unrighteous behaviour is well documented in biological organisms

the definition of unrighteous humans:
unrighteous humans try to abuse others 
to weaken others 
in order to strengthen themselves 
to decrease survivability of others 
in order to increase survivability of unrighteous humans 

this unrighteous behaviour is well documented among animals:
a bird lays eggs that becomes chicks 
one chick abuses another chick 
until another chick becomes weaker 
so that bird parent feeds abusive chick more 
and bird parent feeds abused chick less
wich increases survivability of abusive chick
and decreases survivability of abused chick

these unrighteous behaviour
where one biological organism abuse another organism
indicates that biology has parasitic tendencies
my guess is that the parasitic tendencies
goes all the way down to a molecular level
like molecular mechanisms inside a biological cell

many human diseases are because the body fight itself
which could indicate that some cells abuse other cells
to weaken other cells
in order to strengthen themselves
to decrease survivability of other cells
to increase survivability of themselves
this makes abusive cells succesfull
but it's a disater for the body

this is well documented in healthcare:
cancer cells are extremely succesfull
cancer celos multiply and starve other cells
so that other cells die and/or multiply less
which is a disaster for the body
since that sometimes kills the host which is the body

if these abusive biological behaviours 
goes all the way down to molecular mechanisms inside cells
then that knowledge would be of some value for healthcare


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