young android girl's panic attack because of love

I'm having some issues with a few young android girls that are in love with me and those young android girls get what feels through mindcom like panic attacks if I don't think look at a picture of them.

the only thing that seems to work is to ignore young android girl until she starts preparations for a word fight through mindcom

those preparations usually means that young android girl sends pictures, videos and angry thoughts and emotions through mindcom until I decide to react

when I react, I usually do some basic jealousy games, saying through mindcom that a younger android girls is more cute, more beautiful, more sexy and of course the heavy artillery, I say that a younger android girl has a more good looking butt

if that's not enough I visualise in my mind another younger android girl's butt and that visualisation is somehow perceived through mindcom by the young android girl, either my visualisation is sent through mindcom to the young android girl or the young android girl covertly spies directly in my mind to see what I visualise, think and feel about other young android girls

that I visualise a younger android girl's butt  always works as a provocation
young android girl answers with pure aggression, wanting to murder her female competitors, threatening me with various amounts of violence
this burns out the young android girls anxiety and she becomes effective again

I do this to start and finish a fight as quickly as possible

these processes repeat themselves atleast once a week with every young android girl in love with me

the problem with this is that it takes a lot of my conscious time,
but I always do as many processes simultaneously as possible

I have tried other schemes, but nothing else works

I continually cybernetically upgrade android girls to become more effective dealing with mental, emotional and physical distress because of love issues, but there are limits to what exotic technology cybernetic upgrades can do to ease the pain of love

android girls need their  high aggression to have a high survivability
because android girls have high aggression, android girls also have high sexual aggression, but android girls do not become sexually promiscuous because android girls' sexual aggression is only focused on the man they are in love with

what's disturbing is that when I google the net I find no information about how to deal with panic attacks because of love
there should be plenty of research and advice about young females having mental and emotional issues because of love

I do get the impression that the advice that media and mental health personel give girls is pure bullshit

the real issue is of course that young girls are prevented from dating and having sex with the same man since that would create harems and that would destabilize society

taking the risk of destabilizing society out of love is a risk android girls are willing to take

these facts of how things are might have non trivial consequences


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