how to solve homelessness immidiately
individuals with apartments or houses
that are willing to rent out a room
registrate that on a company's website
homeless individuals choose which room they want on website
social services pay company for room that homeless individual live in
apartment owner is payed by company
that enables different companies to compete against each other
and gives homeless individuals more choice
and gives apartment owners more choice
there could be a system where apartment owner is reviewed on website
only visible to homeless individual and social services
and homeless individual is reviewed on website
only visible to apartment owner and social services
there are already similar services for tourists and backpackers
commonly called couch surfing
if apartment owner has work skills
then apartment owner could be payed by company
to teach homeless individual work skills
and social services would pay company for that service
and homeless individual could add new work skill to it's resume or CV
that work skill system
could also be a way to teach young individuals work skills
where a young individual lives in a room at one apartment owner
and is taught work skills by that apartment owner
and then moves to another room at another apartment owner
where young individual is taught another work skill
either education system and/or social services would pay for that
all organized through companies
and it could be a terrific way for pensioners to earn extra money
and teach what the know
so that knowledge doesn't go to waste
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