how to protect your child daughter

parents usually try to protect their child daughters 
by hiding them 
or by dressing them in boring clothes 
and preventing them from using cosmetics 

but that only protects the daughters temporarily 
since unrighteous humans remain 
and are waiting for their opportunity to abuse 

if child daughters want to dress in attractive clothes 
and want to wear attractive cosmetics 
then that could lure out unrighteous humans 
because it seems that unrighteous humans want to abuse 
those that are exposed by their youth, attractiveness, competence 
and popularity 

if child daughters lure out unrighteous humans 
then those unrighteous humans 
will not be a future threat to any child daughters 

unrighteous humans want to abuse others 
in order to weaken other 
in order to strengthen themselves 

unrighteous humans 
might not be those that you expect 


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