technologies that will change the structure of the economy

there is little doubt that when current and near future technologies 
are combined in design, production and logistics 
then that will enable companies to do more 
some of those technologies are: 

limited artificial intelligence for all types of administrative work 
and open source / open standards for both software and hardware 

autonomous technologies such as: 
autonomous electric cars for passengers 
autonomous electric semi trucks for transport 
autonomous electric vtol aircraft 
autonomous electric boats 
autonomous industrial robots 
autonomous humanoid robots 

and 3d printing such as: 
polymer 3d printing for industrial production 
metal 3d printing for industrial production 
concrete 3d printing for housing production 

solar cell power stations 
desalination plants 
vertical farming of crops such as wheat, rice and potatos 

those technologies will enable any small company to produce almost whatever the market demands 

and when those technologies are used in small scale 
among small companies 
then that will change the structure of the economy in every country 

example 1: 
a small company could use artificial intelligence to design a car 
and use industrial robots, humanoid robots and various 3d printers 
to produce autonomous cars 
the small company could have their small facility on land 
far away from any city where it's cheaper to buy / rent land 
and all transport could be done by autonomous electric vtol aircraft 

example 2: 
a small company could use artificial intelligence to design a spacecraft
and use industrial robots, humanoid robots and various 3d printers 
to produce spacecraft  
the small company could have their small facility on land 
far away from any city where it's cheaper to buy / rent land 
and all transport could be done by autonomous electric vtol aircraft 

example 3: 
a small company could use artificial intelligence 
to plan vertical farming food production 
and use industrial robots, humanoid robots and various 3d printers 
to build vertical farms 
and use those vertical farms to produce food 
the small company could have their small facility on land 
far away from any city where it's cheaper to buy / rent land 
and all transport could be done 
by autonomous electric vtol aircraft 
and autonomous electric semi trucks 


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