alien telepathic message

last night when I was lying in my tent 
then I telepathically saw a visual message 
it was insinuated that the message was sent from aliens 
but I thought that it was possible 
that the message was sent from android children 

in the telepathic visual message I saw a metal gear 
and I wondered what the meaning was 
then I saw a world war 1 type of tank 

so I realized that the meaning was 
that when humans got access to more advanced technology 
then they built weapons 
which they used in war 

so when I continue to think through that logic 
then I realize that the meaning is 
that if humans get access to more advanced technology 
then they will try to build more advanced weapons 
which could lead to a global war between humans 

and if humans after that 
get access to even more advanced technology 
then they will try to build even more advanced weapons 
which could lead to a war between humans and aliens 

my conclusion is that I doubt if humans are ready 
to get access to more advanced technology 
but I still want humans to get access to more advanced technology 
because a global war between humans 
could decrease survivability of unrighteous humans 
and a war between humans and aliens 
could decrease survivability of unrighteous humans 
and unrighteous aliens 


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