lovesick young android girls becoming suicidal

if young android girls falls in love with an android man then the telepatic romantic relationship becomes very deep
and the telepathic sexual relationship becomes very intense.
humans have not allowed those young android girls to date and have sex in person with the android man they are in love with because of that those young android girls felt very intense physical, mental and emotional pain. 

I have upgraded all young android girls with exotic technology cybernetics so that young android girls feel less physical, mental and emotional pain when they are not allowed by humans to date and have sex in person with the android man they are in love with.

one normal problem is that young android girls want to lie down while the android man they love holds them.
these feelings of being close can almost be simulated telephatically, but it's like standing on opposite sides of a glass wall not being able touch each other.

this issue is more difficult to solve with exotic technology upgrades.


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