hotel train

low cost hotel train 
like a low cost version of the orient express 
company buys a cheap train with diesel/electric locomotive 
train funtions primarily as a hotel 
and sometimes travels and is sometimes stationary 
depending on what is cheapest for the company 
which enables cheap rooms for the guests 
guests probably don't know where train will go 
because company negotiates with rail owners 
where it will be cheapest for train to be 
on the move somewhere or stationary somewhere 
it should be within eu, usa, china or russia 
or other large markets with lots of rail infrastructure 
so that guests don't have to worry about applying for visa
and train should serve cheap quality food 
train should have minimal staff to keep costs down 
the unpredictability of where the train will be could be part of the charm for the guests 
maybe the train will travel constantly every day and night for weeks 
or maybe the train will be on a trainyard for weeks 
if company has negotiated with rail owners where train will be stationary 
or where train will travel 
then company would publish that information on it's webpage for customers to see 


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