humans shouldn't intentionally make public toilets dirty
that's disgusting
if humans unintentionally make public toilets dirty
then they should clean up after themselves
if shit is stuck on the inside of the toilet
then that's no problem since the water will flush the shit away
after a few toilet flushes
so if the toilet user doesn't want to use the brush to clean the inside of the toilet
then that's no disaster
but if the toilet user makes the toilet seat dirty
with grease from skin, hair, urine or shit
then the toilet user should clean up after itself
guys standing and pissing should fold up the toilet seat first
pissing on the toilet seat is disgusting
if a guy stands and pisses and some of the urine gets on the floor
then that's no disaster
since inability to piss strait is usually for health reasons
if a human shits too much
then it could be smart to flush the toilet
before using too much toilet paper to wipe butt
since too much shit and paper could clog the toilet
so that the toilet overflows
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