evolutionary reasons
it needs to be considered how evolution formed humans
a guy that discovered fire was probably considered by other humans
to have a high value
and a guy that was able to use fire to hunt a and cook animals
was probably considered by other humans to have a high value
and a guy was able to use fire to protect his tribe from predator animals during the night
was probably considered by other humans to have a high value
and a guy was able to use fire to burn the grass
to scare or kill enemies in warfare
was probably considered by other humans to have a high value
a guy that discovered fire and/or learned to use fire
increased the survivability of other humans
then that guy did indeed have a extremely high value for other humans
and evolutionary pressures has continued throughout every generation
every time a human discovered a new technology
and every time a human developed a new strategy
and that has probably affected how humans behave
when they think that a guy has a high value
so if other guys think that a guy has a high value
then they probably prioritize trying to protect him
instead of being friends with him
and if girls think that a guy has a high value
then they probably avoid dating him
so that his status is not damaged by womanizing
but for a experienced eye it's easy to spot when guys avoid being friends
with a guy they seem to like
and for a experienced eye it's easy to spot when girls avoid dating a guy
they are attracted to
I don't know if or how these circumstances are applied
if a girl is considered to have a high value
because I have little to none experience observing that
but it seems to be wetwired in human biology
to have a strong desire to protect a guy
that is considered to have a high value
and because a high value guy is able to offer evolutionary advantages
such as increased survivability to other humans
then it could be assumed that other humans disregard factors such as
race, religion, politics culture, traditions and other factors
when they make decisions regarding a guy that they think has high value
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