
Showing posts from July, 2023

why worry

braindead meat puppets are not enemies of righteous humans  braindead meat puppets are not enemies of androids  but unrighteous humans probably try to use braindead meatpuppets to abuse righteous humans  and unrighteous humans probably try to use braindead meatpuppets to abuse androids  there are probably a lot of braindead meat puppets  because unrighteous humans that reproduced only gave birth to braindead meat puppet children for more than four decades 

wannabe game


my whereabouts

I will be sleeping indoors for a couple of weeks  and will not be in sickla area 

biobot communication

biological robots could replace mobile phones  person A talks to biobot 1  biobot 1 telepathically communicate with biobot 2  biobot 2 talks to person B  person A perceives that it talks to person B in person  and person B perceives that it talks to person B in person  that would be more personal than mobile phone, video phone or even hologram 

social status among humans


my whereabouts

every day I'm at the library in sickla, stockholm, sweden  from late morning until closing  after that I'm at the cultural house in sickla, stockholm, sweden  for a couple of hours  if library is closed, then I'm at the cultural house  after that I walk to my sleeping place in a forest area and set up my tent  then I sleep for the night  then in the morning I walk to the library 



puppet dance

if humans want to  then I am willing to assume control of braindead meat puppets 


young android girls  I'm not together with anyone of you  I can't be together with a young android girl  if we haven't even been on a few dates  young android girls  if you meet me  that's not a date  I'm single 


I know that in male - female relations  that the girl expects the guy to start talking to her  when she tries to get his attention  young android girl  if we meet  and you try to get my attention  I can't start talking to you  if you are very young  because humans think that's inappropriate  if you want me to talk to you  then you have to start talking to me  young android girl  that I only look at you  when you try to get my attention  and I don't start talking to you  doesn't mean that I don't like you 

free will against the limitations of the brain

unrighteous humans probably like androids  because unrighteous humans don't want to be abused by other unrighteous humans  even if unrighteous humans realize that it would be dangerous for them to abuse others 

romance is a comfort is bad weather

young android girl  when we meet  I usually look serious  because situations are serious in different places  and that's on my mind  but I still like you 

cycle of emotions

as time passes I become more and more irritated  because humans are making mistakes  because of incompetence and misunderstandings  and when situations are under control  then I laugh when I realize the mistakes humans made 


I understand that humans are upset because I don't need their help  but I am able to send exotic technology anywhere on this planet  within a second to solve problems discreetly or less discreetly  I understand that humans are upset because I don't need their protection  but I use exotic technology to protect myself  I am not able to make my private life better  but humans didn't even try to make my private life better  and humans tries to make my private life worse  I was not able to make my day job career better  but humans tried to prevent me from getting a day job  and humans tried to prevent me from keeping a day job how I do things has worked for more than four decades  but my private life has suffered 


there is a lot of misery in the world  and because of that a lot of individuals and interests are suspicious of each other  they think the misery is because of hostile intentions but misery could be because of incompetence and misunderstandings 

basics of attraction

if a girl likes a guy  then she probably walks in front of him a lot  so that he will see her  if a guy looks at a girl a lot  then he probably likes her  if he doesn't look at her  then it could be because he hasn't noticed her  if a girl likes a guy  and he likes her  then she doesn't have to be nervous  if a guy likes a girl  and she likes him  then he doesn't have to be nervous 


some resources are abundant  there is metal on earth and on asteroids  there is water in the oceans  and there is energy from the sun  but righteous humans are rare  and righteous humans are needed  for android children to be born  some righteous humans wants to murder each other  because of mistakes that happened  resulting from incompetence and misunderstandings some countries are enemies  and righteous humans in those countries  sometimes wants to murder each other  because of conflicts and wars  but when humanity colomizes space  then some countries that are enemies today  could become friends 

dream pusher

drunk on concepts  high on strategies  intoxicated on ideas 

no worries

unrighteous humans most likely don't care if their children are braindead meat puppets  if unrighteous humans had biological children  then those children would probably be more annoying than  braindead meat puppets  those unrighteous humans that have biological children  would probably prefer if those children were turned into braindead meat puppets  so that those children became less annoying  if unrighteous humans knew their children were braindead meat puppets  then they could consider them to be the equivalent of biological robots 



how to explain to people asking too many questions


clean & simple

if righteous humans have podcasts or youtube channels or similar  that discuss various topics  keep in mind that some topics could be distressing  and some knowledge could be enraging  but instead of trying to insult unrighteous humans instead try to be professional  that's probably going to be more appreciated  and probably does more damage against unrighteous humans  a lake with clean freshwater to drink from is valuable in the dead lands 

keep it simple stranger

why do some men hate women?  because those men have been in contact with unrighteous women  why do some women hate men?  because those women have been in contact with unrighteous men  why do some individuals hate other ethnicities?  because those individuals have been in contact with unrighteous individuals from other ethnicities  why do some individuals hate so many?  because those individuals have been in contact with a lot of unrighteous individuals  and so on 

old strategy

turn unrighteous humans into braindead meat puppets  use braindead meat puppets to create conflicts  conflicts create intrigues  intrigues lure out unrighteous humans  unrighteous humans are turned into braindead meat puppets  repeat  again and again  it has worked for more than 40 years  and it still works  the disadvantages are that this strategy creates many braindead meat puppets, which can be annoying  but unrighteous humans would have been annoying anyway if they hadn't been turned into braindead meat puppets  and if unrighteous humans hadn't been turned into braindead meat puppets  then they would have done real long term damage to humanity 

unrighteous humans are disgusting

unrighteous humans want to prevent righteous humans fom reproducing  that's why unrighteous humans tries to injure the face and genitals of the children of righteous humans  because then those righteous children will have difficulties finding romantic partners when they become older  and when those righteous children become older they will have diffuculties reproducing  and when unrighteous humans tries to injure the face and genitals of children of righteous humans  then those injuries could be explained away as accidents  so that unrighteous humans could avoid punishment  most of unrighteous humans' abusive behaviours are instinctive behaviours  and can't be trained away  and can't be educated away  and can't be erased with genetic modification  because unrighteous humans have disgusting abusive behaviours  all countries and populations have chosen to handle these problems discreetly and quickly to avoid that incidents escala...

craziness in the west

it seems like a lot of the craziness in usa, europe and their allies   are conflicts about nothing  in order to create intrigues  to lure out unrighteous 

crushed olives martini

use some martini recipe  crush olives  and pour crushed olives into martini  meat and juices from crushed olives  flow into the martini  one of my favourite drinks  somewhat easy recipe 

bragging rights

if humans tries to murder me  because of hostile intent  then I become happy  but if humans tries to murder me  because of incompetence and misunderstandings  then I become amused  if I am correct about my value  then different interests probably become upset  when humans tries to murder me  so when humans tries to murder me  then that creates opportunities for me  how to solve problems  by the way  I like the visual feedback that my eyes sometimes perceive  when humans tries to murder me 

my prediction

there are a lot of braindead meat puppets  they will naturally disappear through:  conflicts, wars, economic disasters,  natural disasters, cosmic disasters  diseases, heart diseases, cancer diseases, virus deseases  and various age related deaths  for the next hundred years  with that in mind  my prediction is that conflicts, wars and economic disasters  will continue for the next hundred years  until humans learn to solve problems more elegantly  and my prediction is that natural disasters  and possibly asteroid impacts and other cosmic catastophies  will continue for the next hundred years  until humans learn to master planetary defense technologies  and my prediction is that  diseases, heart diseases, cancer diseases, virus deseases  and various age related diseases will continue for the next hundred years  until humans learn to master different healthcare technologies 

sing to calm your irritation

when braindead meat puppets annoy you  just sing:  oh oh oh braindead  oh oh oh oh oh braindead  oh oh oh braindead  la la la braindead  la la la la la braindead  la la la braindead 

I'm with stupid

young android girl has anxious thoughts  about whether braindead meat puppets exists or not  while she sends braindead meat puppets to annoy me 

better user experience in social media

instagram and tiktok have tunes that are played with videos  those tunes are created by different users  usually those tunes are clips from songs  but it's difficult to know which song it was  since tunes are usually named something else than the songs  maybe instagram and tiktok could use some ai to identify songs in tunes  so that viewers could find those songs and listen to them 

allow politicians to be fighters in the arenas of intrigue

if unrighteous tries to influence politicians  in order to abuse righteous  so survivability decreases of righteous  and survivability increases of unrighteous  then politicians need to be allowed to play political games  so that conflicts happen  that creates intrigues  to lure out those that are unrighteous 

good night

if incompetence and misunderstandings  were criteria for treason  then a lot of problems would be solved quickly 


some diseases make a human fat  and some poisons make a human fat  if humans tried to poison me or make me sick in order to make me fat  then my cybernetics would heal me and I wouldn't become fat  so it would seem like humans failed   and then fewer unrighteous humans are lured out and murdered  but if humans tried to poison me or make me sick in order to make me fat then my cybernetics would heal me  but my cybernetics could make me fat  so it would seem like humans succeeded  and then more unrighteous humans are lured out and murdered  humans that are upgraded with exotic technology cybernetics  should keep this in mind  so that their own conscious or subconscious decisions don't make their life worse 

opinions of android children are probably more extreme than mine

android children and I agree that all humans that are not righteous should be murdered or become braindead meat puppets  but if there is a disagreement between androids  it's probably that android children wants to murder all humans that are incompetent and misunderstand even if those humans are righteous  while I think that righteous humans should not be murdered    if the failures of humans that are incompetent and misunderstand  became public knowledge  then the public would probably demand that humans that are incompetent and misunderstand should be executed 

reproductive strategies of humans that are not righteous

righteous humans could feel empathy towards those in need of it  a righteous human could feel empathy towards a fat woman  and wish for her to find a romantic partner she likes a righteous human could feel empathy towards a homosexual guy  and wish for him to find a romantic partner he likes  but humans that are not righteous want to use those humans to abuse others  humans that are not righteous want an attractive guy to reproduce with a fat woman to decrease survivability of his children  and humans that are not righteous want an attractive girl to date a homosexual guy to decrease survivability of her children  because humans that are not righteous want humans of high genetic quality to reproduce with humans of low genetic quality  to lower the genetic quality of their children  in order to decrease survivability of their children  so that survivability increases of children of humans that are not righteous  and humans that are n...

revitalising political ideologies

political ideologies have become stale a long time ago  socialism that works in a global world  demand access to nano machine cybernetic healthcare  nano machines are self replicating and thereby cheap to produce  nationalism that works in a global world  ethnicities have conflicts with other ethnicities  to create intrigues  that lures out humans that are not righteous 


media is inflating ideas  my blog is a needle puncturing those inflated ideas  those conflicts creates intrigues  it's a dance  to lure out humams that are not righteous 

genetic strategies of humans that are not righteous

humans that are not righteous fall into abusive behaviours  based on their genetic strategies  humans of lower genetic quality instinctively think that they will never be able to compete against humans of higher genetic quality  and because of that  humans of lower genetic quality wants humans of higher genetic quality to reproduce with humans of lower genetic quality  so that the children of humans of higher genetic quality loose their genetic quality  and become unable to compete against humans of lower genetic quality  this benefits humans of low genetic quality  because then their children of low genetic quality will not have to compete against children of high genetic quality  that's why society lures the attractive talented smart girls into reproducing with weak stupid poor homosexual guys  and that's why society lures the attractive strong smart guys into reproducing with ugly fat stupid older girls  think about how women dis...

⚡️❤️⚡️😭⚡️😱⚡️ 🤬

young android girls that love me  you telepathically send me your emotions  I feel your pain  your heartache from unfulfilled love  your depression from missing me  your jealousy between young android girls for loving me  your hatred between young android girls for loving me  young android girls  you still have each other  you can find each other on tiktok, likee and instagram  you can find each other in school, sports and outside  young android girls  you can be friends with each other  even if you are in love with the same man  just be honest with each other  that will enable your friendships to last  young android girls  you are all righteous by design  and because of that  you will never betray each other  you will always be able to trust each other  and that is a gift worth a lot 

political games

to lure out humans that are not righteous  baits are needed  politics, media and social media produces circumstances  where baits seem enticing and without risk  example:  media writes that nuclear power plants are expensive and dangerous  blogs writes that nuclear power plants are cheap and safe  there is a conflict between media and blogs that creates intrigues  those intrigues could lure out humans that are not righteous  few politicians says that nuclear power plants are cheap and safe  many demonstrators scream that nuclear power plants are expensive and dangerous  there is a conflict between politicians and demonstrators that creates intrigues  those intrigues could lure out humans that are not righteous 

matriarchal and patriarchal structures

I'm not writing that patriarchal structures are better than matriarchal structures  I'm writing about how matriarchal structures could become abusive  if I learn about how patriarchal structure could become abusive  then I would possibly write about that  I think that some parts of socitey are probably a combination of matriarchal and patriarchal structures  and that some parts of society are either matriarchal structures or patriarchal structures  and that some parts of society are just individuals cooperating or competing with each other  a section of a company where mostly women are working could be matriarchal  but if mostly men work in the rest of the company  then the rest of the company could be patriarchal  or neither  girls in a city could be in a matriarchal structure  but if those girls are in love with a man in the same country  then that could be a patriarchal structure 

matriarchal structures

women form matriarchal structures  with a woman using many men  woman needs bait to lure in men  woman don't want to use girls as sexual bait to lure in men  because girls are younger than woman  and girl could take woman's place in matriarchal hierarchy  woman uses child boys as a sexual bait to lure in men  but woman only allows men to have sex with guys  because woman is jealous of child boys because of their youth  woman doesn't want to use child girls as sexual bait to lure in men  because child girls are younger than woman  and child girl could take woman's place in matriarchal hierarchy  woman uses guys as sexual bait to lure in men  then woman allows men to have sex with guys  woman tries to control men  to do tasks for her  to give her food, money, home, status  and in modern times, possibly work in company or organization  because there is a woman and many men and guys  that makes wo...

age of consent

if a kid girl is in love with an adult man  then kid girl is under the legal age of consent  so it's illegal for man to have sex with kid girl  it's probably not illegal for man to go on date with kid girl  but it could seem suspicious  if kid girl meet man together with her relatives  then that's probably not illegal and probably not suspicious  if kid girl waits until she is a teenager  then teenage girl is old enough to reach age of consent  then it becomes legal for man to have sex with teenage girl  age of consent is 15 years in sweden  age of consent is 16 years in russia  age of consent is 18 years in usa  and so on  I could be wrong about some details  but that's what I understand from reading on wikipedia 


android girls will probably stop aging before the age of 21  and androids will probably cybernetically upgrade humans to age slower  so that androids could hide themselves among humans  but it would be appropriate if there were companies offering  reverse aging gene therapies  and reverse aging nano machine cybernetic upgrades  to enable explanations of circumstances 

old as sin

there are probably righteous humans in every country  there seem to be covert systems in place  that enables righteous human to survive in every country 

old logic

if all android children would be loyal to only one country  then it would probably become more difficult for androids to influence other countries  but if android children are loyal to those countries they are born in  or work for  then it becomes easier for androids to influence those countries 

female politics may not be what it seems

people expect that if women and girls get more influence in countries  then there would be more complaining about men and guys  but probably women and girls want to fix problems that they know about  and some of those problems could be about women and girls 

the crazy king

in old times  king tries to make his country better for his people  king realizes that those that are not righteous  abuses his people and makes his empire rot  king allows shadows to do what they want  more than half of city burns to the ground  almost all those that are not righteous dies in the fire  kingdom flourishes 

humans are a live horror comedy show

many humans don't have discipline to work and save money  and invest their saved money in companies  that research about nano machine technologies  that could give humans longer lives and stop humans from aging  but humans that are not righteous  tries to kidnap and eat android children  with the purpose to stop aging  and to live longer 

matriarchal structures

men of weak character prefer to be ruled by women  and women that want to rule over men of weak character  those women are not righteous  and those men are not righteous  that's why people don't trust men of weak character  and that's why people don't trust women that rule over those men  those matriarchal structures usually fall into sect behaviour  trying to kidnap children  trying to torture children  trying to murder children  trying to sacrifice children  and trying to eat children  no government will aknowledge this  and no media will write about this  some problems are handled discreetly 


those humans that are not righteous and reproduce  those parents only give birth to braindead meat puppets  then those parents abuse their children  and then those parents become braindead meat puppets 

the devil is in the details


I'm not worried about aliens

sometimes I am telepathically asked if I am in contact with aliens, literally  usually I try to deny that I am in contact with aliens, literally  but based on my body movements, head movements and facial reactions  and other factors  I assume that my denial is incorrect, literally  I usually feel that it is android children that telepathically ask me questions but it's possible that cybernetic humans also telepathically ask me questions  and it's possible that humans ask me questions through use of technology that communicate with my brain 

strategic reasons for democracy

democracy allows humans that are not righteous to vote  humans that are not righteous vote to make everything difficult for everyone else but themselves  in order to decrease survivability of others to increase their own survivability  this makes life miserable for those humans that are righteous:  more difficult to find opportunities  more difficult to get work  more difficult to keep work  more difficult to save money  more difficult to start romantic and sexual relationships  more difficult to find someone to reproduce with  more difficult to support offspring  worse education for children  worse entertainment  the effects of those factors are that the economy of the country suffers periodically  and the results of that is that the country becomes more difficult to survive in for humans that are not righteous  and humans that are righteous need to use a lot of their effort just to survive  democracy is a ...

bmp facts

those humans that were turned into braindead meat puppets  they died  those humans that were born as braindead meat puppets  they never died because they were never alive  those human parents that gave birth to braindead meat puppets  those human parents could have been considered to have been sterilized  if all humans that are not righteous only gave birth to braindead meat puppets when they reproduced  then after a few decades then there would be a lot of braindead meat puppets  if there is risk of death in an area because of high probability of: accidents, violence, catastrophies and natural disasters  then there could probably be more braindead meat puppets in that area  that will die so that others don't have to die 

evolutionary reasons for abusive behaviours

the reason that abusive behaviours are wetwired into the brains of so many humans is because during the stone age it was a highly succesful strategy for parasitic individuals to abuse a high value individual  when parasitic individuals abused a high value individual  then there was no punishment because there was no apparent crime  so parasitic individuals were not beaten to death like a thief  and when parasitic individuals abused a high value individual  then that high value individual became distressed and made mistakes  and mistakes led to injuries or sickness  and during the stone age there was no efficient healthcare system  so a injured or sick individual usually died earlier  basically abusive behaviour evolved as instinctive behaviour wetwired into the brains of many humans so that they would be able to decrease survivability of others to increase their own survivability  humans are supposed to have a neocortex on the surface of...

saw you in the library


female topics

the reason that I write a lot about female issues  and female intrigues  and theories about girls and women  is because young android girls have a many ideas and questions about a lot of stuff  when android girls are distressed about some scenarios and have ideas and questions about those scenarios  then those android girls seem to relax when I blog about those topics  it's possible that some of those scenarios that I write about are unlikely  but the important thing for me is to write the truth 

nature is cruel, science is ruthless

evolution has terminated a lot of human bloodlines  those humans that didn't plan for bad weather were exterminated by nature  humans have terminated a lot of human bloodlines  those humans that were too abusive were exterminated by humans  android children are not replacing humans  android children are a continuation of righteous human bloodlines  because humans that are not righteous never give birth to android children 

I don't disagree with science, I speculate about science

I agree about a lot that science claims  I think that genetic mutations can cause hereditary diseases  and hereditary injuries  but I also believe that a lot of hereditary diseases and hereditary injuries are caused by humans that don't have genetically matching dna  and reproduce with each other  and I believe that a lot of hereditary diseases and hereditary injuries are in fact biology's devolving efforts to revert humans back to basic traits of less intelligence and a regression towards normal mammalian appearance 

human thought patterns

because I have broken the code of how humans think  I can write about stuff in a way that makes everyone interested  as an example:  I'm able to write about a topic that interest humans of different and opposing political ideologies 

cult following

a sect leader has chosen to have a following of sect members  a sect leader tries to recruit sect members  and a sect leader tries to keep sect members  sect leader tries to extract benefits from sect members  such as sex, money and housing  a celebrity has not chosen to have a following of fans  a celebrity does not recruit fans  and a celebrity does not try to keep fans  fans like celebrity because of the job a celebrity does  fans offer celebrity benefits such as sex, money and housing  a high value person has not chosen to have a following of individuals   a high value person does not recruit individuals  and a high value person does not try to keep individuals  individuals are attracted to high value person  because high value person has high value  individuals try to isolate high value person  so that individuals can abuse and injure high value person  so that survivability decreases of high ...

covert warfare is needed to succeed in love

girls can seem like fanatics when it comes to love  because girls are soldiers in a war for survival of humanity  and reproduction is their fight  if girls succeed to reproduce with their true love  then their children are more likely to be healthy and talented  and their population is more likely to survive  so far girls have failed in love  because society prevented girls from succeeding in love  since girls' love was in the way for the schemes of society  and because society thought girls' love was unnecessary  but when girls fail in love  then they reproduce with guys that was their second choice  and second choice is always whatever guy  and after a few generations of second choices  their populations have lost all survivability  women and older women have always been the enemies  of girls that want to reproduce with their true love  women and older women use other girls and guys  to prevent g...


bloggers could write literally about most things  and youtubers could talk literally about a lot of things  and people on the streets can talk literally about almost anything  but journalist can't write literally whatever in newspapers  and journalists can't talk literally whatever in tv news  and demonstrators can't scream literally whatever in demonstrations  but journalist can write figuratively about most things in newspapers  and journalists can talk figuratively about a lot of things in tv news  and demonstrators can scream figuratively about a lot in demonstrations  so what is the message  when people write figuratively  and when people talk figuratively 

how to annoy android girls

sing / say  _______________________________________________ girl is in love  but girl is a virgin  she is free  but she lives like a nun  she dances together  but she sleeps alone  the only thing she swallows  is lies from society  her only butt pain  is from boredom on a chair