
Showing posts from March, 2024

computer hardware

better and cheaper graphics cards and processors  have made computers more powerful / price  but better and cheaper hard drives  has not increased the storage amount of online free storage 


if there is some interstellar activity  on this side of the galaxy  then that could indicate that aliens are preparing to protect me  possibly because aliens think that I have a high value to them 

art of war

an android controls avatars  in the past time, in the future time and in the present time  on earth, on other habitats and other places in space  in this universe and possibly in other universes  in this dimension and possibly in other dimensions  a righteous human upgraded with exotic technology  could also control avatars in many places  if unrighteous humans in the past time  tries to abuse the avatar of an android  then the android is probably abused telepathically or in person  by the exotic technology system that I call the matrix  and the android gets a reason to defend itself  against it's abusers  if unrighteous aliens in the past time  tries to abuse the avatar of a righteous human  then the righteous human is probably abused telepathically or in person  by the exotic technology system that I call the matrix  and the righteous human gets a reason to defend itself  against it's abusers...


when I covertly take control of a country  then I might cut loose structures that are unnecessary  if humans want to continue to work in those structures  without doing that which was the purpose before  then I will allow it  but I will not waste their time 


sometimes I have to take a difficult path in life  so that younger androids don't have to take that path  but humans don't have to make my path more difficult for me than it already is  which humans tend to do, unnecessarily 

micro investments

a foundation that finances investments in small companies  so that a café that wants a salt water aquarium to draw customers  gets that investment from the foundation  the foundation could own the saltwater aquarium  and allow the café to have it without cost  as long as the café takes care of the saltwater aquarium  buying the saltwater aquarium is probably the big cost  while maintaining the saltwater aquarium is a small cost  the same model could be applied to  a gaming café that needs gaming computers  but can't afford them  or a small factory that needs machines  but can't afford them  and so on  micro investments is nothing new  and has been applied in both rich and poor countries  both rich and poor individuals  have financed micro investments in small companies  small companies have got micro investments to buy tools for the trade  and gaming studios have got micro investments to produ...

openly, not officially

I take covert control of countries   nowadays I'm more open about it  but it will never be official 


the incompetence and misunderstandings  of some groups, organizations and countries  have enabled me to take control  of more groups, organizations and countries 

love indicates genetic match, mutual attraction confirms it

when civilization began  thousands of years ago  if every girl were allowed to date and have sex with the guy  that she was in love with  as soon as she wanted to  no matter how young she was  then maybe a few percent of the girls of every generation  would succeed with that  and many of those girls would get pregnant with the guy they love  when they were old enough for vaginal sex and pregnancy  the disadvantages would be that there would have been a lot of unmarried young pregnant girls  that would have to be supported by their parents  the advantages would be that the genetic match  from girls reproducing with the guy they love  would have produced healthy and talented children  if that would have continued for every generation  for thousands of years until today  then a lot more people of today would be healthy and talented  but instead humans allowed the unrighteous humans  to prevent th...

old as sin

don't be angry at your parents  because you didn't inherit better genetics from them  instead be angry at the unrighteous  that prevented your parents from reproducing  with those that they were attracted to 

luring out the unrighteous

according to religious texts  turning the other cheek towards someone that hurt you  which in practice  means luring out those that are willing to hurt you  better lure the unrighteous out early  before they reproduce and become too many  according to history books  usa allowed anyone to migrate to usa in the old days  which in practice  meant to lure out those that were willing to hurt the population of usa  better lure the unrighteous out early  before they reproduce and become too many  there are patterns in old books and texts  for those willing to open their minds to what their eyes see 

evolutionary effects

a forest human finds a high quality guy  forest human tell forest people about the high value of that guy  forest people want to take a look at high quality guy  desert human finds the same high value guy  desert human tell desert people about the high value of that guy  desert people want to take a look at high quality guy  mountain human finds the same high quality guy  mountain human tell mountain people about the high value of that guy  mountain people want to take a look at high quality guy  after a while a lot of people are trying to take look at high quality guy  forest people become suspicious of desert people and mountain people  desert people become suspicious of forest people and mountain people  mountain people become suspicious of forest people and desert people  forest people want to rescue high quality guy  desert people want to rescue high quality guy  mountain people want to rescue high quality ...

evolutionary reasons

a human visiting another country sees a guy that seems talented  that human feels an evolutionary responsibility towards it's people  at home  to make it's people recruit that guy  a human in it's own country sees a guy that seems talented  that human feels an evolutionary responsibility towards it's people  to make it's people recruit that guy  a talented guy could make life better for a people  a guy that is talented in warfare could protect a people  a guy that is talented in technology could improve life for a people  a guy that is talented in dark arts could increase influence for a people  if girls are attracted to a talented guy  then that guy could make girls pregnant  so that those girls give birth to talented children  if young girls are attracted to a talented guy  then there is still time to plan & prepare until girls are older 


it's been insinuated to me telepathically  that I have some type of leader position among aliens  and because of that aliens want to protect me  which could mean preemptive action  it's been telepathically communicated to me  that aliens want to set up a task force on earth  to prepare and execute strikes  in order to protect me 


some games need to be played  if media and politics don't play those games  then maybe some blogger need to play those games  whether those games are  provocation  temptation  intrigue  and so on 


if Clark Kent applied for a job at a company  and personnel on that company saw that Clark Kent is SUPERMAN  would Clark Kent be able to get a job on that company  and/or if Clark Kent worked at a company  and personnel on that company saw that Clark Kent is SUPERMAN  would Clark Kent be able to work on that company  and/or if Clark Kent worked at a company  and customers of that company saw that Clark Kent is SUPERMAN  would Clark Kent be able to work on that company  and/or if Clark Kent worked at a company  and personnel at other companies saw that Clark Kent is SUPERMAN  would Clark Kent be able to work on that company  or if Clark Kent started his own company  and customers of his company saw that Clark Kent is SUPERMAN  would Clark Kent be able to have his own company  and/or if Clark Kent started his own company  and personnel at his company saw that Clark Kent is SUPERMAN  would Clark Kent be ab...


a young girl is in love with a man  some people try to ignore the situation  other people become distressed by the situation  their communication and interactions reflect that  some people don't worry about it  other people worry about it  their communication and interactions reflect that  when the young girl tries to get the man's attention in the streets  then the communication and interaction of people affect the situation  the communication and interactions of people on the streets  have spontaneously created a system  that system is:  the MORAL MACHINE 

fun & games



if android boys wants to build high speed trains  between every city in every country on a continent  then every citizen needs to earn more money  so that the governments gets more tax income   so that governments can afford to build high speed trains  if the taxes are the same  but a citizen earns more money  then the government gets more tax income  if citizens earns more money  then they are able to afford to pay for more train tickets  if train company earns more money from high speed tralns  then the train company can afford to pay more  for building high speed trains  so that government is able to pay less  for building high speed trains  if autonomous construction machines are used  and humanoid robots are used  then construction companies are able to build more for less money  with same amount or less amount of personel  and since the companies will do more for less money  th...

young androids

if young androids are discreetly trained in person  then it's probably going to be so easy for them  so that they wouldn't even notice that they are being trained  as long as the training is done discreetly 

high tech ar glasses

glasses with entire screen on inside showing video feed  while entire screen on outside functions as camera  where each "dot" on outside screen is a small camera  similar to how insect eyes functions

snitching versus saying too much

there is a difference between snitching and saying too much  snitching is probably intentional  and saying too is probably unintentional  but both could have troublesome results  so if individuals and interests don't want to snitch  then they could think through how to avoid saying too much  and they could think through how they communicate  and individuals and interests could think through what they want  do they subconsciously want the same thing  that they consciously think that they want  and do their instinctive actions show that they want  the same thing that they think that they want 


if aliens would try to rescue me  by moving me off planet for a long time or permanently  then I would use exotic technology to prevent that  because I don't need any rescue since I protect myself 

interstellar clouds

nanomachine clouds or femtomachine clouds  could easily camouflage themselves as gas clouds in space  and those femto machine clouds could hide space stations  or be space stations  where aliens could reside  interstellar clouds are many light years wide  and could because of that size hide many habitats 

work skill system

a work skill system  could be a way to teach young individuals work skills  where a young individual lives in a room at one apartment owner  and is taught work skills by that apartment owner  and then moves to another room at another apartment owner  where young individual is taught another work skill  either education system and/or social services would pay for that  and it would be all organized through companies  and it could be a terrific way for pensioners to earn extra money  and teach what the know  so that knowledge doesn't go to waste  and the young individual could add new work skill to it's resume or CV 

young android girls

maybe humans should try to see things  from the perspective of a young android girl  if an android child girl has been in love with me  since she was in the womb, literally  and later she is a few years old  and she wants to meet me  and I'm in the library  but she can't meet me  because the library requires a card to visit  during late afternoon until evening when there is no personel  since I'm in the library at those hours  practical problems  but none the less  heartache 

the matrix

some exotic technology forms a system on earth  that is controlled by androids  and wishes from humans and androids  are carried out by that exotic technology system  that exotic technology system  could prevent a human from falling down and hurting itself  or from dropping a mobile phone so that it breaks  and so on  but if the wishes from righteous humans  are to lure out unrighteous humans  then that exotic technology system  could listen to the wishes of unrighteous humans  and could abuse righteous humans  so that unrighteous humans are lured out 


how to solve homelessness immidiately  individuals with apartments or houses  that are willing to rent out a room  registrate that on a company's website  homeless individuals choose which room they want on website  social services pay company for room that homeless individual live in  apartment owner is payed by company  that enables different companies to compete against each other  and gives homeless individuals more choice  and gives apartment owners more choice  there could be a system where apartment owner is reviewed on website  only visible to homeless individual and social services  and homeless individual is reviewed on website  only visible to apartment owner and social services  there are already similar services for tourists and backpackers  commonly called couch surfing  if apartment owner has work skills  then apartment owner could be payed by company  to teach homeless individual wo...

not comfortable in the light

there are probably reasons that some individuals and interests  want me to become official in some way  probably in business or politics or whatever  because then I would publicly belong to one country  or group of countries  so that other countries wouldn't be able to claim that I belong to them  if I'm not official  then I could seemingly belong to different countries  that are enemies against each other  but if I would become official  then there would be an increased demand to fake my death  in order to protect me  and then I wouldn't be official again  and then the process risk being repeated again  so I'm better off not being official  and probably most countries are better off if I'm not official  but that's not how desire works 


because of what I write on my blog  it's understandable if some individuals and interests  think that I could have a high value  and thereby try to keep an eye on me  and because of what I write on my blog  it's understandable if some individuals and interests  think that situations seemingly connected to me are suspicious  and thereby try to keep an eye on me  so whether I have a high value or not in real life  my blogging explains some situations seemingly connected to me 

evolutionary reasons

it needs to be considered how evolution formed humans  a guy that discovered fire was probably considered by other humans  to have a high value  and a guy that was able to use fire to hunt a and cook animals  was probably considered by other humans to have a high value  and a guy was able to use fire to protect his tribe from predator animals during the night  was probably considered by other humans to have a high value  and a guy was able to use fire to burn the grass  to scare or kill enemies in warfare  was probably considered by other humans to have a high value  a guy that discovered fire and/or learned to use fire  increased the survivability of other humans  then that guy did indeed have a extremely high value for other humans  and evolutionary pressures has continued throughout every generation  every time a human discovered a new technology  and every time a human developed a new strategy  and that ...


if two countries are enemies  and both countries want the same person as a covert leader  if that is implemented  then how will different individuals and interests  handle the situations that might occur  and if many countries are either friends or enemies  and all those countries want the same person as a covert leader  if that is implemented  then how will different individuals and interests  handle the situations that might occur 


unrighteous humans want to abuse me  and preventing me from succeeding with studies is a type of abuse  and preventing me from having fun by reading a book is a type of abuse  unrighteous humans probably don't know  how they prevent me from succeeding in studies  but they probably know that I fail in studies  which indicates  that I'm too mentally exhausted and have too low mental focus to study  is not because my machine brain has too little processing power  or because my machine brain is overloaded with processes to do  but that my consciousness is prevented from using the processing power of my machine brain to succeed in studies  but my subconsciousness always use the processing power  of my machine brain to do processes 

evolutionary reasons

young android girls want their future children to thrive and they will thrive by spreading in new territories  and space is that new territory  if I can gain control of large territories in space  then that enable young android girls to give their future children  ability to thrive in those new territories 


when I slept in the night I telepathically communicated  with some entities that seemed to be aliens  but it could have been android children  that pretended to be someone else  it was different scenarios  where I was meeting entities in different environments  some environments seemed similar to earth  and some environments seemed like space  some of the environments and scenarios were more strange  and some of the environments and scenarios were less strange  it seemed like the entities were trying to determine something  and it seemed that the entities were trying to determine  if I had done war crimes against aliens  and that the entities considered me to have a high value  and that the entities wanted to pretend that the investigation of me  was a training program that I went through telepathically when I slept  it's possible that what I telepathically experienced when I slept  was some strange tra...

the police are busy protecting unrighteous humans

it's been telepathically insinuated to me  that unrighteous humans are trying to abuse my son  and those unrighteous humans are protected by the police 

high risk, high reward aerospace development

the company spacex has implemented a high risk, high reward strategy  when it comes to test launches of their rockets  unmanned autonomous rockets often crash and/or explode during tests  as a result the development and production of new rockets  can be done quickly  this high risk, high reward strategy of spacex is possible  because the rockets are autonomous  and are thereby unmanned during test flights  and that is possible because of remote control  and autonomous technologies  these high risk, high reward strategies  could be implemented by the air force of a country  and by civilian commercial passenger aircraft companies  and by civilian commercial transport aircraft companies  in order to speed up the development and production of those aircraft  and for that to be possible  test airstrips need to be built so close to the sea  so that the airstrip ends close to the water  and where a long d...

open your eyes

in my opinion  there are many ways that organized crime  could discreetly make a lot of money  without irritating the populations of different countries