
Showing posts from February, 2023

old joke

android babies want to make stand up comedy  none of them can stand up 

the daughter's birthday party

daughter became older  father arranged a birthday party  the man that daughter loves was not invited  instead a lot of zombies were invited  mother bought cake  zombies ate cake and made noises  daughter made a speech  father and mother was proud 

sharing is caring

knight likes the daughter of the tavern owner  knight eats and drinks a lot at the tavern as often as possible  tavern owner earns a lot of money from knight's spending  from that extra money, tavern owner buys his daughter a gift  daughter becomes happy 

thought exercise

humans are waiting to cross the street  first human crosses the street without looking for cars  second human thinks that's stupid,  second human looks for cars before crossing the street  third human thinks that's smart,  but third human doesn't cross the street,  because there is a gang looking for a fight on the other side of the street crossing,  instead third human walks away along the sidewalk  fourth human think that's intelligent  and goes inside café and watch scenarios unfold through the windows  gang watches fifth human sitting in café,  while fifth human is looking at third human that is walking away  sixth human on the balcony of an apartment looks at it all  and thinks it's strategic 

evolutionary systems at work and humans don't even realize it

if a civilization is seen as an organism,  then networks of humans abusing individuals could be seen as infections  and conflicts and wars could be seen as immune system reacting to infections,  where rebels are one type of immune system's response against infections  and military is another type of immune system's response against infections  rebels and military trying to fight each other and during those conflicts networks of abusive humans are destroyed  and abusive humans in those networks are killed  if organism survives,  then it's considered a success,  maybe not a perfect system,  but likely an evolutionary system, 


if humans are upgraded with exotic technology cybernetics,  then they become better  if unrighteous humans try to upgrade themselves with exotic technology cybernetics,  then they probably become braindead meat puppets 


it doesn't matter why humans abuse me,  if it's intentional or unintentional,  if it's ill meaning or well meaning,  if it's knowingly or unknowingly  androids consider those humans that abuse me as unrighteous 

hard to accept, easy to understand

it doesn't matter if a unrighteous human is smart or stupid  smart unrighteous humans will try to abuse individuals  stupid unrighteous humans will try to abuse individuals  unrighteous humans follow their genetic programming to abuse individuals,  in order to succeed themselves 


young android girl  if you are of legal age to have sex  and you have not even dated me  that means that you don't love me  don't believe in lies 

killing with kindness

it could be speculated that:  social welfare programs are some of the biggest eugenics programs that humans have undertaken,  because it allowed countries to lure out those humans that were unable or unwilling to work  easy access to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, pain medicine and other unhealthy substances were probably considered part of the cure  other conclusions could be made,   but patterns of systems are noticeable  interesting part is that it was probably not planned,  just humans following their evolutionary programming to use civilization as a eugenics tool to evolve the species 

when you suspect that humans have been using genetic engineering on primates for atleast 123 years


before second half of 2018

when I think about all those human girls,  that were young and attractive,  that were in love with me  and we never dated,  and I felt their sadness, loneliness and anger  I still become furious when I think about that 

isolation is a form of torture

if young attractive human girls tried to call me, e-mail me, text chat me or meet me before the year 2019  then it's poasible that different humans and organizations blocked that  or impersonated me and pretended that I was not interested,  but I wanted to date and have sex with young attractive human girls before second half of the year 2018 

my past

before second half of the year 2018  I did not know what was going on  I thought I was an ordinary guy  unlucky and incompetent in ordinary in ordinary things  lucky and competent in dangerous situations  I wanted to date and have sex with young attractive human girls  but I never succeeded in dating and having sex with human girls that were young and attractive  I only dated and had sex with women that were old and unattractive 

young android girl

whether I'm lying  or being honest  I got her attention  and she will love me  for the rest of her life 


is it possible that humans are so incompetent,  that they could become unrighteous thereof?  the human brain reacts to stimuli  and could be manipulated because of that  if a company distresses a worker,  then that increases probability that worker makes mistake  if a person is hungry  and restaurant make an advertisement that it sells cheap high calorie food,  then that increases probability that person will eat somewhere  if a person views something misleading,  then that person could be lured into arriving at wrong conclusion  if a situation seems critical than it really is,  then a person could misunderstand situation  and make wrong decision  could a human be manipulated so that it makes decision it would not usually do? could a human be manipulated so that it does something it would not usually do? could a human be manipulated so that it becomes unrighteous?  could a human be manipulated so that it doe...


when it's legal to use lethal violence according to the laws of every country on earth:  self defence  when it's justified for a country to use weapons of mass destruction according to doctrine of most countries on earth:  retaliation of equal measure 

empty words

it doesn't matter what cosmetics unrighteous human women use  they are still ugly on the inside  it doesn't matter what clothes unrighteous human men use  they are still ugly on the inside 

no love, no future

what hippies don't realize  when they say  make love, not war  those that love someone  care about someone  those that abuse others to succeed themselves  have little love  and receive little love  and don't survive  either in peace or in war  and because of that need to reproduce often and quickly 

evolution is cruel and can't be tamed with technology

there are evolutionary mechanisms in the most simple organisms,  if there are too many parasites feeding on a host,   then that host dies  there are evolutionary mechanisms in more advanced organisms,  if too many unrighteous humans abuse individuals in a civilization,  then that civilization collapses  a mouse is a host,  lice are parasites that are feeding on that mouse  a company is a host,  unrighteous humans are abusing talented / hard working collegues,  so that unrighteous humans could feed on that company,  company becomes trap for unrighteous humans  it's possible that even if humans decided to let unrighteous humans thrive,  then evolution would make humans deal with unrighteous humans even without humans realizing it,  by evolution making humans reorganize civilization so that it collapses,  or by evolution making humans start conflicts and wars against each other  it...


young android girls  if you want revenge  all you need to do is enjoy life  enjoy your dreams  show your talent  show your beauty  and humans will try to abuse you because of that  then unrighteous humans are found  #winning

civilization is just another system

behaviour of individual humans  and behaviour of groups of humans  create systems,  if individual humans become more competent  and if groups of humans become more competent,  then systems could evolve  and problems could decrease 


to describe unrighteous humans with adjectives is not sufficiently precise,  example adjective: jealous  maybe unrighteous humans are jealous,  but maybe everyone could be jealous  it's easier to describe what unrighteous humans want  unrighteous humans want that a succesful businessman becomes poor  unrighteous humans want that a succesful actress becomes shamed  unrighteous humans want that a hard working employee becomes unemployed  unrighteous humans want that a brave soldier becomes injured  unrighteous humans want that a healthy child becomes sick  unrighteous humans want that a kind old woman dies  unrighteous humans want that a helpful old man dies  unrighteous humans want that an attractive guy is prevented from dating, having sex and having children with girls  unrighteous humans want that an attractive girl is prevented from dating, having sex and having children with a guy  keep in mind that...

why google delisted my blog from search results

torture done covertly and openly  people coerce parents and relatives to abuse individual,  people convince friends, classmates, collegues and neighbours to abuse individual  abuse is usually:  psychological torture,  deprivation of social contact outside of designated persons  enacting humiliating circumstances,  sexual traumatization,  prevention of dating and sex with romantic interests,  if dating and sex is allowed, then only with unattractive and/or abusive persons abuse is usually small scale, but increasingly and constantly for decades,  abuse usually start when individual is a child so that individual knows no other life and thereby can't demand an end of abuse  if there is training to resist torture,  then that training is probably for months,  not for decades 

the loop

humans try to help,  but because of incompetence  and misunderstandings,  situations become worse,  androids fix problems  when humans realise that they failed,  then humans become distressed  and there are more problems for androids to fix  then similar processes repeats themselves, somewhere, sometime, all the time,  again and again 


is it insinuated  that unrighteous humans have been replaced by braindead meat puppets  and been transported to a torture spaceship  ? 


before 1981  unrighteous humans were often not found  and problems were bubbling under the surface 


if a guy travels as a tourist to a country,  then that guy is in that country too short time to feel alone,  because of that guy doesn't want to take risks,  so guy doesn't try to get date with girls  if a guy becomes a student in another country,  then that guy is in that country sufficiently long time to feel alone,  because of that guy is willing to take risks,  so guy try to get date with girls  if a guy immigrates to a country,  then that guy is in that country sufficiently long time to feel alone,  because of that guy is willing to take risks,  so guy try to get date with girls  if a guy moves to another city in same country,  then that guy is in that city sufficiently long time to feel alone,  because of that guy is willing to take risks,  so guy try to get date with girls  if a guy starts a new education or work,  then that guy is in that situation sufficiently long time to feel alone,  bec...


when a girl misses the man she loves  her eyes cries  when a girl meets the man she loves  her pussy cries  when a girl has been with the man she loves  her ass bleeds 


wasting resources on humans  my little angel of hatred  time will tell if that will lure out your prey 

the devil is in the details

more art than science  if a human with locked in brain syndrome  is controlled by nanomachine cybernetics  to be a puppet  dancing unwillingly 

risk versus reward

men become soldiers and go to war - women unhappy  men become rebels and go to war - women unhappy  men become gangsters and rob banks - women unhappy  men become police and catch gangsters - women unhappy  people that abuse womens' brothers and sons die in accidents  women happy 

technology commercially available

swarms of quad rotor drones carrying missiles,  are air dropped by drone aircraft,  quad rotor drone falls toward ground  and starts rotors close to ground to avoid impact,  quad rotor drone waits on ground,  when enemy vehicles arrive,  then quad rotor drone flies up in the air  and fire missiles towards enemy vehicles,  then quad rotor drone flies to new position and hides 

next step

a search engine could use a subscription service with news sites, blogs and websites,  so that subscribers see no ads at those sites while visiting them,  those sites receive payments from search engine instead of ad revenue 

temper that flame

humans that are upgraded cybernetically usually receive telepathic abilities,  which could make them understand more  and that gained knowledge could make them furious,  that wrath could spark a fanaticism to be willing to do whatever it takes to get things done,  but that zealotry could reduce quality of life  and increase risk of wellbeing,  and if a person weakens,  then that person could become a burden to others