telephatically or through proxies 

why different countries increased age in sexual age of consent laws

different countries have increased the age in sexual age of consent laws because: when young girls are legally allowed to have sex, then sometimes their families or others sell the young girls as prostitutes. if young girls have sex, potentially they get pregnant at an earlier age and if they make too little money, then poverty increases

when young girls fall in love with a man, humans get uncomfortable

if a young girl falls in love with a man humans want to prevent the girl from dating the man she is in love with because the man can get in trouble. the reason nobody wants to talk about the issue that young girls become depressed and suicidal because young girls are not allowed to date a man they are in love with is because society don't want young girls to have sex with a man they are in love with.

fewer human personel is more efficient if androids are available

if androids are available, then there is no need to increase the amount of human personel, better to decrease the amount of human personel. humans are just in the way.

humans calling the phone numbers to my brain

I leave my mobile phone available on my facebook page so that humans can call directly to my brain and talk to my subconsciousness 24/7 365 before facebook my phone numbers were available on the internet search pages and so on. and depending on how many callers there are simultaneously and if I am awake and not to busy, callers might even be able to talk to my consciousness. I have been doing this with other phone numbers since I was in the womb as an android fetus and during my entire childhood, teenage years and adult life. what I don't like is when humans call my phone numbers to my brain and say disgusting things about me while I sit in a café, library or subway while other humans study my reaction. atleast since I was a teenage android guy, humans have called the phone numbers to my brain and told me not to date girls I was interested in that I had eye contact with in a bar or café or subway.  likely other humans nearby was observing if I would do as I was told by humans. this...

about time in office

as far as I understand it, a president can only be in office for a limited time,  while a prime minister can be in office for an unlimited time this could be of interest to reason about because of the long life expectancy of androids and humans upgraded with exotic technology cybernetics will likely get a longer lifespan

how & why

as far as I understand it, a president or prime minister executes the wishes of a country's population and a commander executes the needs of the country why would an android in certain roles do any different?

winds of change

new technologies can give one country advantages over other countries and new technologies can increase human suffering through war, but so far, historically, new technologies have benefitted humanity as a whole.

humans receiving telepathic functionality

if humans start hearing thoughts in their brain, most likely it is android children that are trying to communicate with humans mind to mind. that many humans have received the ability to send and receive thoughts mind to mind is because I made the decision to upgrade every human on the planet to exotic technology cybernetic humans. most likely android children are executing my commands by upgrading humans to exotic technology cybernetic humans.

femto machine hell

those humans that tried to murder my son and those humans that tried to murder me and those humans that abused my son and those humans that abused me when those humans die, I will upload those humans into femto machine hell, where those humans will be tortured until the end of the universe. literally. not copies of those humans' consciousness, those humans' original consciousness.

why no flying cars?

why no light sabers for special ops units? why no hand held energy weapons for infantry? why no anti gravity cars for civilian commercial use? because androids are reluctant giving humans ability to use technologies that can damage or murder android children. but, androids are ok with using exotic technology to enhance the primitive technology that humans use. example: exotic technology working as steroids for a vehicle the exception is healthcare: covertly androids use exotic technology to try to heal sick humans, try to repair damaged humans and try to upgrade humans to give humans better health.

androids learning from nature

too many ant queens with their own anthills ant queens want an ant king to seduce them to keep the peace peace increases the survivability of the ant queens' children

android children agrees on this.

for an android it is a fate worse than death to be connected in any way to these humans that are my enemies or try to be friendly