give chaos a chance

if righteous individuals influence 
politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and workers 
then the economy of a country will develop in a natural way 
companies, businessmen and workers will earn money 
bureaucracy will not hinder companies, businessmen and workers 
from earning money 
and politicians will help those that are in need 

but if unrighteous individuals influence 
politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and workers 
then the economy of a country will develop in a unnatural way 
companies, businessmen and workers will earn less money 
bureaucracy will prevent companies, businessmen and workers 
from earning money 
and politicians will waste money 

because unrighteous wants to abuse others 
to weaken others 
in order to strengthen themselves 

humans usually tries to avoid that unrighteous individuals influence 
politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and workers 
to avoid economic catastrophy in a country 
but then fewer unrighteous individuals will be lured out 

if unrighteous are unable to influence 
politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and workers 
then the economy of the country will develop 
and people will get more money 
but fewer unrighteous individuals will be lured out 
so that more unrighteous individuals survive 
and unrighteous individuals will reproduce more and more 
until the survivability of the country's population decreases too much 

but if unrighteous are able to influence 
politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and workers 
then the country will have an economic catastrophy 
and people will get less money 
but more unrighteous individuals will be lured out 
so that less unrighteous individuals survive
and unrighteous individuals will reproduce less and less 
until the survivability of the country's population increases a lot 

so when there are no more unrighteous individuals 
and when no more unrighteous individuals are born 
then there will only be righteous individuals alive 
and when those righteous individuals influence 
politicians, bureaucrats, businessmen and workers 
then the economy of the country will develop 
and people will get more money 


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