group behaviour

if individuals in a country's population 
thinks that the country has incompetent leaders 
then those individuals will start conflicts with other countries 
until the incompetent leaders in their country are removed 

if individuals in a ethnicity 
thinks that their ethnicity has incompetent leaders 
then those individuals will start conflicts with other ethnicities
until the incompetent leaders in their ethnicity are removed 

if individuals in a organization
thinks that the organization has incompetent leaders 
then those individuals will start conflicts with other organizations 
until the incompetent leaders in their organization are removed 

if individuals in a company 
thinks that the company has incompetent leaders 
then those individuals will start conflicts with other companies 
until the incompetent leaders in their company are removed 

there are more layers to this 
but I don't want to say too much 

if those individuals mentioned above 
find another leader that they like 
then the processes mentioned above 
will accelerate 


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