evolution is cruel and can't be tamed with technology

there are evolutionary mechanisms in the most simple organisms, 
if there are too many parasites feeding on a host,  
then that host dies 

there are evolutionary mechanisms in more advanced organisms, 
if too many unrighteous humans abuse individuals in a civilization, 
then that civilization collapses 

a mouse is a host, 
lice are parasites that are feeding on that mouse 

a company is a host, 
unrighteous humans are abusing talented / hard working collegues, 
so that unrighteous humans could feed on that company, 
company becomes trap for unrighteous humans 

it's possible that even if humans decided to let unrighteous humans thrive, 
then evolution would make humans deal with unrighteous humans even without humans realizing it, 
by evolution making humans reorganize civilization so that it collapses, 
or by evolution making humans start conflicts and wars against each other 

it's possible that evolution control humans more than humans realize, 
conflicts, wars and collapse of civilizations are probably just systems that evolution use to cleanse a species that allowed too many parasitic individuals to thrive 

humans could be bred to become smarter, faster and stronger, 
humans could be genetically engineered to become smarter, faster and stronger, 
but unrighteous humans that are smarter, faster and stronger will become more able to abuse individuals in a civilization 

humans are not parasites because they go on welfare or don't study hard or are lazy at work 

unrighteous humans are parasites because they abuse others so that they can succeed themselves 


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