
if android boys wants to build high speed trains 
between every city in every country on a continent 
then every citizen needs to earn more money 
so that the governments gets more tax income  
so that governments can afford to build high speed trains 

if the taxes are the same 
but a citizen earns more money 
then the government gets more tax income 

if citizens earns more money 
then they are able to afford to pay for more train tickets 

if train company earns more money from high speed tralns 
then the train company can afford to pay more 
for building high speed trains 
so that government is able to pay less 
for building high speed trains 

if autonomous construction machines are used 
and humanoid robots are used 
then construction companies are able to build more for less money 
with same amount or less amount of personel 
and since the companies will do more for less money 
then those companies will be able to get more construction contracts 
and then those companies will earn more money 
and then companies will be able to hire more personel if meed be 


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