I don't want humans pouring food on my tent

when I woke up in my tent and went outside in the late morning 
then I saw what looked like an animal had shit on my tent 
but the substance was not the color of bird shit 
and it was too high up for a dog to have done it 
so when I looked closer 
then I saw that it was food 
and that food was poured on another side of the tent 
closer to the ground 

I don't want humans pouring food on my tent 
it's disgusting 
especially since I'm homeless 

I don't have much money 
so when humans pour food and fluids on my tent 
and throw rocks and tree branches on my tent 
then that ruins my tent 
and buying a new tent costs money 
and since I don't have much money 
then it decreases my survivability 
when humans pour food and fluids on my tent 
and throw rocks and tree branches on my tent 


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