evolutionary reasons
I can prove that there are evolutionary reasons
that unrighteous humans try to abuse others
to weaken others
in order to strengthen themselves
if a child girl falls in love with a man
and that child girl is allowed to date that man
with her parents nearby
until child girls become a teenage girl
and then teenage girl has sex with man
until she becomes a young woman
and then she becomes pregnant
then child girl has long time to determine if man is succesful
because she is able to observe man for long time
and child girl is able to build a strong relationship with man
because she dates man for many years
until she becomes a teenage girl
and has sex with man to build a stronger relationship
and young woman becomes pregnant with man
when she is still young
which increases probability that their child will be born healthy
and their child will benefit from the strong relationship
between it's young mother and it's father
that's why unrighteous humans
always try to prevent child girls and teenage girls
from dating a man that they are in love with
because unrighteous humans wants to weaken others
to strengthen themselves
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