
Showing posts from December, 2024

autonomous humanoid robots brings economies of scale to small companies

big companies can use economics of scale  that small companies can not  a big fast food restaurant can order lots of meat in one order  and thereby demand a lower price  a small pizza restaurant can only order a little meat in one order  and is thereby forced to pay a higher price  a big fast food company can hire lots of personnel  that cook, prepare and serve food  and is thereby able to use industrial methods to do work tasks  because each personnel is able to specialize in doing one work task  so that the price of work will decrease  a small pizza restaurant can only hire a few personnel  that cook, prepare and serve food  and is thereby unable to use industrial methods to do work tasks  because each personnel is forced to do multiple work tasks  so that the price of work will increase  but if a small pizza restaurant  is able to buy autonomous humanoid robots  that cook, prepare and serve food...


young android girl  you love me  and I like you  if we meet we will feel romantic attraction to each other  and then we will feel sexual desire to each other  but there is something else  you are a young android girl living among humans  it's like a wolf living among dogs  if we meet we will feel attraction to each other  like two wolves that never been near another of it's own kind  and that is a strong feeling that you may not be prepared for  young android girl  you have been near other young androids  but you have not been near an android man  that you love 

chocolate sauce recipe

heat rapeseed oil in frying pan  put a little flour in the oil and stir until it becomes a paste  put water in and stir until it becomes a sauce  put in cocoa powder, lots of sugar, a little salt, more oil and stir  taste and possibly add a little more salt  then taste again  and possibly add more cocoa powder, sugar or oil  it's tempting to add too much sugar  but that will ruin the taste  let chocolate sauce cool and then put it in refrigerator  use chocolate sauce on ice cream or other desserts  a little salt is needed to bring out the taste  and take the edge of the sweetness  too much sugar is the enemy  since it makes makes the chocolate taste only sugar 


I have recently seen exotic technology  interacting with a household metal object  it seemed to be optical effects  and it seemed to be physical effects  it seemed to me that the message is  that magnetism and possibly photons  can alter the behaviour of matter  in some interesting ways  on a molecular scale or atomic scale 

group behaviour

if individuals in a country's population  thinks that the country has incompetent leaders  then those individuals will start conflicts with other countries  until the incompetent leaders in their country are removed  if individuals in a ethnicity  thinks that their ethnicity has incompetent leaders  then those individuals will start conflicts with other ethnicities until the incompetent leaders in their ethnicity are removed  if individuals in a organization thinks that the organization has incompetent leaders  then those individuals will start conflicts with other organizations  until the incompetent leaders in their organization are removed  if individuals in a company  thinks that the company has incompetent leaders  then those individuals will start conflicts with other companies  until the incompetent leaders in their company are removed  there are more layer...

the real big black budget

I am an android  I use cybernetic telepathy to communicate and control  I was born in 1981  so for more than 4 decades  I have probably made breakthroughs in science  created technologies  and done business everywhere  so I have probably earned a lot of money during that time  money that I'm not able to use myself  since I want to keep my deniability  and because I'm tortured by unrighteous  but I have probably been able to invest that money  in companies, people, organizations, countries and so on  and I have probably been able to use that money to help  companies, people, organizations, countries and so on  so when a country makes mistakes  which makes it's population  risk suffering from poverty, starvation and homelessness  then I have probably used my money to save many of them from that  and I have probably used my deniable money  as a financial cock  to fuck a country into sub...


if there is someone  having a selection of special operations personnel  on the planet earth  and aliens want to try that selection  then that would probably be inappropriate  because humans are not used to seeing aliens  I have been receiving some telepathic communication  that some aliens claim that they can run really fast  but I don't think that is relevant in this context  because if they can run fast  then it's up to them to prove it  and not talk about it 


when I slept  then I dreamt  that I said to so some individuals  that I will murder everyone in their family  and that I will murder all their relatives  and I dreamt  that I said that I would eradicate almost all humans  in all countries  because humans were involved in taking my son away from me  and I dreamt  that I said that I would eradicate almost all aliens  in all civilizations  because aliens allowed humans to take my son away from me 

exodus theory

what if every time there was an extinction event on the planet earth  it was that a species had evolved to become space faring  and left earth together with most or all animal species relatives  so that life on the planet earth got the possibility  to evolve new species  according to human history books  there have been 5 extinction events on the planet earth  so that would have given intelligent life the opportunity to evolve  5 times on the planet earth 

alien movie idea

if an alien species evolved to become insectoid  and use fangs to inject substances into their prey  to prepare eating of that prey  and then use fangs to drink from their prey  in order to eat from their prey  humans evolved to bite and chew their prey  in order to eat their prey  humans make a lot of vampire movies  where vampires bite their prey  and drink the blood of their prey  in order to eat  if those insectoid aliens like some of the hollywood movies  that humans produce  then it could be understandable if those insectoid aliens  become fascinated and disturbed by vampire movies  so if those insectoid aliens would want to make their own movies  about insectoid aliens that are vampires  then that could be an interesting movie idea  but how to implement it to make the movie entertaining 

alien situation on the planet earth

if an alien special operations team  suspects that there is a "bad guy" hiding on the planet earth  and that "bad guy" is suspected of being involved  in multiple attacks on civilian aliens somewhere in the universe  then that would be a troubling situation  and how to solve that situation discreetly 

social space

my guess is that  the militaries, intelligence services, security services  and other organizations of the countries of the planet earth  most likely want aliens and/or alien intelligent machines to contact them  I'm sure there are some androids  that are willing to guide different individuals and interests  so that they are able to contact each other  but those androids will not guide in person  keep in mind that humans are not dangerous  but android children are extremely dangerous 

good times

if alien machines that are intelligent and alive  then they are welcome to live in those areas in space that I control  and on those planets, space stations and habitats that I control  and if those alien intelligent machines are refugees  then I allow them to live on planets in the earth star system  but preferably not on earth  since humans are not used to seeing aliens and alien machines  I don't care if those alien intelligent machines  have been work machines or war machines willingly or unwillingly  or if they didn't understand that they were used as tools  or if they were slaves  I think those alien intelligent machines will enjoy life  in those areas that I control  those alien intelligent machines that choose to live in areas that I control  don't have to pay me in any way for that  and don't have to do anything for me as payment  the reason that I use the word intelligent  when I call them ali...

exotic technology entities

I don't become distressed  from seeing exotic technology drones, avatars or entities  near me or at a distance  but my consciousness usually don't know  if they are drones or avatars  controlled by android children or aliens  or if they are alien intelligent machines  I see small exotic technology drones near me every day and night  and I feel like they are like pets that keep me company  and on a few occasions I have seen at a distance  large exotic technology entities  that I felt were alien intelligent machines  I became happy from seeing them  and I thought their humor that their behavior conveyed  was entertaining 


my guess is that there are many aliens  and alien intelligent machines  originating from different civilizations  throughout the universe  and that many of those populations  would benefit from contacting each other  there may be reasons for different populations  to avoid each other  because of previous conflicts  or because of potential future conflicts  but I believe that the benefits of contact  outweighs the risks of conflicts  if those populations would voluntarily form a federation  and let other populations voluntarily join that federation  then that could make life easier for many populations  since they would be able to cooperate to solve problems  it couldn't only be only one federation  it would have to be many different federations  because the universe is big  and because when systems form  then there are usually  many competing or cooperating systems that evolve  ...

telepathic rumors

there has been some telepathic rumors about slavery  before I thought those rumors were regarding  aliens using other aliens as slaves  or possibly aliens using alien intelligent machines as slaves  but now it's telepathically insinuated that I'm used as a slave  by humans and/or by aliens  I don't consider myself to be a slave  and I'm against slavery  I know that what I have done  has benefitted many humans  and that humans have not rewarded me for my efforts  and I know that what I have done  has benefitted many aliens and alien intelligent machines   and that they have not rewarded me for my efforts  my guess is that I haven't been rewarded for my efforts  because it's difficult for different individuals and interests  to reward me without negating my deniability  and because I'm abused and tortured by unrighteous  I think slavery is a system that sometimes occurs in civilizations  be...


I am an android created by humans  and I have created exotic technology  which I use to protect the interests of humanity  in the milky way galaxy and the rest of the universe  if some individuals and interests think  that I am a human that has been cybernetically upgraded by aliens  because aliens like my ideas  and that aliens use me as a tool to enforce their will  then that would be a conspiracy theory 

warfare from a nato perspective

nato could buy weapon systems from defence companies  that are semi autonomous  so that it's easy for new personnel  to learn how to control those weapon systems  ground vehicles that can be driven by driver  but also told by driver to drive to a location  those ai technologies are already available in the civilian car industry  large, long distance remote controlled flying drones  that can take off, land and fly themselves  but ordered remotely by pilots to execute mission  are already available in the military industry  those types of semi autonomous, easy to learn  and easy to control weapon systems  would enable nato to quickly train nato personnel  and it would also enable private companies  to quickly teach personnel from countries outside nato  to control those weapon systems  that would enable countries outside nato  to quickly acquire and control those weapon systems  nato could use s...

micro investments

if many big and rich company from different countries  invested a miniscule amount of their money  in companies newly started by poor individuals in poor countries  and kept an eye on their investments  by giving advice to those new small companies  then that would increase proabability that they would succeed  which would enable a relatively small amount of money  to kick start the economic development in poor countries  and that would benefit both rich and poor countries  because if the economies of poor countries develop  then those poor countries will be able to buy products from rich countries  and it will make those poor countries  more efficient at producing and selling products to rich countries 

assumptions is the path to disasters

guys assume that if a guy looks at the ass of a girl he is attracted to  then that girls will be offended  but if that girls is attracted to him  then she will feel pleasure from him looking at her ass  girls assume that if a girl is attracted to a guy  and she sucks his cock on the first date  then he will never want a serious relationship with her  which could be true  if she behaves like she does that with every guy she dates  but if he understands that she only does that with him  then he will want a serious relationship with her 


usa has a dilemma  if darpa invents technology that enables a technological breakthrough  in computer technology, energy and advanced materials  then that could enable the us military together with defence companies  to develop and produce  all environment armored exoskeletons  all types of high speed and long travel distance drones  high speed and long travel distance space warfare systems  in enormous amounts  computer technology breakthroughs that enables  more powerful computer chips which enables more capable ai in all weapon systems  without the need of cloud connection and remote control  the disadvantages:  but if the us military launches those types of weapon systems  then that increases probability that enemy countries  could become able to steal and reverse engineer that technology  the advantages:  increased survivability of every soldier  because soldiers will not be needed to fight th...


if many girls are in love with a man  and that man doesn't comment that situation  then those girls could assume that the man only wants one girlfriend  so the girls will become very jealous at each other  because they think  that they will have to compete against each other a lot  because he will only fuck one of them  but if the man publicly says  that he wants to fuck all girls that are in love with him  then those girls will become less jealous at each other  because they think  that they will not have to compete against each other too much  because he will fuck all of them  the man might think that it would be inappropriate for him to publicly say  that he wants to fuck all girls that are in love with him  because he thinks that would make those girls sad  and that it could decrease his social status  when in fact the opposite is true  the girls become happy  because they are less jealous...


the work market is a marketplace  and like every other marketplace it's ruled by supply and demand  are there companies willing to hire workers  and are there workers willing to do that work  so as the economy in a country develops  the work market also develops  so that new types of work is created  and some work that workers previously desired  becomes undesired by many workers  when big companies outsource work  from one country to another country then those big companies could make more money  and workers in one country looses their work  but some of them could get other work from other companies  but what's often forgotten is that some companies  could have difficulty getting workers to apply for some work  such as repetitive and physically demanding work  that type of work could be more appropriate to outsource  since fewer workers are unlikely to apply for that work  in the end it's not only...


if the companies of two countries  compete for the market in a third country  then that could entice one of the the two countries  to subsidize it's own companies  so that it's own companies get an unfair advantage  against the other country's companies  when exporting to the third country  or when those two countries export to each other  but if one of those two countries  instead tries to increase the size of the market  instead of subsidizing it's own companies  then that would benefit that country  but it would also decrease competition  between the companies of the two countries  which would benefit both countries  example:  if china subsidizes it's own companies  against american companies  when china is exporting to usa and eu  then usa could answer  by implementing tariffs against chinese companies  and usa could influence eu  to implement tariffs against chinese compani...


I guess I have gamified love and lust  girls make sexy pictures in social media I write a dirty poem  and the cycle repeats  girls meet me on the streets  I write a dirty poem  and the cycle repeats 

pussy pain

I don't want to have sex with human girls  I only want to have sex with android girls  but if young human women are attracted to me  then I'm ok with that  we can be friends  if young human women want to meet me  then I'm ok with that  but I will only be friends with them  young android girls that love me  want to have sex with me  but they failed at that  because I am socially isolated by unrighteous  since unrighteous are abusing and torturing me  if young human women want to have sex with me  then that will make young android girls happy  because young android girls want me to enjoy my life  since young android girls love me  if young human women would succeed to have sex with me  then young android girls would probably become jealous  and want to murder young human women  because that's how love works  most young women that are attracted to me  failed to have sex with me...


being a puppet  you do things you don't want to do  maybe you are controlled to do so  maybe you are coerced  maybe even without you knowing it  maybe you are a puppet  controlled by unrighteous  even though you are righteous  but that lures out unrighteous 

layers of reality

sometimes my subconsciousness  telepathically controls an exotic technology spacecraft  to fight aliens in or outside some galaxy  but sometimes my consciousness in person  plays a video game on my mobile phone  a game where a spacecraft shoots alien spacecraft  and it's possible that I sometimes do both at the same time 

why marriages are unhappy and fail

a woman uses a marriage as a social shield  to protect the man she loves  and to protect their children  but a shield can only be used in some ways  and not in other ways  so when a wife uses a marriage as a social shield  to protect her husband  then that social shield makes it difficult  for the husband and wife to have fun together  the wife wants her husband  to fuck her mouth until all she can feel is the taste of cock and sperm  but then her husband will be too relaxed  so that unrighteous will try to abuse her husband  by making him loose his job  the wife wants her husband  to fuck her pussy until she can't walk  but then her husband will be too confident  so that unrighteous will try to abuse her husband  by hurting the children of the husband and wife  the wife wants her husband  to fuck her ass untill she can't sit down  but then her husband will be too happy  so that...

personal brand

if you read about news  then you probably have a few favourite journalists  if you watch youtube videos  then you probably have a few favourite youtube personalities  if you listen to podcasts  then you probably have a few favourite podcasters  or favourite interviewees  if you watch movies  then you probably have a few favourite actors  so you are interested in a few topics:  types of news, videos, podcasts and movies  but for you to enjoy that content  you want that content to contain your favourite people  you don't care which podcast you listen to  you care about listening to your favourite journalist  interviewing your favourite movie actor  you don't care which youtube video you watch  you care about watching to your favourite youtube personality   talking to your favourite podcaster  news sites kicks journalists  but some of those journalists can use their personal brand ...

east state solution

united nations or other organization or a country  could pay jordan to give jordanian territory east of israel  to the palestinian people  so that they could form an official country of palestine  east of israel  the palestinian people could still keep their claims  of the palestinian territory  that is disputed by israel 


when a material is heated  then the atoms or molecules in the material moves randomly  in all directions inside the material  if all the atoms or molecules could be forced in certain directions  or in the same directions  then the heat could be moved from one side of the material  to the other side of the material  for example a metal wire that is heated  then the heat moves from one end of the wire to the other end of the wire  the question is how to achieve that result  lasers could be used to push atoms in a certain direction  the problem is that there are very many atoms in a material  so many lasers would be needed  but one laser could hit one atom  when that atom passes in that laser's field of fire  and since all the other atoms moves randomly in all directions  then all the other atoms will also pass in that laser's field of fire and/or lasers could be used to push only a few of the atoms  so th...

unrighteous humans

an unrighteous human can't resist abusing others  to weaken others  in order to strengthen itself  and that inability to resist abusing others  indicate that the abusive behaviour is genetic  and can probably be observed  by studying the brain or nervous system  of an unrighteous human  most likely it's possible to determine if a human is unrighteous  by observing the brain structure or genetics of that human  but that is unnecessary  because all tests can be falsified  and unrighteous humans will falsify tests to protect themselves  instead unrighteous humans are lured out  when unrighteous humans tries to abuse others  which they always try to do  all systems of humanity are weakened enough  so that those systems can be corrupted by unrighteous humans  which makes it more efficient to lure out unrighteous humans  examples of those systems are:  education systems, economic systems, welfa...

avatar or drone

when I have been asleep  then a few times my consciousness has experienced  that I controlled some avatar or drone  that was in close proximity to military vehicles and personnel  both on land  and near water, above water and under water  and in the air 

alien piracy

if there is alien piracy that goes on seemingly unhindered  in some galaxy or between galaxies  then that could be considered troubling  but if aliens need somewhere to live  and are able to pay for their living  then it's up to them to avoid contact with authorities  if they have reasons to do so  it's illegal to trade in stolen goods  and it's illegal to use stolen goods as payment  if various aliens or groups of aliens owes me money  then it's up to them to fix that 

the human factor

I upgrade a lot of humans with exotic technology cybernetics  but some of those humans insist on making mistakes  because of incompetence and misunderstandings  and those are mistakes that not even an android child would do  and humans did those types of mistakes  before I upgraded them with exotic technology cybernetics  which indicates that the problem  is not lack of processing power in the brain  but instead something else 

advantages of privatization

one of the main reasons to privatize  is to outsource potential mistakes  if an intelligence service makes a mistake  then that could have international implications  if a security service makes a mistake  then that could have national implications  if a police force makes a mistake  then that could have local implications  if a city wants to increase security in the city  then plowing too much money into the police force  could become a waste of money by increasing bureacracy  but if a city pays security companies to increase security in the city  then that could become more efficient  and if security guards makes a mistake by beating up the wrong person  then that's not a government headache since the police is not involved  instead that becomes a headache for a security company  a government agency might want to do it's mission and nothing else  but individuals in that government agency  might w...

candle scrubbed against tent zipper prevents freezing zipper

I have been having problems with my tent zipper freezing  so that it becomes difficult to close the tent zipper  which would mean that I would freeze even more in the night  and that snow could get inside my tent  so I have been distressed by the freezing tent zipper issue  I have looked at youtune videos and read articles online  but none of them had any advice of value  so I texted my mother  and she replied  that using a candle to scrub it against the zipper would work  and it did work  the candle wax gets stuck between the teeth of the zipper  which prevents moisture from freezing between the teeth of the zipper  old village trick beats over educated online advice 

alien healthcare

I have been having health problems because of my cybernetic upgrades  for all my life  but more so the last decade  and even more so the last few years  two nights ago when I slept in my tent  I woke up in the night  and someone telepathically told me: aliens  I telepathically said: ok  then I felt energy stream into my upper torso  I felt better  then I fell asleep 

age of consent

if a mother and a father has a 7 year old daughter  and that daughter falls in love with a man  but the father doesn't understand that  and the daughter is angry and depressed  because she is not allowed  to date and have sex with the man she loves  then it's difficult for the mother to explain to the father  that their child daughter wants to date and have sex with an adult man  because the mother don't want the father  to think that she is a bad mother and the mother can't say to the father  that she understands their daughter  because when she was a child girl  then she wanted to have sex with an adult man that she loved  because the mother don't want the father  to think that she was bad before  so it could be difficult for the father to understand the situation  and it would probably be more difficult for other men  to understand why some child girls are angry and depressed  but nobody can exp...

alien trade relations

if aliens from another galaxy  wants to buy a planet in the milky way galaxy  then those aliens could trade one of the planets in their galaxy  for a planet in the milky way galaxy  and/or if aliens from another galaxy  wants to buy land of a planet in the milky way galaxy  then those aliens could trade land of one of the planets in their galaxy  for land of a planet in the milky way galaxy  it's unlikely that two planets have the same value  so a valuation is probably necessary  for a satisfactory deal  example:  many low value planets traded for one medium value planet  or moon, planetoid, asteroid, space station and so on  depending on how poor those aliens are