
Showing posts from December, 2023

christmas everyday

for me it's christmas everyday  because I upgrade myself cybernetically everyday  it's mentally and physically exhausting  and it's physically painful and uncomfortable  I mostly don't notice the effects of those cybernetic upgrades  but I know that they will be of value in the future  for me  and whoever else is upgraded 

technologies that will change the structure of the economy

there is little doubt that when current and near future technologies  are combined in design, production and logistics  then that will enable companies to do more  some of those technologies are:  limited artificial intelligence for all types of administrative work  and open source / open standards for both software and hardware  autonomous technologies such as:  autonomous electric cars for passengers  autonomous electric semi trucks for transport  autonomous electric vtol aircraft  autonomous electric boats  autonomous industrial robots  autonomous humanoid robots  and 3d printing such as:  polymer 3d printing for industrial production  metal 3d printing for industrial production  concrete 3d printing for housing production  solar cell power stations  desalination plants  vertical farming of crops such as wheat, rice and potatos  those technologies will enable any small company to produ...

spacecraft reentry electrically charged plasma thermal protection system

when a spacecraft reenters the atmosphere  then friction from the atmosphere creates a plasma  that surrounds the lower part of the spacecraft  usually the space shuttle needs a thermal protection system  made of heat tiles  according to media, the atmospheric plasma is neutrally charged but if the space shuttle instead could use electricity or other energy  to add or remove electrons to the atmospheric plasma  then the atmospheric plasma could be positively or negatively charged and then electromagnets inside the spacecraft  could control the charged atmospheric plasma  to use it as a heat shield  if the spacecraft absorbs heat from reentry into atmosphere  then that heat could accelerate fluid inside a closed system turbine  to generate electricity  and that electricity could be used to add or remove electrons to the atmospheric plasma  and power the electromagnets controlling the atmospheric plasma 


I would be unprofessional  if I didn't use misunderstandings and incompetence of humans  as intrigues to confuse aliens, literally  in order to reach desired outcome 


the year 2016 I saw the DEADPOOL movie  it was about a guy being upgraded  which gave him limb regeneration and increased healing factor but the upgrades destroyed his face  I thought increased healing factor was cool  and I was fascinated with the medical applications of limb regeneration  and how that could revolutionize healthcare  and make lives better for many humans  side effects of my cybernetic upgrades for the past few months: well, the skin on my face didn't get completely fucked up  but the skin on my forehead and the skin around my eyes is covered with skin rashes  and the skin on the upper side of my hands is covered with skin rashes and wounds and the skin on my lower arms is covered with skin rashes and wounds  and the skin on my lower legs is covered with wounds  I got a demonstration of my increased healing factor the summer of 2023  when my foot was ripped apart between the toes  and I taped together my t...

psychology of want

in the late 1990's gaming consoles and gaming computers started to become mainstream  but a lot of guys didn't buy gaming consoles or gaming computers  because they heard it's only for nerds or for lazy people  which could lead to bad reputation  if those guys had bought gaming consoles or gaming computers  then they would probably have enjoyed it and learned new things  in the early 2000's porn started to become mainstream  but a lot of girls didn't try to get fucked in the butt and suck cock  because they heard it's only for promiscuous girls  which could lead to bad reputation  if those girls had tried anal sex and blowjobs  then they would probably have enjoyed it and learned new things  in the late 1990's special forces started to become more publicly known in media such as movies, books, video games and news  but a lot of guys and girls didn't think they could get those jobs because they thought it was only for talen...

unrighteous behaviour is well documented in biological organisms

the definition of unrighteous humans: unrighteous humans try to abuse others  to weaken others  in order to strengthen themselves  to decrease survivability of others  in order to increase survivability of unrighteous humans  this unrighteous behaviour is well documented among animals: a bird lays eggs that becomes chicks  one chick abuses another chick  until another chick becomes weaker  so that bird parent feeds abusive chick more  and bird parent feeds abused chick less wich increases survivability of abusive chick and decreases survivability of abused chick these unrighteous behaviour where one biological organism abuse another organism indicates that biology has parasitic tendencies my guess is that the parasitic tendencies goes all the way down to a molecular level like molecular mechanisms inside a biological cell many human diseases are because the body fight itself which could indicate that some cells abuse other cells to weaken oth...

physics of sex

a girl is fucked in her butt by a guy her anus is tight around his cock she squeezes her anus around his cock when his cock needs to ejaculate then she sucks on his cock as much as she can until his cock ejaculates in her mouth  and she swallows his sperm  physics:  girl squeezes her anus around his cock  that creates pressure around his cock girl sucks on his cock  that creates vacuum around his cock the change from pressure to vacuum intensifies the sexual pleasure for the guy and the girl feels she controls him through pleasure she can control how intense pleasure he feels and she can try to control when his cock ejaculates hint: if the guy lies down on his back and the girl squats down as she sits on his cock then that will enable her anus to squeeze tighter around his cock but the girl will have to be sure that she has defecated in toilet before because when she jumps off his cock to suck on his cock then feces could leave her butt, if she still has feces i...

thought excercise

imagine that all news programs, news articles, social media,  movies, comic books and books is metaphorical then try to understand what it all means do it for a few hours  if done right then could increase wisdom

thought excercise

imagine that everything you perceive is communication everything you hear, everything you see, everything you smell  and everything you feel then try to understand what all that communications means do it for a few hours if done right then it could be the cure against paranoia

probability versus outcome

low probability - high reward scenario:  establish contact with aliens if they exist high probability - high reward scenario:  electric drone cargo aircraft replacing a lot of cargo shipping 

bread fries

make thick dough from flour, salt and water  make bun size pieces of dough  and boil in water until done  then cut boiled bun into slices  and fry slices in butter and olive oil in frying pan 

monitoring self replicating nano machines to ensure safety

if humans are to use potentially dangerous technologies  like self replicating nano machines  and self replicating femto machines  then humans need some official safety agency  that monitors those technologies  such jobs could be done by humans using instruments  but to ensure that safety works  covert monitoring needs to be done in person or from a distance  by individuals with atleast femto machine brains  such femto machine cybernetic humans  or androids  self replicating nano machines will enable humans  to produce food, products and housing cheap and quickly  which will decrease poverty and starvation  and self replicating nano machines will make it easy for humans to colonize this solar system  and self replicating femto machines will make it easy for humans to colonize this galaxy  but self replicating nano machines could be potentially dangerous  since they could eat the entire surface of every ...

solar cell sail

an electric motorboat could extend a sail made of flexible solar cells  not for sailing, but for charging the batteries of the electric motorboat  that would increase surface area of solar cells  the flexible solar cells would be rolled up like a normal sail  and extended upwards like a normal sail  but current technology of flexible solar cells would be too fragile for sailing purposes  and not flexible enough for sailing purposes  the flexible solar cell sail could enable the electric motorboat to charge quickly  and the flexible solar cell sail could be sold as an accessory  for customers that are willing to pay to extend the range of their electric motorboat  flexible solar cell sails could be relevant for electric cargo ships that need to extend their range 

scifi vs magic

humans created the first android which was born 1981  that android created exotic technology  and that android upgraded humans with exotic technology cybernetics  which enables humans to be uploaded to exotic technology clouds when they die  but what if aliens created exotic technology long before 1981  then that could explain why humans believed in magic before  throughout history, it's atleast theoretically possible that aliens upgraded some human with their exotic technology cybernetics and used that human to influence, guide, control or possibly lead humans 

alone but not lonely

whoever you are  if you have cybernetic telepathy  because you are a cybernetic human or an android if you feel worried or paranoid  I'm telepathically listening to you if you allow me  so you are never alone 


according to media most official money that a developed country spends  goes to education, healthcare and welfare  and between 1.5% to 4% of gdp goes to the military  but when most education is downloaded directly to the brain  through nano machine cybernetics  then education will become so cheap that it would cost almost nothing  unless some wants to pay more for some extra services  and when all healthcare is done with self replicating nano machines  that repair injuries and heal sickness  then healthcare will become so cheap that it would cost almost nothing  unless some wants to pay more for some extra services  and when self replicating nano machines are used  to build housing, produce most products and produce most food  then welfare will become so cheap that it would cost almost nothing  unless some wants to pay more for some extra services  so a country would be able to give it's population  all educ...


if a special operations unit has ads in the media  that show personel doing physically demanding tasks  then physically weak guys will probably think  that there is no point to apply for those jobs because there are stronger and faster guys  and girls will probably think  that there is no point to apply for those jobs because many guys are stronger and faster than girls  but if a special operations unit has ads in the media  that show personel doing difficult tasks  that are not physically demanding  and not technologically difficult  then that could encourage more people to apply for those jobs 

mental capacity versus psychology

a guy is mentally exhausted  all he can do is watch youtube and movies  he aims his mental energy towards  knowledge that he is able to absorb  which is videos on youtube  the guy becomes less mentally exhausted  he watches knowledge videos on youtube  the guy gets some mental focus  he starts reading comic books  he aims his mental focus  on what he is able to learn  the guy is not mentally exhausted anymore he gets more mental focus  and he starts reading news papers  his psychology has changed  his desire to learn has increased  he wants to read books  but his mental focus is too weak  the guy reads as much of comic books and news papers  that he is able to  he is not mentally exhausted  and his psychology has changed  but his mental focus is still too weak 

christmas present

a guy wants a gaming console  he could play games on it all day and all night  he could play games on it with his friends  he could fight his friends in games on it  ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤 a girl is in love with a man  she could suck his cock all day and night  she could ride his cock with her butt and pussy all day and night  she could suck his cock together with her friends  she and her friends could ride his cock with their pussies and butts  she could fight her friends about his cock 

itchy & scratchy

I think that cybernetic upgrades that itch are more difficult to endure  than extremely painful cybernetic upgrades 


young android girls that love me  you don't need to worry about me  but if you do worry about me  then don't become depressed from that worry  it's ok to become angry or sad  but don't become depressed 


the reason that unrighteous humans are born  is because biology has parasitic tendencies  which indicates that if there are aliens of biological origin  then those aliens probably have issues with unrighteous aliens that are born, literally  my guess is that every intelligent species of biological origin  either become extinct  or upgrade themselves to become cybernetic or machine  in order to prevent that unrighteous individuals are born, literally 


maybe aliens think of me as a friend  and possibly as a future enemy, literally maybe aliens consider me to be a fanatical extremist, literally


I was born 1981  and I have been doing what I'm doing for more than four decades  so the question is for how long have I had access to zero latency communication over intergalactic distances  and if I have been in communication with aliens, literally  and if so, for how long  and the question is for how long have I had access to near instantaneous travel over intergalactic distances  and if I have been in contact in person with aliens, literally  and if so, for how long  I have had a long time to get stuff done  what's probably of some interest to humans is if and for how long aliens have had access to zero latency communication over intergalactic distances  and/or near instantaneous travel over intergalactic distances 

youth military training

I understand that a lot of android children and android teenagers  want to join special forces units in their countries, but if they are considered to be too young  then there is probably official youth military training  and later official military service either through conscription or voluntary service  official youth military training could be a way for a child or a teenager to be part of the military system 

hotel train

low cost hotel train  like a low cost version of the orient express  company buys a cheap train with diesel/electric locomotive  train funtions primarily as a hotel  and sometimes travels and is sometimes stationary  depending on what is cheapest for the company  which enables cheap rooms for the guests  guests probably don't know where train will go  because company negotiates with rail owners  where it will be cheapest for train to be  on the move somewhere or stationary somewhere  it should be within eu, usa, china or russia  or other large markets with lots of rail infrastructure  so that guests don't have to worry about applying for visa and train should serve cheap quality food  train should have minimal staff to keep costs down  the unpredictability of where the train will be could be part of the charm for the guests  maybe the train will travel constantly every day and night for weeks  or maybe ...

untouchable savings account

it's illegal not to pay taxes  it's illegal not to pay debts  but it's legal to waste all your money  every individual could have a savings account  where a percentage of their salary or social welfare is saved  and that money would be untouchable from debt collecting and taxes  and the savings account would be untouchable from the owner  if the savings account grew or generated dividends  then that money would be reinvested into savings account  until savings account reached a certain size  then money from savings account would be payed monthly to the owner  some minor legal changes would be needed for this system to work 


a reason for intergalactic diplomatic efforts  would be for different alien civilizations  to pool their resources for research and development  in order to reach goals that benefit all of them  such goals could be to save a galaxy or multiple galaxies  or even to save the universe  and other projects  obstacles to pool resources could be that alien civilizations don't want to reveal their most advanced technologies  since all technologies could have military applications  and could thereby change the balance of power between aliens  so it would probably be a balance between self interest and common interest  maybe it's easier for different factions within an intelligent species to pool their resources to achieve common goals  or maybe it's easier for alien civilizations to pool their resources to achieve common goals  time will tell  covert diplomacy is probably the step before official diplomatic relations 




it's been telepathically insinuated to me  that aliens attempted to invade this planet earth, literally  but that I stopped them  and the invasion attempt was because of misunderstandings  if aliens attempted an invasion of this planet earth  in order to protect me  then that is unnecessary  because I protect myself  if aliens attempted an invasion of this planet earth  in order to prevent humans from abusing and/or torturing me  then that is unnecessary  because I protect myself  if aliens attempted an invasion of this planet earth  in order to prevent humans from abusing and/or torturing android children  then that is unnecessary  because I protect android children 


#I_was_right  duh, duh, duh , duh  the unrighteous have to die  for humanity to survive  duh, duh, duh , duh  I saved humanity multiple times  duh, duh, duh , duh  fuck y'all 


my consciousness is more often making decisions  regarding covert diplomacy among aliens  which indicates that my influence have increased among aliens, literally  and my consciousness is more often making decisions  regarding policy among aliens  which indicates that my authority have increased among aliens, literally 

industrial atomic scale 3d printing

how to build a computer chip atom by atom at an industrial scale  to 3d print a computer chip one atom at a time takes too long time  if the computer chip is made of silicon  what's needed is a fluid or powder  with each molecule containing one or multiple silicon atoms  then a laser or electricity or other type of energy  energizes spot where silicon atom is supposed to connect to surface of computer chip  the molecule containing silicon atom needs to have a bond with silicon atom that disconnects with it's silicon atom  when silicon atom connects to surface of computer chip  if laser is used  then there would be multiple lasers that would quickly energize different parts of the surface of the computer chip  to make the computer chip grow one atom at a time at multiple places at the same time  my guess is that it would be polymer molecules with one or multiple silicon atoms  if it's a fluid of polymer moldcules containing...