love indicates genetic match, mutual attraction confirms it
when civilization began
thousands of years ago
if every girl were allowed to date and have sex with the guy
that she was in love with
as soon as she wanted to
no matter how young she was
then maybe a few percent of the girls of every generation
would succeed with that
and many of those girls would get pregnant with the guy they love
when they were old enough for vaginal sex and pregnancy
the disadvantages would be that there would have been a lot of unmarried young pregnant girls
that would have to be supported by their parents
the advantages would be that the genetic match
from girls reproducing with the guy they love
would have produced healthy and talented children
if that would have continued for every generation
for thousands of years until today
then a lot more people of today would be healthy and talented
but instead humans allowed the unrighteous humans
to prevent the daughters of humans from succeeding in love
and thereby to steal the future from humanity
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