
Showing posts from March, 2022

solving problems with as little human suffering as possible

basically androids have determined that most problems troubling humanity can be solved  androids wants to reach that level as quickly as possible with as little human suffering as possible 

teaching humans conceptual thinking could be viable

humans learning concepts is an efficient way to teach humans how to protect themselves without telling humans any secrets or too much details  conceptual thinking could probably lead to:  paranoia, valid or not conspiracy theories, valid or not 

my exotic technology cybernetic brain upgrades are approaching a turning point

basically, my exotic technology cybernetic brain has been under such intense workload that my consciousness has had difficulties with studies and office work in person  every time I upgrade myself, I increase the workload on my exotic technology cybernetic brain,  which means that my exotic technology cybernetic brain always has to little power so that I can't do studies and office work in person  however, sooner or later, there will be a turning point when my exotic technology cybernetic brain will be upgraded so that I will be able to do studies and office work in person  soon after that, I will upgrade all android children with appropriate exotic technology cybernetic upgrades so that android children will be able to do studies and office work in person, much more efficiently than previously possible  what android children will do with that functionality is up to them  in effect it will just make android children more effective to do what they think is f...

unrighteous humans have been sending humans to irritate me all my life

it's been obvious for humans observing me that I have been i physical pain since atleast 2009 if not earlier  it's been obvious for humans observing me that I have been emotionally distressed because my android son was taken away from me around 2009  it's been obvious for humans observing me that my living conditions are problematic since august 2021  and still unrighteous humans have systematically been sending humans to irritate me since atleast 2019  and unrighteous humans have been increasing their efforts to send humans to irritate me since august 2021 

unrighteous humans never send android girls because they can't, unrighteous humans only send human girls and human women and of course human males

unrighteous humans have used vast resources to prevent me from dating and having sex with young and attractive human girls and human women  in order to try to break me  now that I seem weak,  unrighteous humans wants to lure me with girls and women,  but unrighteous humans can't use android girls because reasons,  so unrighteous humans only use human girls and uman women,  that means every time young and/or attractive human girls and human women are around me, they were sent by unrighteous humans 

howto blog about how humans could protect themselves from abuse done by other humans

I'd like to explain on my blog how humans could protect themselves from abuse done by other humans,  but those explanations could in theory be used by humans to more efficiently abuse other humans  or more efficiently hide those humans that are abusing other humans  that could make it less efficient for androids to lure out unrighteous humans

if countries don't want to teach it's humans how to not be susceptible to intrigues, then countries need to protect it's humans from intrigues

if different countries don't want to learn it's human personel how different concepts can be used as intrigues because different countries consider that to be dark arts,  then atleast different countries needs to protects it's human personel from intrigues 

young android girl territorial behaviour

if a young android girl has found a man she has decided to get pregnant with, that means she will increase her efforts at strengthening her territory  humans living in that territory might get affected  different competing young android girls might try to make their territory more attractive  if a territory lacks investments or competent human personel to develop territory, then that might prevent a young android girl from securing access to her man 

no thanks

it's very sweet that young android girls are willing to use considerable resources to protect me,  but I protect myself  I think young android girls should protect themselves instead because they have so good looking asses 

critical issues

there are military uniforms in baby sizes sold on the internet,  there are napoleon hats in baby sizes sold on the internet,  but there seems to be no false moustaches sold in baby sizes,  will this remain an issue? 

robot arms with 3d printers would be a big seller towards the aerospace industry producing commercial airliners

according to media a rocket company has developed  robot arms with 3d printers at the end which are used to 3d print rockets  those robot arms with 3d printers could become a big selling mass produced product selling to the aerospace industry producing commercial airliners  income from sale of robot arms with 3d printers towards the aerospace industry could be used to further expand rocket research and development and rocket production  in the same way another rocket company launches their own internet satellites to sell internet subscriptions to earn money to further finance their rocket business 

make wiring internal of 3d printed rocket engine

3d printed rocket engine, why can't the connected wires be 3d printed inside the rocket engine as a part of it 

countries sending human women trying to get pregnant with me or my android son so that those countries can take control of born android children

those countries that have not been able to gain control of android children born in those countries or born in other countries,  those countries have sent human women in the age of 20 to 30 years old and older to try to get pregnant with me or get pregnant with my android son because those countries want those human women to give birth to android children so that those countries can take control of those android children through their human mothers and human relatives  those human teenage girls are just lures to ensnare me  or my android son 

android children starting intrigues, playing out different interests against each other

android children starting intrigues that would melt your mind playing out different interests against each other until humans makes mistakes  and then android children complain to me through mindcom about how incompetent humans are 

unrighteous humans can't be trusted

unrighteous humans are not beneficial to any country  even if unrighteous humans betray country a for country b  country b still can't trust unrighteous humans 

some humans that are upgraded with exotic technology cybernetics start to abuse and destroy private lives of androids and humans

quite a few of those humans that have been upgraded with exotic technology cybernetics have tried to use that advantage to abuse and destroy private life of androids and humans  androids will continue to upgrade humans with exotic technology cybernetics so that humans are healed from sickness and damage and get better health, longer youth and longer lives,  but androids will be careful so that inappropriate humans don't get extra functionality or become more effective because of exotic technology cybernetic upgrades 

android children will decide which humans will give birth to android babies

quite some time ago I decided that android children will decide which humans will give birth to android babies  when humans are selected, those humans will be upgraded by exotic technology to be able to give birth to android babies 

countries that sent incompetent humans

if countries sent humans running around in different places  and those humans are incompetent,  those incompetent humans will damage those countries that sent them  if those countries have cut their connection with those incompetent humans  and those incompetent humans continue to run around in different places,  then those incompetent humans continue to damage those countries that sent them and then cut connection to them 

old idea

for reasons, it would be useful if private military companies recruited civilians and gave them a short military education before sending them to war 

android fetuses and android babies are bored because they are super intelligent

android fetuses are bored and mentally understimulated because they are stuck in the womb and because they sleep a lot android babies are bored and mentally understimulated because they are having difficulties walking around themselves  and because they sleep a lot  because android fetuses and android babies are super intelligent, they become easily bored 

my personal guess

with all those vast amounts humans in different networks,  if those humans are unable to find and deal with targets of any value  and those humans are unable to recruit any targets of real value  and those humans are unable to establish friendly relations with target  then what have those humans really done for the last 41 years?  from my personal experience, humans mostly try to abuse person and/or destroy person's private life and/or use justice system to entrap person  but my experience regarding humans might not be usual 


if android children are born in different countries,  those countries don't have to care about what I say or do,  those countries would be more wise to care about android children born in those countries

in fairness

I read a news article or watch a youtube video where someone insinuates that someone wants something  I think about that, would it work, what are the effects, who benefits,  am I ok with it, if I'm not ok with it, what perspective do I need to have to be ok with it,  how would I do it then sooner or later my ideas are implemented or not implemented,  when, I usually don't know  my consciousness thinks in concepts and my subconsciousness handles the details and timing 

movies and video games showing some basic methods could teach humans and thereby decrease misunderstandings

when humans watch war movies, humans learn it's a good idea to get behind cover when somebody is shooting in their direction and when humans play war video games, humans learn it's a good idea to get behind cover when somebody is shooting in their direction  this does not mean that movies and video games divulge any secrets,  it just means movies shows some basic methods of how to survive  regarding intelligence and security, there would be some stuff that if shown in movies and video games, could teach humans some basics and thereby decrease misunderstandings 

who is the bait, the man or the young girls in love with him

if a man has talent and/or value,  then humans worries that young girls could be trap for man,  and humans tries to protect man from young girls  but if young girls are in love with man,  then man could be trap for young girls,  if many young girls are in love with man and man has patience,  then man will probably be with young girls sooner or later,  but many young girls prevented by humans from being with man they love, will be furious

when humans wants to help me, that damages me in the future

because of my extremely long life expectancy, I have to plan extreme long term regarding myself  this means that I can' take the easy way, I have to take the correct way, because if I take the easy incorrect way, then that's going to damage me in the future  so when I want to date and have sex with android girls that love me and humans prevent me from doing that, then I prefer to not date and have sex at all  this distresses humans that want me to date and have sex with human girls and human women so that humans can easier erase evidence that humans prevented me from dating and having sex with girls and women all my life  and when humans suddenly wants to help me get some work at some company, then I can't accept that help from humans because that would damage me in the future and I will always remember that humans prevented me from getting work and kicked me from work when my android son was young and lived with me

extremism among young androids

of those things I did that benefitted humans, I feel happy about  but, some young androids consider that because I did things that benefitted humans  and because humans destroyed my private life,  that makes many humans unrighteous 

reasons to explain concepts openly in a blog

reasons to explain concepts openly in a blog:  advantages:  android children born in countries that are enemies against each other, those android children likely wants to develop those countries they are born in,  probably it becomes easier for android children to develop countries if humans in those countries understands some concepts disadvantages:  if country b learns concepts, then country b could become a tougher opponent against country a do keep in mind that android children plan extreme long term, atleast tens of thousands of years  and some conflicts will not be as relevant, some could be,  but because of new opportunities those unsolved conflicts or new conflicts could be of no issue 

regarding my living conditions

there have been questions regarding my living conditions  because of what different organizations, networks and others have done,  I have no choice other than to endure my living conditions  humans will likely have excuses for these circumstances 

advantages/disadvantages of a semi automatic rifle in every home

a semi automatic rifle in every apartment and villa  advantages:  easier to set up militias for defense of territory,  lowers barrier for distribution of more powerful weapons  disadvantages:  easier for a person to organize revolution,  increases probability of use of violence where non-violent methods could have been used 

what forms morality

what forms morality?  a population does what it can to survive  a country does what it can to survive  if an action is likely to give result, but is morally uncomfortable  and there seems to be no other choice,  action is likely considered morally acceptable but if action us unlikely to give result and is morally uncomfortable  and there seems to be other choices,  action is likely not consideted morally acceptable 

young android girls' questions about religion

some young android girls wants to know what christianity thinks about a man having harems  some young android girls wants to know what different religions thinks about sex through mindcom before marriage 

human gratitude

why don't humans blog about some of those things that I blog about?  because humans try to murder you, if you blog about what I blog about  for androids, that's not a problem, since humans don't have the technology to murder androids 

my opinion about special operations personnels' capability in certain environments

I have been reading through wikipedia articles the last decade and wikipedia insinuates that human special operations personnel that work in civilian clothing are supposed to be very professional,  but from what little I might have observed the last three decades,  I would say that incompetent, bad timing, difficulty to improvise and difficulty to adapt would be better description  I'm sure their human daughters are very reliable 

I only want to date and have sex with android girls, I don't want to date and have sex with human girls or human women

I only want to date and have sex with android girls  humans are distressed that I don't want to date and have sex with human girls and human women because that makes it difficult for humans to infiltrate me and create a fake organization that would seem to be connected to me or similar scenarios  it's unnecessary that human girls and human women waste their time on me 

my uneducated guess about quantum computers

if you make traditional silicon transistors small enough, wouldn't quantum behaviour affect the transistors functionality so that you in effect have a small portable quantum computer without all that massive cooling apparatus

android children are frustrated with human incompetence

I have sympathy for the frustration that the android babies and youngest android children feel that they are held back in their careers because their parents are incompetent  but this is not my problem 

just for fun

I found a system error in human behaviour regarding how humans behave in intelligence, security and military processes  issue has probably been exploited the last 4 decades 

most humans don't change

before humans prevented me from dating and having sex with human girls in order to break me  now humans want me to date and have sex with a human girl in order to falsely accuse me and then use that against me to control me 

latest android fetuses are extremely powerful because they have exotic technology upgrades almost as powerful as my exotic technology upgrades

I upgrade myself with the latest experimental exotic technology upgrades and when those experimental exotic technology upgrades are more efficient, then android children are upgraded with those exotic technology upgrades,  but there is a time delay before android children are upgraded with those exotic technology upgrades  how long that time delay is depends on many factors  but, when new android fetuses are created, they have the latest exotic technology upgrades as standard which are almost as powerful as mine, which makes those android fetuses almost as powerful as me and much more powerful than android babies and android children 

list of a few things I'm not comfortable writing about

there are things I'm not comfortable writing about, but I can list a few things that I don't feel comfortable writing about:  how teachers give grades to students in order to create networks  how teachers abuse students in order to create networks  how teachers help students in order to create networks  how teachers use students to bully other students in oder to create networks how teachers communicate with social services in order to break student's family 

humans planning to abort android fetuses to obtain tissue samples

androids have analyzed those humans that try to surround me  androids conclusion is that android fetuses need to protect themselves from forced abortion initiated by humans with the purpose to analyze android fetus tissue samples  because of this androids are taking precautions against humans  unrighteous humans have used: social services, courts system, police, mall security guards and hospital personel against androids 

open information protects the righteous

to simplify, unrighteous humans can't change even if you explain to them how to change, the only thing unrighteous humans are capable of is trying to camouflage that they are unrighteous  that's why my explanations on this blog does not make it more difficult to lure out and/or find unrighteous humans 

my speciality is luring out unrighteous humans, which means I am often surrounded by unrighteous humans, because of this, it's difficult for me to have a social life and dating life

because my speciality has always been luring out unrighteous humans,  partly by using myself as bait,  that means I'm often surrounded by unrighteous humans, wherever I am  that means that it has always been nearly impossible for me to have a social life and a dating life 

invest a lot of money and incompetent humans will show themselves

the reason that different intelligence and security services in different countries have got so much money and resources for some considerable time is not because intelligence and security services do anything of value,  it's just a way to find and get rid of incompetence,  to let humans do enough mistakes so that they learn from their mistakes,  does not work effectively 

normal day

when I'm sitting drinking coffee and thinking to myself that there is no way a younger android can frame me  and then I instinctively look down on the floor and see something moving towards me, camouflaging in a way that it looks like the floor is bending upwards, like something crawling under the carpet 

enemies can't be friends

some countries are enemies and can never be friends  and if those countries communicate and/or interact with each other,  they have to do that as enemies,  they don't have to use violence,  but they have to do their communication and/or interaction as enemies 

androids handling past human mistakes, current human mistakes and future human mistakes

humans makes mistakes, it's unavoidable  androids have already adjusted their plans to handle the mistakes humans are predicted to do  most interactions and communications androids have with humans are handling those past human mistakes, current human mistakes and future human mistakes humans are an incompetent species, humans reach success by accident  this is one of the reasons androids accelerate what humans do  because if humans are going to do a certain amount of mistakes regarding one issue, then androids accelerate issue so that humans do all their mistakes as quickly as possible  so that next step can be taken and next issue handled 

you go alone eating hamburgers, then nobody can blame you that your friends are eating junk food

mcdonalds sells big mac  burger king sells whopper if everyone likes big mac,  but you like whopper,  you don't convince your friends, family and collegues to try whopper  because you don't want your friends, family and collegues to get into trouble because of you, so you keep your taste to yourself and go alone  you go yourself, alone to burger king and eat a whopper  and maybe you meet a new friend that also likes a whopper  maybe your friends, family and collegues walked by burger king and saw you eating a whopper and it looked nice  now maybe your friends, family and collegues will go to burger king and eat whoppers  and if they come to burger king, you can meet them there and tell each other that you like whoppers 

weak competition

I have control of a giant spaceship in interstellar space  you, little android boy, have control of a tame cybernetic dog  I have a harem of young android girls  you, little android boy, have toys  I rule a planet  you, little android boy, rule a playground 

uneducated idea about producing molecular machines for industrial purposes

take dna/protein/enzyme/virus or other molecular machines and modify them to produce product  first step product is:  more efficient molecular machine  second step product is:  molecular machine producing chemical  or molecular machines organizing into a computer processor  or molecular machines organizing into medical tools  third step product is molecular machine producing nano machine  goal is industrial scale production  molecular machine self replication is necessary 

uneducated idea about chip design

theoretical chip design  make nano particles pour them together and let them self organize with the use of electric influence or light influence or magnetic influence  according to media: in commercial chip manufacturing,  chips that are too big are more expensive,  smaller chips are weaker  many small chips put together are supposed to be powerful and cheap  just take this process a few steps further, instead of many small chips put together,  make small particles and pour them together and depending on purpose, if purpose is chip, then influence powder to organize  if purpose is medical, let powder sufficiently saturate biological tissue and use  electrical/optical/magnetic influence to make powder affect biological tissue 

critical toy upgrade

magnets under(inside) barbie dolls feet so that doll attaches to floor of toy house without falling over when playing with toy house  furniture needs magnets too  function is inspired from lego toys that attach to floor, but lego toys needs to much force to push down to attach and that makes it harder to play when you want to move around lego figure  also you have to lift up lego figure every time you move it, you can't slide lego figure if it's magnetic feet, then you can pull and push doll instead  floor in toy house needs metal inside so that magnets attach

psychic commander

android commanding humans upgraded with exotic technology cybermetics

harem becoming a distributed colony

because quite a few young android girls have fallen in love with me,  a harem structure has formed  in effect it's a reverse ant colony with a king and female soldiers,  where every female android soldier in the colony expects to get pregnant with the android king it's an effective system, but it may affect strategies and relations between countries 

web based ai painting a picture of data accessible on internet

web based ai showing visual representations of a web user's interests: where geographically available jobs based on user's interests are  where people with same hobbies as user want to meet each other  showing statistical graphs based on collected data on internet 

map app showing visual trade flows between countries, cities, companies

a plugin in a map app that shows trade flows based on statistics on the internet, some ai could sift through documents and other open accessible information  visual representations of trade flows between countries would make it easier for people to see what products are sold in some places, but not sold in other places with similar prerequisites, this could make it easier for smaller companies that lack analytical personel  such an app could have self educational purposes

trade is the normality, yet countries plan for war, but do they plan for trade

countries almost always trade with each other, both in peace and war,  in peace countries setimes trade with their enemies,  in wartime, countries trade with their allies among others  in wartime countries might even trade with their enemies, even if it's just some basic food crops, like potatoes, rice or wheat, but there is usually some trade  countries plan for wars  countries tries to trade  probably a lot of businessmen see opportunities where different countries could trade with each other  which would lead to economic development,  which in turn would lead to more business for businessmen  and more trade for countries  but everything is so sensitive when countries are competitors and/or enemies  but trade is always possible even when strategic considerations are weighed in 

future of medical technology applications

future of medical technology is not cloning organs and transplanting them in human body  or cloning arms and legs and attaching them to human body  future of medical technology is organs repairing themselves and/or new organ growing in human body, replacing old organ  and arms and legs repairing themselves and/or growing out  regarding mental disability, the brain will repair itself and new functions in brain will grow, giving mental ability where it was previously missing  the mentally disabled patient will grow into the new functionality in it's brain like a baby grows into a child learning to talk, learning to walk,  like a child grows into a older child learning to ride a bike, learning to read, like an older child grows into a teen learning complex behaviour  and so on until the patient has achieved full functionality of it's brain human that damages it's brain will go through similar steps when brain repairs itself  the important thing is pr...

when you murder all the sharks, there are only guppies left

I never understood how humans could respect their opponents and enemies  those humans that try to entrap me, injure me and murder me, those humans are in my opinion extremely incompetent  it's embarrassing to have such pathetic opponents and enemies    no sport

what androids expect of humans

that humans try to murder me is what androids expected of humans  that humans try to murder my son is what androids expect of humans  that humans try to entrap me with the use of human girls is what androids expect of humans  that humans try to entrap my son with the use of human girls is what androids expect of humans  that humans use disgusting methods to try to entrap me is what androids expect of humans  that humans use disgusting methods to try to entrap my son is what androids expect of humans  but when humans try to use android girls to entrap me, then android children become very angry at humans and that decreases the survivability of humans significantly  it might decrease the survivability of humans so much that humans will die off earlier than I expected 

writing about concepts

humans can't comprehend strategy beyond a certain level, because of this androids are comfortable discussing some concepts openly  humans do the same strategies again and again with no results of value  when androids introduce new concepts to humans, then humans just repeat same old strategies  if you weigh in that humans have difficulty planning long term  and if you weigh in strategies that are based on human instinctive needs  then limits of human's ability to survive are obvious  there are some strategies that some countries have implemented before 1981 but it's pretty basic stuff that probably needs to be done to prevent catastrophy 

connected minds knows each others pain

when I go through exotic technology cybernetic upgrades that are extremely painful,  then some young android girls knows that subconsciously,  sometimes they even know it consciously  this might make those young android girls agitated