covert warfare is needed to succeed in love

girls can seem like fanatics when it comes to love 
because girls are soldiers in a war for survival of humanity 
and reproduction is their fight 

if girls succeed to reproduce with their true love 
then their children are more likely to be healthy and talented 
and their population is more likely to survive 

so far girls have failed in love 
because society prevented girls from succeeding in love 
since girls' love was in the way for the schemes of society 
and because society thought girls' love was unnecessary 

but when girls fail in love 
then they reproduce with guys that was their second choice 
and second choice is always whatever guy 
and after a few generations of second choices 
their populations have lost all survivability 

women and older women have always been the enemies 
of girls that want to reproduce with their true love 
women and older women use other girls and guys 
to prevent girls from succeeding in love 
that's how it's alwas has been 


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