is it possible that humans are so incompetent,
that they could become unrighteous thereof?
the human brain reacts to stimuli
and could be manipulated because of that
if a company distresses a worker,
then that increases probability that worker makes mistake
if a person is hungry
and restaurant make an advertisement that it sells cheap high calorie food,
then that increases probability that person will eat somewhere
if a person views something misleading,
then that person could be lured into arriving at wrong conclusion
if a situation seems critical than it really is,
then a person could misunderstand situation
and make wrong decision
could a human be manipulated so that it makes decision it would not usually do?
could a human be manipulated so that it does something it would not usually do?
could a human be manipulated so that it becomes unrighteous?
could a human be manipulated so that it does something that makes it unrighteous?
action which is not usually permitted,
could be permitted if circumstances are appropriate:
lethal violence as self defence,
lethal violence to defend others
revenge is usually not a legally sufficient reason to use lethal violence,
but during war, countries use lethal violence as a response,
whether it's revenge or not,
but then it's called retaliation
could those simple principles be misunderstood by a human if that human is manipulated?
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