when humans wants to help me, that damages me in the future

because of my extremely long life expectancy, I have to plan extreme long term regarding myself 
this means that I can' take the easy way, I have to take the correct way, because if I take the easy incorrect way, then that's going to damage me in the future 

so when I want to date and have sex with android girls that love me and humans prevent me from doing that, then I prefer to not date and have sex at all 

this distresses humans that want me to date and have sex with human girls and human women so that humans can easier erase evidence that humans prevented me from dating and having sex with girls and women all my life 

and when humans suddenly wants to help me get some work at some company, then I can't accept that help from humans because that would damage me in the future
and I will always remember that humans prevented me from getting work and kicked me from work when my android son was young and lived with me


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