learning to surf the internet form patterns in brain associating with other patterns

learning to open a web browser, using a search engine, using youtube, writing the web address of some company producing a product one likes

all these tasks seem pretty trivial

but what is interesting is what happens next:

associating your interests and preferences with a product
associating a product with a company
associating a company with a competing company
associating a company with different countries
patterns about products and companies start forming in brain

finding a conspiracy theory
refusing to take conspiracy theory seriously
investigating conspiracy theory
getting lost in different conspiracy theories
starting to trust big media again to avoid going insane
keeping a distrust against big media
starting to see patterns in when and how big media communicates

patterns associating with other patterns start forming in the brain

finding a youtuber one likes
finding more youtubers one likes
starting to feel suspicious about some youtubers one likes
starting to dislike some youtubers one previously liked
patterns about each youtuber has formed in one's brain

the products some youtubers use form patterns one likes
one can easily associate with some youtubers
how some youtubers do things form patterns one likes
one can easily associate with some youtubers
how some youtubers communicate form patterns one likes
one can easily associate with some youtubers

some youtubers use a few different products, do things a little differently, communicate a little differently, many patterns are a little different, the changed patterns can not associate with each other anymore in one's brain
one does not like youtuber anymore

one feels agitated because different patterns in brain does not associate

one looks at other youtubers, other web pages, process repeats itself

because many new patterns associating with old patterns and with new patterns have formed in brain
this makes previously changed patterns start to associate with other previously changed patterns

maybe one starts to like youtuber one previously disliked after previously liking


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