strategic reasons for democracy

democracy allows humans that are not righteous to vote 
humans that are not righteous vote to make everything difficult for everyone else but themselves 
in order to decrease survivability of others to increase their own survivability 

this makes life miserable for those humans that are righteous: 
more difficult to find opportunities 
more difficult to get work 
more difficult to keep work 
more difficult to save money 
more difficult to start romantic and sexual relationships 
more difficult to find someone to reproduce with 
more difficult to support offspring 
worse education for children 
worse entertainment 

the effects of those factors are that the economy of the country suffers periodically 

and the results of that is that the country becomes more difficult to survive in for humans that are not righteous 

and humans that are righteous need to use a lot of their effort just to survive 

democracy is a system that allows humans that are not righteous to make their own habitat more difficult to survive in 


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