unrighteous humans are disgusting
unrighteous humans want to prevent righteous humans fom reproducing
that's why unrighteous humans tries to injure the face and genitals of the children of righteous humans
because then those righteous children will have difficulties finding romantic partners when they become older
and when those righteous children become older they will have diffuculties reproducing
and when unrighteous humans tries to injure the face and genitals of children of righteous humans
then those injuries could be explained away as accidents
so that unrighteous humans could avoid punishment
most of unrighteous humans' abusive behaviours are instinctive behaviours
and can't be trained away
and can't be educated away
and can't be erased with genetic modification
because unrighteous humans have disgusting abusive behaviours
all countries and populations have chosen to handle these problems discreetly and quickly to avoid that incidents escalate into uncontrollable conflicts that could kill righteous humans
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