future of medical technology applications
future of medical technology is not cloning organs and transplanting them in human body
or cloning arms and legs and attaching them to human body
future of medical technology is organs repairing themselves and/or new organ growing in human body, replacing old organ
and arms and legs repairing themselves and/or growing out
regarding mental disability, the brain will repair itself and new functions in brain will grow, giving mental ability where it was previously missing
the mentally disabled patient will grow into the new functionality in it's brain like a baby grows into a child learning to talk, learning to walk,
like a child grows into a older child learning to ride a bike, learning to read, like an older child grows into a teen learning complex behaviour
and so on until the patient has achieved full functionality of it's brain
human that damages it's brain will go through similar steps when brain repairs itself
the important thing is preserving the personality/consciousness during repair and growth of new functionality of brain,
memories could be moved around
exotic technologies involved in these medical projects are beyond sensitive and different countries behaves accordingly
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