
a few nights ago when I slept in my tent 
I experienced what I perceive to be a simulation 
in which there was a container in space 
connected to what seemed to be a spaceship 
inside the container was a large creature similar to a centipede 
I was in some form of mechanized suit 
inside or nearly inside the container 
there were other individuals wearing mechanized suits 
inside the container 
my mechanized suit had weapon systems 
the other individuals' mechanized suits also had weapon systems 

I considered the creature to be hostile 
and I considered it impossible to kill the creature 
when we were together with it inside the container 

I wanted to disconnect the container 
and let it crash on a nearby planet 
so that I and possibly the other individuals 
would land on the planet 
and use our weapons to shoot the creature from a distance 
and thereby kill it 

but what I wanted was not allowed 

so the other individuals prepared to use violence to control the creature 
I saw that the creature was extending it's claws from it's many legs 
and I knew our odds of winning were low 

scenario played out 
and scenario was repeated 
over and over again 

I somehow just know 
when it's a simulation 
or when it's real 
when it's happening 
or afterwards when I wake up 


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